Blue Card/ Permesso di Sogiorno: Resignation

Hello! I've arrived in Italy in June 2023, I'm working with an open job contract, I have a blue card for Italy, valid until July 1st 2024. What I'd like to know is:

  1. If I resign my job, how long can I stay in Italy? I know my blue card can be withrdraw if I don't get a job in 90 days. Also I know that as a tourist my passport allows 90 days. But I need more accurate information.
  2. I don't know the validity of my permesso di soggiorno, I requested it(in June) but my questura appointment to collect finger print is in February 2024. Is there any place I can check it?
  3. My visa allows me in and out how many times I want. Is it possible to get in trouble for not having my permesso di soggiorno card? I have the post office receipts.
  4. What are the procedures I need to do to move out and go back to my home country(non schengen)?

Thank you in advance!