Moving to Singapore from Benin

Hello Everyone,

I'm very excited to have joined this group.

I'm from Benin and looking to relocate to Singapore with my family .. im a system Administrator/Solution Architect ..can someone assist me on the process please to travel there, get a job etc...

our passport is free visa for 30 days

Thank you all for your support and enlighting people like me

There are many similar discussions on this forum, which I encourage you to read first and come back with more detailed questions that have not been answered yet. Thanks for your understanding!

Thank you Peppi. I have already posted before i went through the posts. I appreciate

I have a BSc in information systems and technology with over 15 years experience in ICT..

I wish i could secure a job before living  ..  Can anyone help introduce my resume to an employer or assist me in any way to get a job

@nadines23000 I don't know what you mean by "I wish i could secure a job before living".

You can only get a work visa (most likely EP - read up on it!) after finding a job.

Nobody will "introduce your resume to an employer" - you seem to have unrealistic expectations here. Instead, you yourself must do the difficult task of finding suitable employers and sending them convincing job applications! (This forum gives lots of advice about how to do that, which you should read!)


Alright ..thanks beppy, going through the thread;  I appreciate..