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Does anyone have a blog? I'm thinking of starting one, just to talk about my expat experiences. I'm not sure about the tech side of it though and have found this: and wondered if anyone else had used a package like this? Or can suggest anything else?
Thanks in advance.

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I demi blog on here. … 573#527221

Gordon Barlow

Hah! To say that Fred has a blog is like saying Shakespeare wrote a poem or two. Fred's blog is far and away the best amateur pictorial record on the web - a labour of love for his adopted country. Magnificent! It's an ideal.

We lesser mortals must try not to be intimidated by it, and to do our own things in our own way and to our own standards. My advice for anybody thinking of starting a blog is: just do it. Get a friend to do the minimal tech work needed, and then just start writing. Don't invite comments if you don't want to.


Gordon Barlow wrote:

Hah! To say that Fred has a blog is like saying Shakespeare wrote a poem or two.

I went shade of red when I read that.
I've never been compared to the Bard before, and I'm still just some dude with a camera.

However, if it proves interesting to a few people, and perhaps even inspires someone to write/photo blog their corner of the world, I'll be happy.

bkk tea blog

I regularly write one blog about tea using Blogger (Google's blogging hosting, which of course is free), and I started a second to tinker with another subject (Buddhism, a long term interest).

It's interesting that in the world of blogging there seems to mostly be two options for hosting sites and template formats (really two different things), Wordpress and Blogger (and of course others, those are just the main ones).  Blogs can be listed under a main domain (like .blogspot) or separately, for a relatively limited expense. 

It could just be my impression but it seems Blogger is seen as inferior, as the easier, less beautiful entry-level format option, so it seems a natural path to start there and migrate to a Wordpress based blog later on.  The trend is for blogs to use white backgrounds, a good bit of pictures, and simple but non-standard text formats (although no actual font names come to mind; not whatever this text is, maybe Calibri).

As you progress (if you choose to) there is always more and more you can do with blogging, different ways to track traffic, improve the structure, add buttons and functions, increase readership, etc., on to eventually trying to earn a substantial income through advertising.  If you wanted to spend hours researching blogging there are tons of blogs about blogging, even groups talking about blogging, on Google +.  It seems a bit odd to me that the main subjects that seem to be covered are food, travel, and blogging itself.

I just read a blog on different tools one might use for blogging, not the same thing as templates, which are the formats for a blog, but tools to do other things, like work with graphics, or sharing functions: … -live.html

Gordon Barlow

I hope it's OK to do this... Here is my favourite blogger of all time  She is an Englishwoman who lives in the Dominican Republic with her Dominican husband. To say that she lives a drama-filled life doesn't do justice to that term. I post the link here because all of us can learn from the way she presents her stories.


I did exactly what someone said....just do it...don't think about it!
Oh and if anyone is open to talking about the fun side of integration, send me a message ! I'm trying to introduce some kind of fun on my very boring blog and meeting new people, talking about the fun part of living in another country and learning their culture is a great way to start right???

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