
How to make friends in Brussels

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We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals or expatriates) when you're living in Brussels :top:

Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Brussels??

Thanks in advance for your participation

See also

Living in Brussels: the expat guideUK-trained Registered Nurse working in BrusselsUnlimited work pemit after 4 years of employment in BelgiumSwitch of single permit limited into professional cardSingle permit

let's meet in Brussels!!?
I'm going to be here till June 2010


Hey Anastasiya, I'm in Antwerpen myself, maybe we could meet up sometime? =)


hi, I will be in belgium by september, our goverment sents us(teachers) for turkish childeren. I am worried too about communication and friendship in there. because the teachers who are living there are telling  that it is hard to make friends from belgium. So I need any advice...


Hi Friends, I agree with Litle Shiva, that's good, to find something you enjoy and get involved in 1 or several activities. It mightseem common sense. The thing here in Bxl is that there are sooo many people here for short periods of time, stags, etc., people are reluctant to get involved in new friendships all the time... cause people are more likely to leave than stay. I couldn't believe it at the begining, but I made my own personal obsevations and it is actually true. Personally, I study music and that gives me socializing opportunities, but I also havea job which drains a lot of energy out of me... so I am not always ready for party and social life and for me it's quite clear: I am here for enjoying myself, but my first reason ismy job; otherwiseI would live somewhere else *smile*. Sorry, I love and enjoy Bxl, but I would obviously prefer to live at home. Anyway, all that just to say that I think friends come naturally, with daily life and activities. Here it might be a slightly longer process, cause it's much of a come andgo, kind of cross-roads city. Bon courage!


I kindly invite you to the Expat Network Event in ING Building in Brussels on October 22Nd


Hello and welcome to all new members on this discussion :)
Why wouldn't you start organizing an meet up in Brussels so that you can start networking?
Brussels is a lively city (it's mine :D so I know although I haven't been there for a long time). Many places to go to. Exhibitions to visit etc.


It depends what kind of people you wanna meet.

If you'd rather stay among expat or meet Belgians... I'm Belgian and for us, it's kinda hard to go towards strangers. But don't think Belgians are not nice, they are!

When you are in a bar, don't be afraid to chat with them.
When the weather is nice, people are in parks, you can site close to them and start chatting as well. Start with people sitting alone, it would be easier.

If you're already in Brussels, you can go to Place du Luxembourg (place Lux) on Thursdays or Fridays and start to mingle. :)

If you have any question about Brussels, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm in Brussels right now but will leave the country on sept 21st


Hi mates!

I will be in Brussels working from 14thSeptember (tomorrow) until Friday (17thSeptember). Will be there someone to walk around, visit the city, having a drink or watching a film..etc?

I may leave the office at 6pm averyday so I will be all evenings free.





Always a good way to meet new people: couchsurfing!! (

You can meet up with people for coffee or they can show you around their home town, or even offer you a place for the night...



I was there last week. One answer, and finally no meeting! misunderstanding came over..anyway...probably I will get Brussels back soon, so...write me!!


I would love some insight into how to meet new people in Brussels.  I've been here almost a year and a half, and the few friends I had made have all since left!  The last two times I tried to be friendly and chat with people in a bar, when I said I was American the immediate response I got was "I hate Americans."  Not very friendly!

Clearly there must be better ways to meet people here, but I haven't found them yet...


mikelieberman wrote:

The last two times I tried to be friendly and chat with people in a bar, when I said I was American the immediate response I got was "I hate Americans."  Not very friendly!

0_o Seriously? That doesn't sound very Belgian, at all... Are you sure the people you approached were actually from here? Belgians are, in general, pretty friendly people, I can hardly believe that actually happened, let alone twice! The only thing I can really recommend, aside of going to bars/clubs/etc and meeting random folks and striking up conversation, is to join couchsurfing, and join in local meetings and events. You'll meet plenty of people that way.


Melby wrote:
mikelieberman wrote:

The last two times I tried to be friendly and chat with people in a bar, when I said I was American the immediate response I got was "I hate Americans."  Not very friendly!

0_o Seriously? That doesn't sound very Belgian, at all... Are you sure the people you approached were actually from here? Belgians are, in general, pretty friendly people, I can hardly believe that actually happened, let alone twice! The only thing I can really recommend, aside of going to bars/clubs/etc and meeting random folks and striking up conversation, is to join couchsurfing, and join in local meetings and events. You'll meet plenty of people that way.

They claimed to be - I was as surprised as you.  I work with a lot of Belgians who are some of the most relaxed and nice people I've ever met, so it was rather unexpected.

Regardless, I appreciate the suggestion, I'll check out the site.


How odd. Ah well, good luck with CS! I'm sure you'll have fun with it. ^^


need a contact? i'm open for honest suggestions and fair people.
i live in roeselare now
stefaan meeuws


I'm here since two weeks, and still looking for new friends ;-)

notorious cat enthusiast

Hi folks,

I've been in Brussels about four days now (so correct me if I've gotten this entirely wrong!) but it seems like a cool friendly city. I think falling into a big gang of friends is not going to happen easily, but there are plenty of people out there who are open to meeting up, so it's possible to build up individual friendships.

Personally I know very few people here and would be happy to meet up with anyone (even the crazy guy who wrote that mad post about being stranded!). Drop me a line and I promise to get back.



Something interesting happened just moments ago.  I made friends. Just like that. Well, it's not just like that, it involved a half dozen firemen, the big gear, silent mode, blue rotating lights, two chicks, a chick magnet, and some dude named Stefaan Meeuws.

So there I was, looking for that perfect afternoon shot. As it turned out, I am so pleased to say, I got shot myself this time, hands down, in a water drain, fishing with a magnet on a telescopic arm, used for RC helicopter assembly and repair, for a girl's - sxuze me - a young lady's key to her bike. The girl that shot me, using her cell phone, was with her.

Nobody much spoke the same verbal language. Except at one point I - cough - accidentally touched the girl that shot me, her crotch, she clearly enunciated the words "are you blind?"

The rest was, people don't care much, really, each his own verbal language: proper manners - including the accidental touch of a woman's clothes, carried with dignity, suitable attire, the whole ops routine for each and every person walking the streets. Same shit, different day, pardon my French.

Except now, I did as this thread expects. And, well, hum, bein' a hgreat anticipator of events and all that jazz we never get to hear out loud round here, all sorts of folds fell into place. people. No, with no words, that one young lady, the one who did /not/ shoot me with her cell, spontaneously gave a cheekbone kiss to the guy in uniform she liked best.

I already made it clear to her, need I say, that honestly, that joke about sex was not serious. "Why does this guy speak A . No. English, one of them said, once they stopped giggling", and I had answered, fishing for her bike key with my "chick magnet", "'coz I AM American, and I took off my cap, revealing one of my scalp's most distinctive features." The giggling froze. I added, for effect: "I'll show you my wallet, after (enunciated) we have sex." The ice was broken. And the second Fire Engine crew, the ones with the pump, landed. Silently. I like that.

Oh, I had to throw in my own key to get things started, into that same water drain the young lady who dropped her key at the wrong time in, and now I've lost it. You got it. I got snapped, and I got a free cigarette from an unsuspecting, gentle, understanding dude, about oh, twice the size of me in all physical dimensions. I whispered to him "I'll remember you."

Here goes.

Stefaan Meeuws


notorious cat enthusiast wrote:

Hi folks,

I've been in Brussels about four days now (so correct me if I've gotten this entirely wrong!) but it seems like a cool friendly city. I think falling into a big gang of friends is not going to happen easily, but there are plenty of people out there who are open to meeting up, so it's possible to build up individual friendships.

Personally I know very few people here and would be happy to meet up with anyone (even the crazy guy who wrote that mad post about being stranded!). Drop me a line and I promise to get back.


You can't get stranded in a country with no strand. Heads up, around here. Bottoms up, that's England, pretty much.

If it gets a little chilly around your person, while you enjoy your stay, that's okay man. This is Belgium. People share only space.

Stefaan Meeuws


notorious cat enthusiast wrote:

Hi folks,

I've been in Brussels about four days now (so correct me if I've gotten this entirely wrong!) but it seems like a cool friendly city. I think falling into a big gang of friends is not going to happen easily, but there are plenty of people out there who are open to meeting up, so it's possible to build up individual friendships.

Personally I know very few people here and would be happy to meet up with anyone (even the crazy guy who wrote that mad post about being stranded!). Drop me a line and I promise to get back.


I will be sending by normal mail, care of what is it
"notaris c e"
"United States Embassy"
"Brussels, Belgium"

.. my copy of THX1138, including director's cut, before the end of this year.

.. Later, man.



That is very helpful explanation.


Christina, this is the Brussels-Belgian forum, you need to look for the section of your own country/city in order to meet people on your side of the world.

steven clark

hi guys and girls

I am new to Brussels as of last week and i need to get out and about ad meet people otherwie i will drive myself crazy! i have been for a few beers around central Brussels but it seemed abit quiet! i will be here for a good few months if not longer and really want to start meeting people to make friends and to socialise! if anyone could advise me on where to go and how do this or if you guys are up for showing me the sights then that would be fanatstic!

Take cae and hope to hear from you



notorious cat enthusiast

Hi Steven,

Good to hear from you man. Brussels is an excellent place to meet new people - you do have to put yourself out there a bit.

As a tip I can't recommend the below link enough - excellent people go for a few beers every week or so.

I might see you at the next one! ;-) there are another few groups which I'm told are worth checking out on that site too....

Apart from that I had a quick look couchsurfing website. Seems to be a load going on including more sedate things like countryside walks, but haven't  had the time to check it out.

otherwise I'd be happy to meet up for a pint/coffee at your convenience!

Happy hunting,



Hi all!! I am also "new" to the Brussels scene, was here for a traineeship until July and came back in October for work. Anyone out there who wants to meet up for some drinks someday? martine


This website is a complete fucking waste of time with nothing happening!


0_o How would you know? That attitude is not going to get people wanting to meet you. I've talked to a number of people on here and met up with a couple, and have seen plenty of others who preusmably met up as well. What, no one jumped all over you so that makes it bad? Um, sorry, no.


Well infact I have lived in South Africa(where I'm originally from), Germany, Australia and now Belgium  - I am used to pubcrawling and meeting random people yet Belgium appears to lack the flair unless u go to some Irish pub where mostlyonly tourists hang out!
Not to mention the arrogant french speaking Belgians who apparently don't speak English nor Dutch - which pisses you off even more....persuading oneself to say a "night in instead of a night out" with the flat mates!


Well then don't stay in the French-speaking parts? I don't see that attitude/behavior at all from the Belgians in Flanders, so I really don't know what else to tell you.


Welcome in the french speaking part Heiko aha ! This is probably a heritage from our french cousins lol. As u wisely concluded, the good places to meet people are the pubs, or simply the dutch parts; Antwerp is indeed a beautiful, lively city, where u can truly easily socialize; that's something that will be hard in Brussels, I can tell u that in advance...

notorious cat enthusiast

Hey Heiko,

I admire your passion but think you may have the wrong impression of Brussels and this website.

Forum is dead but the netork part is pretty active. Have met a few very cool people via this site.

Brussels is a very cool city and yup, plenty going on in bars (not just Irish ones!) but i'm told there's a lot of cultural stuff too.

Dealings with native Belgians have been limited as the natural inclination is to meet people in the international commmunity, but from my limited experiences the Belgians are an extremely polite and genuine group of lads!


I appreciate all the informative comments in this forum.
I have found a way better forum which organizes an "ACTUIAL" meetup

Check it out! … ndar/list/


Hi everyone,

i'm Sandra. I'm Belgian. I live in Brussels and I would love to make new friends and get to know other cultures. That's why I signed up here.

So if anyone's interessed to get inside the life of a Belgian girl living in Belgium just let me know :)

Or if anyone has any questions about living here or doing something... I'm here. :)


Hey Sandra. I'm always happy to make new friends as well, but I'm over here in Antwerpen. If you ever head up this way, feel free to let me know! =P


Hello Everybody~~~~

I really hope to meet nice people here
I'm dreaming to improve my korean and japanese with some expats in Brussels or in Belgium ^^... someday... i know it's not a lot but still hope :)
Anyway, i'm openminded to all countries around the world
thats why internet is so great !!!
Our Green Planet is generous to offer us so many different cultures and languages :)

Have a nice day
Welcome to our nice country, Belgium !!!
Fell free to contact me !!!


hey hi.....even im looking out ways for making new frnds here it's been a month dat im here but still no if dere is any1 who would be intrested in giving me info do let me know......

take care



Hi everyone! I'm a 21-year-old travel and tourism student from Finland. I'm moving to Brussels in January 2011 and hope to make some new friends there! I'm open-minded, cheery and quirky girl who enjoys listening to music, going to bars & meeting new people. If there's anyone who'd like to show me around or something, that would be awesome :)


hey nelli.....

dont soon as u reach here let me knw......we'll plan out something.....


Hi everybody!:)

I'm from Belgium and i live in Belgium (Bruges), but i will move to Morocco next month. I'll try to give you some tips. … sels/event
The people on Polyglot organise quite often a meeting in a bar in Brussels with people from everywhere, speaking different languages.
Flemish website in Dutch that gathers a lot of activities, different search options
tourist attractions and museums in Belgium
Guide et conseils pour les expatriés

Brussels also offers -for sure- a lot of evening classes, sport clubs, cooking clubs, etc. I'm sure that you can look for one that fits your interests and at the same time you meet the locals.

Good luck and enjoy the snow! :P

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