
Student Iqama dependent on fathers renewal

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Hello dear bros,
M litrly upset to extent that cant write here. i was raised in jedah and did my secondary and higher school here den went to pakistan and did mbbs there. now m came back to saudi as a doctor but my age is 25 years 10 months and only 10 days left in my iqama and need to do renewal ! canot get transfer becoz didnt give SAUDI HEALTH COUNCIL LICENSING EXAM yet and obv as my iqama expires on 10th i would be sent on exit which is a night mare as all my family is here ! so plz tel m wat wil hapen? can i get some grace period to pass exam? is dere any means in which i can find sum agent to take money and get it renewed? are there any chances of my stay here?? bros m hel upset and tiniest of info wud be highly appreciated ! plz help me in knowin da way out and oblige.
Dr Hassan Malik

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danish luv

Salaam, ur kafeel is ur father now, ur iqama will renew with him and i think its not possible to get transfer within 10 days, u know how works happen here, u should consult to private offices for renewel of iqama


@DrHassanMalik go with your father to Ministry of Interior and approach the officer their and explain him the situation , they will give you solution how to get the extend letter till your iqama is renewed.. Hurry hurry :dumbom:


you didnt think of this until just now when your iqama is about to expire?!?!

Biggest tip you will ever get: get a letter from your "university" that you are still a student and since youre still a student they will renew your dad's iqama with yours!

you could stick around just dont get caught! mind you, if you go to take the test with an expired iqama, they wont let you sit! and will probably report you as an "over-stayer"

man i should charge people for this kind of advise!!


:one @borntobemild


lol thanz all for da tips bu first thing i did get leter frm university but since its nt atsted its not worth ! and cant make it atsted too coz its my final year already ended and uni wont give leter no more ! and yes m wilin tp pay tp pvt ofices but no one is takin money even dese days and make it renewed as dey say things r realy badly tightened up for last 3 months ! and as far as goin to ministry is concernd, i kno da only option dey wil put up front is final exit :( and yup m had been tryin dis renewal for last3months but nuthin fruitful hapened yet ! da only hope was to do it from sum agent but even dey r hapless dese days . .


as far as exam is concerned da proof of identity to be used dere cud even be my drivin license or pasport ! so dat aint no issue..


i heard once under proces, even if ur iqama gets expired u dun need to be woried ! even if it takes 8 months u wont have no penalty etc dun kno its true or not.. is dere any website in english from where we can check iqama status and da bills v submit for it for monitoring !?!!


Assalam O Alaikum.
I am also in the same situation now and i guess u have passed through this tough time already and its now august and u posted this post on january , u must have solution for this now.. i am also doctor and under the same situation but only positive thing is i have passed my  SLE and have the card but problem is i cant transfer my iqama to any clinic or hosp right now because as a gp i cant get job in good hospitals plus if i go to any random sponsor my visa will be LABOUR which will not be transferrable to doctor.



Drasad1 wrote:

Assalam O Alaikum.
I am also in the same situation now and i guess u have passed through this tough time already and its now august and u posted this post on january , u must have solution for this now.. i am also doctor and under the same situation but only positive thing is i have passed my  SLE and have the card but problem is i cant transfer my iqama to any clinic or hosp right now because as a gp i cant get job in good hospitals plus if i go to any random sponsor my visa will be LABOUR which will not be transferrable to doctor.


you can get job at any hospital or polyclinic. Y cant??? and as doctor profession on your iqama.. just grab a job ! there are soo much around ! have u got the SCHS reg card?? thats a must. and then in which city u are living? i have a job for my project subsidary in medina and they will do your sponsorship transfer as well as a doc.. contact me for details


your iqama renewd on student basis..i am going through the same process doing my m.s and my age is 25 yr and 6 month

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