
Life in Fujairah and Working in Higher Colleges of Technology

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HI all,

I am from Turkey, and living in USA currently. I got offer from HCT. The offer includes 28000 AED (included housing allowence, salary and vacation ticket) I was searching the life in Abu Dhabi and was surprised by the prices to rent an appartment. Is the offer good enough for me and my family (my wife and 2 small kids). They also offer me 16000 AED per annum per kid for kids education additionally. However, I see the school's tuition is also more than that. I am not sure if this is a good offer or not.

Do you have any experience with the Higher Colleges of Technology. I saw some website that critique HCT very badly.

I may work either Fujariah or Abu Dhabi. How is life in Fujariah.

I would appreciate any help from anybody before I make decision. Thanks for your help.

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If you post your questions directly to the United Arab Emirates Forum you'll get a more relevant answer than you would here in a "generic" international forum.

Just look at the list of countries at the bottom of the main Expat Forum page and click on the UAE flag, it will open the UAE Forum.

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team


Moved to the Fujairah forum


Hi there, Im curious about your offer of AED 28000, is it for the Business faculty? Do you have a Phd? Did you receive a preliminary offer before going through the application procedure and if so was it for the same amount!

Looking forward to hearing from you.



I live in Fujairah and I worked previously for HCT. Fujairah is much cheaper than Abu Dhabi. You can rent a 3 bedroom apartment for 45,000/year. Fujairah is very affordable. However, it is not a big city with big city activities. There is a slower pace to life here. HCT has been undergoing big changes, not necessarily for the best. The students have a very low level of English language ability. You may find teaching in HCT to be very frustrating.


That sounds quite reasonable for a 3-bed apartment. Would that be 100+ sq. metres or are they small rooms? Also, would you know the price of a 2-bed villa and do they come furnished or are they all unfurnished?

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