For Final Exit- What are the Requirement at immigration process

Dear, If anyone knows the current process of required documents ask by the Saudi Immigration when you are exiting the country as Final Exit. Please share your kind advise.



Hello me too I'm in the same situation  so appreciate  as well to.have the info


Hello @mkraza786, I recently completed the final exit process from Saudi Arabia just two weeks ago. If your final exit has been issued smoothly, you can proceed with your departure without the need to submit any additional documents.

@abdulshaqoor do you have any idea if one can go exit with existing bank loan in alrajhi?i still have remaining balance in my loan but i dont have overdue.i already sign for a new job offer but i have to go home to the philippines to process it possible if i will pay like 5months in advance for my loan and will go exit and come back with new employer and settle my loan?

@abdulshaqoor thank a lot! bless you