
What best I can do with this Cat, please?

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May I have suggestion under below circumstances, please; this will be great help.

We got (June 2023) 1 badly injured (by a big cat) cat (15 days old) and my son brought that home.

Since then she is with us. My kids (son & daughter) along with their mom were looking after her.

But my family went to my home country (2nd Jan 2024) for 6 months.

And it has become impossible to take care of the cat.

Also just today I got a notice from land lord/management that pet is not allowed in apartment.

This cat is highly scared of going out of the flat even.

We tried earlier several times to free her in the corniche area where there are many cats but failed.

She is not vaccinated either. As we are not in situation to go for regular vaccination formalities.

So, what best can be done now, if you kindly advise will really be great help.

I'm in Fujairah, UAE.

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Hello, maybe contact an organisation/animal rescue (google it or try to find on FB) to put the cat up for adoption.

You may even create an advert in the Pets Classifieds, if ever someone needs/wants a cat : United Arab Emirates classified ads



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