
Rasist crimes.

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Can any American explain why rasist attacks Asians are common (and raising) in USA?

(So much so e g DrPhil has made programs about it.)

American rasism against African Americans and Arabs are common knowledge, but I didnt know it was against Asians too.

That against Asians is suprising for Swedes because here (SE) Asians are LIKED. Sweden officialy and Swedes have had very good contact specialy with Thailand since long time back.

(While Middle East and Balkan people become more and more disliked in Sweden by the much raised gang murders - from MUCH lower level to similar to USA amounts now - and crimes are led by people from there.)

See also

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Attacks against Arabs (and anyone that looked Arabic) went up when Muslims were the great enemy.

Attacks against anyone Chinese looking went up when the US government decided the Chinese were the new great enemy (Obama's Pacific shift).

It used to be the Russians .. oh, it is again.

Sadly, these attacks are down to political stupidity, and morons who are too dim to realise people are just people, not enemies because someone making a lot of cash out of hate says they are.

The reality is simple - The vast majority of people, regardless of skin colour or whatever else, are far more interested in living a normal life that being anyone's great enemy.

It's a sadness that people hate other people they don't even know.


Also - The French kopped for it when they refused to take part in an illegal war.

French fries became freedom fries for a while.

I'm sure there will be new enemies after a while.

Watch out for three new enemies in the Lithium triangle over the next few years.


    Can any American explain why rasist attacks Asians are common (and raising) in USA?(So much so e g DrPhil has made programs about it.)American rasism against African Americans and Arabs are common knowledge, but I didnt know it was against Asians too. That against Asians is suprising for Swedes because here (SE) Asians are LIKED. Sweden officialy and Swedes have had very good contact specialy with Thailand since long time back.(While Middle East and Balkan people become more and more disliked in Sweden by the much raised gang murders - from MUCH lower level to similar to USA amounts now - and crimes are led by people from there.)         -@coach53

This is all BS, America is the least racist country in the world when going by actions and not words. There may be some hostility between certain asians and blacks which is not well understood. America will probably give reparations for slavery because the people are easily put on guilt trips. There are many racist countries in the world that do not prohibit discrimination by law as America does. This is all just media bullshit and 99% of the people care nothing about racial background. During my visits to Stockholm years ago I did notice a rather vocal dislike for incoming mid-easterners however.


    Can any American explain why rasist attacks Asians are common (and raising) in USA?(So much so e g DrPhil has made programs about it.)American rasism against African Americans and Arabs are common knowledge, but I didnt know it was against Asians too. That against Asians is suprising for Swedes because here (SE) Asians are LIKED. Sweden officialy and Swedes have had very good contact specialy with Thailand since long time back.(While Middle East and Balkan people become more and more disliked in Sweden by the much raised gang murders - from MUCH lower level to similar to USA amounts now - and crimes are led by people from there.)         -@coach53

Attacks against Asians actually went up because the former president of US, Donald Trump, intentionally refers to the Corona Virus as "the China virus."

Sadly, even in a country as diverse as USA, you'd still find people who think they should have privilege and entitlement over all others. But don't think this is something that is widespread. Despite some attacks, America is still one of the safest countries in the world.

I think it's great that Asians are liked in Sweden. Are African Americans and Arabs liked in Sweden too?


A Jewish traveler is stripped of clothing, beaten, and left half dead alongside the road.

First, a Jewish priest saw the injured traveler, but didn't help him.

Then, a Levite had seen the traveler, but also chose not to help him.

Finally, a Samaritan saw the traveler...

And, although Samaritans and Jews were seen as enemies,

that Samaritan did help the injured Jew.

Jesus told this story to answer a question he receieved from a lawyer.

The question was: "And who is my neighbor?", referring to the Great Commandment.

When God tells us to love our neighbors, he doesn't mean ONLY the ones who look like us.


Hello everyone,

I am considering closing this thread as there's no real context to it. It was posted on the Philippines forum for no good reason since it doesn't even concern directly the Philippines or expatriation.

@Coach, What is the purpose of this topic ? Where are the official sources/links ?

This topic is not well constructed and will definitely lead to a series of assumptions.




@Bhavna Racial discrimination does affect exptriates in many places - and are thus a legitimate discussion topic on an expat website like this.

However, it is also a topic many have very emotional feelings about (Fred above is apparently one of them) - and thus such a discussion derails easily and needs close monitoring and moderation.

Fact is that, due to our psychological predisposition, all humans are subconsciously afraid of the unknown. And strangers are unknown - and fear is a natural reaction to them.

If not managed well, fear leads to negative feelings towards foreigners in general, which are then often rationalized with pseudo-arguments ("they steal our jobs", "they want to replace us", "I feel foreign in my own home"), especially by local groups who feel marginalized (for whatever reason - research has shown that it normally isn't the presence of foreigners). These feelings are also often institutionalized by extremist groups of the far right and left political spectrum.

We cannot change human nature, but we can change what is "unknown" to us. The more we mix, the more we know about each other, the more we live next to people who differ from ourselves, the less unknown and negative they become.

The answer to racism is not less foreigners, but more!



Why was it posted on the Philippines forum in particular ? Where are the facts, the links, the sources ?

I have addressed my question to the OP, as I have been reading his posts on the Philippines forum lately and all the reports we've received and would like to know the purpose of his thread and why does it target Americans in particular ?


    Hello everyone,
I am considering closing this thread as there's no real context to it. It was posted on the Philippines forum for no good reason since it doesn't even concern directly the Philippines or expatriation.

What is the purpose of this topic ? Where are the official sources/links ?

This topic is not well constructed and will definitely lead to a series of assumptions.


Were this thread is headed is where it was intended to be headed. Accusations of racism of entire countries, anti American sentiment, false assumptions about asians in the US, looks like coach53 scored big on this. Recognize this troll for what it is and close the thread. Don't let him get away with sneaking in political controversy just so he can sit back and enjoy watching the sparks fly.


I think the same danfinn !

I believe that the question is biased, and it's important to have a fair and respectful discussion. We should not focus on specific individuals or groups or nationalities in a discussion.

Several posts/comments have already been removed from the Philippines forum for flaming and disrespectful behaviour and it will not be tolerated here.



[Topic Closed]


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