
Do all lebanese Girls dress like that????????

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I've been to the lebanese embassy to get visa and there are a bunch of lebanese girls with very tight tops and mini skirts and they look like barbies. When I went to to Lebanon (Beirut) the girls are just WOW! So beautiful and so sexy. They even dance sexy and laugh sexy and talk sexy. I  have not seen ONE lebanese woman who was covered up like the ones here in kuwait and they all look different (Blondes, Colored eyes, etc.). I then did a research in google images about lebanese girls and its like I've never seen a country with such lovely girls. I am thinking of moving to Lebanon and getting married and settling there. Theyr'e even Hotter than Brazilian girls! So, are they all like this (look beautiful, dress sexy, etc.)? I don't know why I'm writing all of this, but its just that I've been hypnotized by lebanese girls.

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There are people everywhere in the world who dress like that. Some people do and some people don't. And there are beautiful and ugly people everywhere, not just in Lebanon. and to answer your question, yes the majority of lebanese girls are beautiful and sexy and great dancers because they live in the sin city of the middle east (Beirut)- Research it ;)

I go every summer to lebanon just to party, just so you'd know. Our girls are not easy lol


Obviously youv'e only been in Beirut, which is where all the ''Barbie'' Lebanese party girls are. I bet you won't be saying the same thing if you went to the south. Personally, I am Muslim and I like to dress sexy, of course like any other young lebanese girl I like to take care of my appearance. But not all are like that. yes, the majority of lebanon are very open and westernized, but like everywhere in the world, you have diiferent kinds of people. So no, not all are like that, but the majority are, especially in the party capital (beirut).

Thanks for the compliments though :P


Thanks, but still, I think theyre the hottest! They look like Barbies I swear!! Not plastic though.


Nice discussion, seems to me that it all depends on the girl's way of attiring. Some really have good taste in fashion while others not, at the same time, some are sexy and daring while others not. Basically, this feeling is shortly felt, as a guy, if you are living in such a place, as you will be surrounded by them.

Dr. GpB

beauty is only skin deep.
sexiness doesn't imply 'goodness'.
dont be fooled by superficial looks. dont be naiive :)
marry a woman who is good at heart rather than one that is attractive on the outside.
do not judge a book by its cover.
women are smarter than men that way ...they are deeper, more profound in their choice. they go for overall personality, not just looks.
and by the way, yes, lebanese women are very beautiful on the outside, but ask any lebanese guy about them and you will be shocked about how superficial they can be.


Just so you don't get fooled or maybe you want to see a bit more from the comfort of your own living room, try switching over to a Lebanese television programme and perhaps get yourself a copy of "Caramel", also known as "Sukkar Banaat", a Lebanese film that made mainstream cinema a year or two ago.

Glimpses of the wonders of Lebanon can be found on DJ-channel Beirut Nights (No advert pls). Yes, the website focuses on the pary-people of Beirut...

As far as comparing Kuwait with Lebanon is concerned - don't! Kuwait is a Muslim country to start off with (where the rulers are Sunni Muslims) with limited history while Lebanon is rich in its history and has several official religions within the country with each of the mainstream ones (Maronite Christians, Shiite Muslims and Druz) having equal share of power within  parliament.

My apologies in advance for any information found to be incorrect or inaccurate (after all, I'm not Lebanese), but I thought I would stick in my 10 cents worth and add to the discussion.


@ DR gopi

who says woman are smarter than man, have you ever seen a woman choose a poor,ugly man as a husband. because he has a good heart.


Yareet kil l 3alam adra tifham rasi :(
P.S: Lebanese Girls are one of the hottest girls you can ever meet ... well not all of them and thats coming from a Lebanese! But as u all know appearance is only one measure of beauty.


Beauty is only skin deep. If you go after someone just because she's beautiful ...
Sex is hardly ever just about sex...


lol, but it helps :D


hi friends!
I respect lebanese and their culture very much!however ,many countries occupied it fr its Geo-political location,it had been saved some of its culture and people become broad -minded!
this is the reason why they wear like that,in my opinion ...!:)


i would like to have date with Lebanese Girls.its a wish and i know its gonna hve been like unsaid wish.

Dr. GpB

I never knew this things about lebanon...


i think that post is for joking , and not real ?


guys let every one wear what he likes .


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