
One Way Ticket on Visit Visa

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Is it mandatory for a passenger travelling on Visit Visa to hold two way ticket? Can he travel with one way ticket to Riyadh from India? Please advise.

See also

Iqama visa in Saudi ArabiaVisas in Saudi ArabiaIqama expiring in a week - can I travel to Bahrain over weekend?IQAMA renewal after the 90-Day probi periodExit & Re-entry Visa but One Way Ticket

I don't know about this country, but when applying for a European or a US visa, they need to see a return ticket/booking as part of the visa application.

When applying for Saudi visit visa, do they ask for a ticket or a booking as part of the visa application?  If they don't, then you can buy whatever kind of ticket when actually traveling.  They will not say anything at either airport.

They didn't ask to produce the Onward or Return ticket at Saudi Embassy/Consulate at home country. So, the issue pertains to boarding the flight.


Yeah don't worry about that.  When boarding they only check the ticket for that leg of the journey.

Does anybody has recent experience on this matter as I am getting conflicting inputs about this? More particularly, if anybody has experience from India then please advise.


yes they will ask two way ticket recently my freind family come from hyderabad to riyadh and they just have one way ticket but when she go for boarding they ask two way ticket they not give boarding then she purchased return ticket in airport after that only they allow to travel

Thank you for the response. This helps a lot!


Better to have return ticket with you, this is my experience.

The problem comes when you extend the visa and you don't know when your family has to go back and you have to pay some 300 per ticket for the change...


Zeesham wrote:

Better to have return ticket with you, this is my experience.

The problem comes when you extend the visa and you don't know when your family has to go back and you have to pay some 300 per ticket for the change...

Most people do is, book an 'open' return ticket, so that you can change the flight as desired.
Of course, the cost is higher than regular tickets ;)


Visit visa means you are on a visit and intend to go back. So in any country if you are going on visit visa , you need to "have" / show a return ticket. This can be a dummy or a real one. For KSA you need a return ticket and if you visa is extended you can extend it as well.

Thank you for the reply.

If we want to reschedule the travel(change the dates) in Saudi Arabian Airlines(SV), is it mandatory to do the same 3 days before the travel date. I ask because it would be tough to reschedule 3 days in case of Visit Visa as we would not be certain whether the Visit Visa would be extended or not and hence the need to reschedule the ticket. So, I am wondering, what is the minimum notice SV needs to push the dates? Any idea?


48 hours before

Thank you.

How many days earlier can we submit the passport for Visit Visa extension?


in riyadh 6 days


Is the company liable to give u ticket once you resign and go on final exit??

is there anything in the labor law??

company says that it will pay on final exit if u complete 10 years service.


This is purely HR related question and I am sure you would get better responses if this question would be posted as a fresh post. Moderators, can you move the above post and along with my response please?

My knowledge (and I believe it's legally correct as well according to labor laws of Kingdom):

- Your end of service (EOS) starts as soon as you finish first year.

- But you are only eligible to receive it after you finishes 2 years with same sponsor.

- So if you finishes one year and resign /terminated, no EOS.

- If you are terminated after 2 years, the company will give you EOS for 2 years. Same would be the case with any additional years. For example if you are terminated after 7 years; you are entitled for 7 years EOS.

- There is a difference in being terminated by sponsor and resigning by yourself.

- If you resign in between 2 to 5 years of service, you are entitled only to 1/3 of your total calculated EOS.

- If you resign in between 5 to 10 years of service, you are entitled only to 2/3 of your total calculated EOS.

- If you resign after 10 years years of service, you are entitled to complete total of your calculated EOS.

EOS calculation:

- It is always calculated with the last package you are getting (including allowances according to new labor law amendment going to be active from coming 1st of Muharram).

- From1-5 years, 1/2 of salary for every year.

- From 6 years onwards, full salary for every year.

Now let me give an example to explain complete scenario:

- You last salary is SAR 10,000.00

- You resigns after finishing 8 years with same sponsor.

- Total calculated EOS years = 2.5 (First five years) + 3 (last 3 years) = 5.5 years.

- Total calculated EOS = 10,000 x 5.5 = 55,000.00

- Entitled due to resign = 2/3 x 55,000 = SAR. 36,667.00

Regarding return ticket on final exit - Unless there is some negotiations in between both of you; Your employee MUST provide it. It would be ILLEGAL for him for not doing specially if he is terminating.

I am not a professional in HR. The above all is on base of my experiences. So any experts, feel free to rectify (or certify) above.




Thanks Mr. Khurram

I posted as a new topic but no one responds on that.


skhurram007 wrote:

This is purely HR related question and I am sure you would get better responses if this question would be posted as a fresh post. Moderators, can you move the above post and along with my response please?

My knowledge (and I believe it's legally correct as well according to labor laws of Kingdom):

- Your end of service (EOS) starts as soon as you finish first year.

- But you are only eligible to receive it after you finishes 2 years with same sponsor.

- So if you finishes one year and resign /terminated, no EOS.

- If you are terminated after 2 years, the company will give you EOS for 2 years. Same would be the case with any additional years. For example if you are terminated after 7 years; you are entitled for 7 years EOS.

- There is a difference in being terminated by sponsor and resigning by yourself.

- If you resign in between 2 to 5 years of service, you are entitled only to 1/3 of your total calculated EOS.

- If you resign in between 5 to 10 years of service, you are entitled only to 2/3 of your total calculated EOS.

- If you resign after 10 years years of service, you are entitled to complete total of your calculated EOS.

EOS calculation:

- It is always calculated with the last package you are getting (including allowances according to new labor law amendment going to be active from coming 1st of Muharram).

- From1-5 years, 1/2 of salary for every year.

- From 6 years onwards, full salary for every year.

Now let me give an example to explain complete scenario:

- You last salary is SAR 10,000.00

- You resigns after finishing 8 years with same sponsor.

- Total calculated EOS years = 2.5 (First five years) + 3 (last 3 years) = 5.5 years.

- Total calculated EOS = 10,000 x 5.5 = 55,000.00

- Entitled due to resign = 2/3 x 55,000 = SAR. 36,667.00

Regarding return ticket on final exit - Unless there is some negotiations in between both of you; Your employee MUST provide it. It would be ILLEGAL for him for not doing specially if he is terminating.

I am not a professional in HR. The above all is on base of my experiences. So any experts, feel free to rectify (or certify) above.



Minor corrections:

If the contract period is for 1 year only or a limited contract the employee will be eligible for end of service benefit / dues to him neverthless.

Details on the law are below:

Article (84):
Upon the end of the work relation, the employer shall pay the worker an
end-of-service award of a half-month wage for each of the first five years
and a one-month wage for each of the following years. The end-of-service
award shall be calculated on the basis of the last wage and the worker shall
be entitled to an end-of-service award for the portions of the year in
proportion to the time spent on the job.

Article (85):
If the work relation ends due to the worker’s resignation, he shall, in this
case, be entitled to one third of the award after a service of not less than two
consecutive years and not more than five years, to two thirds if his service is
in excess of five successive years but less than ten years and to the full
award if his service amounts to ten or more years.


Thanks for the correction HRGuru. I appreciate it.



Sir my I did not get the answer of my question.

I repeat, I came on company visa and now after 3 years service if I want to resign then in this case company is liable to give me ticket to return back to my home country or not?

One of my friend went on final exit but company had not provided him the ticket as they told him that their policy is to provide ticket after completing 10 years of service.

I want to know about the law and if the law says that I am entitled for a ticket to go back to my home country as I got the ticket to come to Saudia then I will fight for it.





umairh6 wrote:

Sir my I did not get the answer of my question.

I repeat, I came on company visa and now after 3 years service if I want to resign then in this case company is liable to give me ticket to return back to my home country or not?

One of my friend went on final exit but company had not provided him the ticket as they told him that their policy is to provide ticket after completing 10 years of service.

I want to know about the law and if the law says that I am entitled for a ticket to go back to my home country as I got the ticket to come to Saudia then I will fight for it.


What does it say in your employment contract, and were you hired under this company's visa.

Does it specify that the employer will provide annual tickets in your contract then you can claim it, if not this will be as per the company policy. If you were hired on the company's visa and they gave a ticket for you to arrive to KSA, then they are liable to give a one way ticket for you to go back.


My understanding is if the sponsor is sending the employee as EXIT; he has to provide the ticket from current location to  home country.


I came on company visa and the contract says that company will provide me annual return ticket after every 11 months. There is nothing as such mention about the ticket on exit but the company provided me the ticket to come to Saudia.


Dear HR Guru,

I have just resigned from my job and now serving 30 days notice period. My basic salary is SAR 3,131 and my total service will be 3 years and 3 months.

Can you please tell me that how much amount I would get at the end of service?

Look forward to you response.




You are entitled not for basic salary only. Other fixed benefits you were getting monthly will also be included. For now I am considering your total salary package as 3131.00,

3131 (Package) x 0.5 (EOS rule for first 5 years) x 3 (Years of service) = 4696.5

However, since you resigned yourself and wasn't terminated, you will get 1/3 of it only.

So your final EOS should be 4696.5 / 3 = SAR. 1565.5




Thanks Khurram,

I think company will pay me on the basic salary. I am entitled SAR 1500 for housing and accommodation as well but these are provided by company itself so they will not consider it in final settlement.

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