
How Amazing!

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two days ago, I was late to catch the bus to got to work. Coz I don't have a phone right now and not even the right time. I used to get to know the time with the help of my beloved camera. Somehow I was late just about 5 minutes, but I stayed there for about 10 more minutes to make sure the bus left me. And then I went to my room again to borrow some money from one of my flat mates to take a taxi. Then again I waited at the same place to take a taxi. Few seconds later, two shabab in a "Four wheeled bike" (I don't know what you call it).
    It was scary, when passing by me,..... they grabbed my hand bag. I had nothing to do but let it go. I was scared they would hurt me and I just let my hand bag go and I ran to my building crying, having no idea what to do next, my Civil ID, my Bank Card and my beloved Camera were the valuable things in it. And they all mean a lot to me! I was so lost. Whole day i was crying and going here and there to the police and the head office of my company.
   But just yesterday when I was heading back to head office again to prepare the documents for the new Civil ID, I got an amazing call from one of my SLkan friends!`Actually the most amazing call in my life! Some other SLkan guy has found my bag, just beside the road with my Civil ID and Bank card and with all the other things except my camera. And today at 12 I'm gonna meet this amazing person to get my bag and I have no words to thank him!!! I was so lost these 2 days! He's a god!!

   Life is amazing.....when people you know, don't give a shit about how you doing or living, people you don't even know make you feel life is not that bad and make sure there's still good people living in this world who will always help eachother. My secret number of the bank card was also in my wallet. he could have use that..... more than half of my last month salary was there. I saved it to buy new good phone at the end of this month!
Life is amazing! I still can't believe I'm lucky. Or just another good human in this world made me lucky! thank you stranger! have no words to thank!

And I have a request not an advice for girls and all of you... just take care!!! Gods bless!!

See also

Living in Kuwait: the expat guideInadequate heating in winterOur new Kuwait Guide is up!Caribbean Second passportAbsence report

really sorry u had to go thru that Nayana, cant imagine how it feels. at the very least u have learnt 2 lessons:

1) precaution, precaution, precaution. always keep your stuff safe. carry a bag pack and not a hang bag, its not as fashionable but its safe.

2) despite the existence of low-life individuals that make u want ot give up on humanity in general, there are a few kind, noble hearted strangers that will surprise u.

there is a saying in arabic that goes حرص ولا تخون meaning be cautious but not skeptical (i think).

really sorry about your camera, hopefully all the images on it were safely backed up on ur PC, and the only real loss is monetary.



Life is Amazing because of God.

I think your area is not safe. Just be careful next time. You can use any bag you want because it’s not about the bag size. One of my work friends while he was trying to ride the bus, someone who was inside a car grabbed his laptop bag and the car drive away. Imagine stealing a laptop which is bigger than yours.


Hi friend

first of all thank god that you got your things back,alwayz look around.

May god bless you



Thank you so much all!!! yes...... I learned a big lesson from this! I met him today. he took me to the place he found my bag. Some of my things were still there..... my make-up and some of my mess i used to carry in my bag! Actually my bag is my whole world once I got out from the house.... I just carry everything I think will be useful.... but now I know I should carry only few NECESSARY things! We learn from every mistake.
   Yes I'm worried about the camera, I got it from my first salary in Kuwait. And there were many photos, that's what I'm really worried about. But no choice..... what happened was happened....
    @Legacy..... I really prefer a back pack than a hand bag,.... I just couldn't buy one here. but now I should buy one!
Thanks to the amazing person, I can buy my new phone this month and save some money too. Thanks you everyone! For everything! :)

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