
Reg. job opportunity in Germany

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Myself Dr. K.C.Prakash from Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu. Currently I am working as a Agribusiness Consultant in WORLD BANK assisted TN-IAMWARM Project, Chepauk, Chennai-5. 
      During my Post Graduate (MBA) research work experience in the field of Agri-Value Chain & Supply Chain Management has given me lots of confidence and insights into this field. Moreover, after starting my Ph.D Research work related to Agri-Value Chain & Supply Chain Management made me to study all the basics and theory of dependability issues once again, which was very fascinating because after getting research exposure in the same arena gave me a good visualization in the field. So, I have intended my mind to go for an Agribusiness Business-oriented work is the best option, since it would not only give me a details insight to the subjects of my interest but also improve my chances of future technical growth.
Teaching experience provided me with a deeper realization of importance of being competent in various spheres of Supply Chain Research: Value Chain Analysis, Price Forecasting for Major Agricultural Crops, Operations Management, Inventory Management, Stakeholder Selection, Warehousing, Logistics and Marketing. I deeply convinced that all those spheres made a complete expert in this Agribusiness field.

I am really interested to work as an Agribusiness Consultant in Germany. i need help from this forum.Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

See also

Living in Germany: the expat guideReasonable TV provider/configurationIndonesians in South Germany ?Finding a job as a non EU from the BalkansLiving in Germany and working for a UK Company

Which help specifically do you need or want?
Have you read the many posts about this topic on the forum? Which questions are still open?




It does not help to post in CAPITAL LETTERS (which, on the Internet, is interpreted as shouting and rude).
This forum is for advice and discussions, it is not a job ads listing. I recommend you check job ads sites for suitable openings and apply for them.


sorry for the inconvenience. may i know the website address please ??


This has been discussed many times before - just follow my advice and read this forum.
Google can also help you. But most of all, you must help yourself, otherwise you'll not succeed.
By the way: How good is your German? (Without language skills, you basically have no chance.)

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