WOOHOO. It's Thursday!!!
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Just happy it's Thursday.

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
The best day of the week, no doubt
I'm working, damn you all.
i was working today. Got my 8 hrs in already (it's my short day). Hang in there.

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
What would I do without my Thursday off?
official day of washing clothes...
cleaning the room...
and getting enough sleep!!!
the latter is my fav..hahaha..lol
There was a time when I didn't have work on Thursday, then there was a time when I didn't have to work every thursday. Now I have to work "half" a day on Thrusday... I can see where I'm going from here...
MadMaz wrote:There was a time when I didn't have work on Thursday, then there was a time when I didn't have to work every thursday. Now I have to work "half" a day on Thrusday... I can see where I'm going from here...
Yep.. the writing is on the wall
I'm lucky (I guess) because where I work, we put in longer weekday hours but have Thursday's and Friday's off (still a 44+ hour week).
I was luckier in the States--35 hour week!!
However, the way I've got it figure it is that that 'extra' day I work each week amounts to annual leave time, so looking at it that way, it's all good
I am scheduled to work 58hrs/wk. Every week. But I signed up for it. Clearly stated in the contract.
CivEngr wrote:I am scheduled to work 58hrs/wk. Every week. But I signed up for it. Clearly stated in the contract.
Jeeze, that's brutal!
I look at it this way. I am always busy so it goes fast and you don't mind so much. Kinda like when it's 45C outside but hey, its a dry heat.
I look at it this way. I am always busy so it goes fast and you don't mind so much. Kinda like when it's 45C outside but hey, its a dry heat.
Now that is what I call positive thinking! or was it wishful thinking?!
jeez i signed up for a 60 hour week lol
I am suppose to work 45 Hours a week but ends upto 60 or at times more than that. Good to be busy rather than being alone at home.
Anil Soni

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
i work around 35 hours a week.
absolutely kool
Hubby works 7 days a week and you really don't want to hear the hours he keeps...
While I was an HR Director it was not unheard of to work 65 hrs in a 5 day period! Sometimes on the weekends too. But I enjoyed the work and my kids were grown. In the Military there were many months when it was 12hr days with no time off AND I had 3 kids (and Hubby) to raise, their activities and a house to keep (with no family who lived close)! It got interesting at times!!!
So guys, those that are here alone, consider yourself fortunate that you only have yourselves to take care of! Your biggest difficulty will be staying out of trouble!
To those of you who work, raise children, cart them to their activities, go to school, and keep house (with no domestic help) I applaud you! You are super beings! Not sure how I ever lasted through those years... But there is hope - Im here to prove it!
Well, without any shame I am very pleased to share with you that I do not work at all in Riyadh , for the first time in my life after many years of riduculous hours in Corporate Cities in various locations, cancelling holidays due to deadlines, not seeing new neighbours for over a year because I left for work in the dark and came home from work in the dark etc etc ...
So, the Riyadh opportunity for Ian made it that my work options are very limited so for now because of what I do, I can't even call myself a housewife as the house is taken care of and our daughter is all grown up and not at home with us.
How long this will last is another story as anyone who knows me well will know I will go mad within a few months, so for now let me enjoy this. Every day is a Thursday for me
For the last few years in the States, I worked as a consultant and really came to view my time as being 'money' (something I'd never really done before) so to give away my time is giving away money, basically (although for me to throw it away having fun is entirely another story lol).
Here in Riyadh, for whatever reason (the weather?), I find myself depleted after 10 hours on the job and that's enough!! My joke is that it's against my religion to work unpaid overtime (although I did end up working much of last weekend, to my chagrin

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
gowiththeflowUK wrote:Well, without any shame I am very pleased to share with you that I do not work at all in Riyadh
, for the first time in my life after many years of riduculous hours in Corporate Cities in various locations, cancelling holidays due to deadlines, not seeing new neighbours for over a year because I left for work in the dark and came home from work in the dark etc etc ...
Every day is a Thursday for me
I used to work real hard until 2008 when I decided to call it a day and hang my boots for my regular day job. After that it has been a comfortable run with work still on my hands but at my own free will and pace.
I know many men of my vintage here in KSA who think and believe that should they have another chance of being reborn into this planet they would wanna be dependent wives, like Maxine, in Saudi Arabia... enjoying their coffee mornings and daily Thursdays....
When I first came to KSA, I worked for a company where doing overtime (unpaid that is) was the norm for everyone. My own manager was himself a strong advocate of overtime and in his mind it was the strongest tool to give yourself an edge over others. He often used to say things like "what else would you do here in KSA if you're not working" or "even in the movies successful guys stay alone after working hours with their desk lights on going through documents that no one else is looking it. At that time, being new and didn't really know what was going on, things he said made sense. So I joined the crowds and made a lot of effort, actually more than others. Basically I lived in the office. But as time went by I became so overworked, so demotivated and so unhappy with the situation. The fact that my effort did not translate into any significant improvement to my paycheck or my position made me realize that long hours don't work. You become less productive everyday. There are a hundred things I'd want to do and could do if I wasn't working, even in KSA. So I resigned, moved to another company and things really got better for me.
I would like to quote this interesting read which I came across.
In his 1987 essay, "The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race," anthropologist Jared Diamond discusses the amount of leisure time that was available to people more than 10,000 years ago when they lived in tribes of hunter-gatherers. After studying modern hunter-gatherer societies, Diamond found that they work between 12 and 19 hours per week. The rest of their time is dedicated to leisure.
Another interesting "prophicy" that seems like it's not gonna happen is this one:
Economist John Maynard Keynes is credited, along with Adam Smith and a few select others, with founding modern economics. Keynes provided the foundation for macroeconomics, the study of economies on the whole, including interest rates, employment, budgets and many other factors. Keynes revolutionized economics and its forecasts, and when he made the predictions in his 1930 essay, "Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren," people listened.
In "Economic Possibilities," Keynes posits that by 2030, developed societies will be wealthy enough that leisure time, rather than work, will characterize national lifestyles. He uses a realistic estimate for growth -- 2 percent per year -- and pointed out that with that growth the "capital equipment" in the world would increase seven and a half times. With a world as wealthy as this, he said, "We shall do more things for ourselves than is usual with the rich to-day [sic], only too glad to have small duties and tasks and routines" [source: Keynes].
If Keynes was to see how people live now, not so far from 2030 he would be wondering where his calculations went wrong...

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
Well Keynes was right in one thing at least.
There are NO jobs around in the western world anymore for people to work. That must give them more leisure hours for sure?
I like this interpretation MM but I bet Dr. Phil will be unhappy with it... "looking for a job is a full time job!" that includes overtime I suppose
The amount of money left in you bank account when you die is the extra work you did in your life.

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
Anil, but that amount usually goes to pay all the dues outstanding on the many pieces of plastic you carry in your wallet.....
Yeah it's Saturday
Hang wrong part of the world

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
Saturday, in this part of the sands, takes its own cool time to begin and by the time it does its time to go home.... Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday may see some real activity on the ground. Wednesday, again winds down to another sleepy session of preparing for the weekend.
In reality we may end up working 3 full 8 hour days in a week, sprinkled with so many breaks in-between.....
Nowhere in the world would you enjoy such perks for such pay...
musicman wrote:Anil, but that amount usually goes to pay all the dues outstanding on the many pieces of plastic you carry in your wallet.....
Lucky me i deal in cash....
Gee another Thursday and I survived. It has been a very good week in certain respects w/ a few bumps in the middle. Nothing planned for the evening so it looks like couch potato night. Driving range tomorrow.

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
You will be amazed how fast he Thursdays come and go, after a while...
My weekend was awesome,played UNO and survived somehow with the bunch of cheater friends....They have just left and my house look some Garbage bag:lol:
nonz wrote:My weekend was awesome,played UNO and survived somehow with the bunch of cheater friends....They have just left and my house look some Garbage bag:lol:
You didn't invite me

It's Friday morning, not too bad considering. Thursday - worked in the morning, then a bit of shopping, made a pizza, watched a film, played snooker and drank tooooo much apple juice.
My guest is still in the land of ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
jillndave wrote:It's Friday morning, not too bad considering. Thursday - worked in the morning, then a bit of shopping, made a pizza, watched a film, played snooker and drank tooooo much apple juice.
My guest is still in the land of ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Thanks for the pizza party and enjoyed snooker, though you won but i bet i will sure win next time.
Its always fun around you.
Thanks for a very good weekend.

It was a pleasure. I'll give you another thrashing - but you are not allowed to bet, it's illegal here.
Alliecat wrote:nonz wrote:My weekend was awesome,played UNO and survived somehow with the bunch of cheater friends....They have just left and my house look some Garbage bag:lol:
You didn't invite me
Next time i will and if you make an excuse i will chop u
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