Entry appeal

Hi.. Im hoping u can help me with my problem. I've been banned to enter SG last 2011 for the reason that I dont know. And this lat september 2017 I try to enter again but still cannot they said I need to make an appeal to ICA  before I can enter again... Maybe u can help me on how to make an appeal... Thank u so much

Surprise to know that you are banned to enter Singapore and you are saying that you don't know. There can't be no reason someone is banned. Your case must be serious that after 6years, immigration officers are still not allowing you. Below webpage is their official contact details, you can drop a mail to them or else if anyone whom you know staying in Singapore, ask him/her to visit ICA office to request on how to clear your ban:


Hi I would like to get u guys assistance and find out more here, and pls help me here... On Date: 2 February 2015, I was given order to remove from Singapore under section 16(1) of the Immigration Act ( Chapter 133) Officer of  HEAD (REPATRIATION) from Controller of Immigration under section 33(1) of Immigration Act (Chapter 133) was Authorised by the Controller pursuant to Section (3) of the aforesaid Act of order to remove from singapore...

I was given ORDER OF DETENTION Under IMMIGRATION ACT (CHAPTER 133), WHEREAS my Detention is considered necessary until arrangements can be made for my return to Singapore back... Already 3yrs past and I am still waiting  from Singapore Immigration Approval....Where can I refer or Appeal for this matter bcs My doughter alone in Singapore and She studying in Sec 3 now, She was staying at Children Aid Society Home under Goverment since I can't enter to Singapore and I am  very worried and Consents about my doughter and I have to find solutions for my issued n enter to Singapore Back for my doughter sake....Pls help me here... n Thank You

You should have mentioned what was the reason the immigration authority banned you more than 3 years now. The severity of issue may drag you few more years. Did you reach out ICA or did you ask any relatives or friends, who are in Singapore to visit ICA to request them how to clear this ban (if there is possibility).

If you are worried about your daughter as you can't enter Singapore then you may think of transferring her to your place where she can continue her studies. Good luck

Being repatriated (i.e. deported) after detention (i.e. arrest) is a very serious issue - you must have done something very bad to cause this.

Your only chance of entering Singapore again is clearing things up with ICA. Given that your issue is so grave, I'd recommend engaging a Singapore lawyer to help you.

Hi all. I would like someone to help me with this issue. My boyfriend is a Malaysian. He was offered a rider job(collabration with MCD) in Singapore. But the company asked him to start working(night shift rider) before applying for the permit. He started doing the job according to the company rule. After 2 days of working he checked about his permit at the office. And they replied that the application was rejected. So he stopped working on that second itself and returned home. On that evening, we noticed that his good conduct was able to be collected. Next day we find a security job in Singapore. On that night, he came in Singapore to meet me. But was held by customs officers. They checked his urine, they inquire him about coming in and out at night for past few days. Even after telling the truth, they banned him from entering Singapore. I wanted to know how can I appeal to enter Singapore.

He worked illegally in Singapore without permit, they caught him and he got banned.
There is nothing you can do about it, unfortunately, other than asking ICA how long the ban will last - and then waiting that long. (Or joining him in another country.)
He should learn from it and never do something illegal again!

Actually, the company asked him to start working before applying for the permit. But, they told him as they already apply permit for him and he can collect the temporary permit in two days. It happens without our knowledge.

He can be penalized for breaking the rules even if he didn't know them at the time. Sorry!

Im Malaysian i get removal from Singapore under section 33(1) on 2018..so now I want go to interview to Singapore....can get entry or not?
Saravanasakthi: You should contact the government agency who instated your ban (in moste cases ICA or MoM) and ask whether it is still in force and what you could do to lift it.
Do not travel to Singapore without doing this first!

In October ica remove me from Singapore the officer next time before coming to Singapore i must have to appeal to ica for entry can you help what should i write in letter my wife is singaporean. I remove from Singapore because im in prison for 3 months. While i finish my sentence My ltvp was expired thats y ica don't let me stay in Singapore. Ica officer said to me i can comeback to Singapore but i need to write entry approval appeal to ica please help me what should i write in appeal letter

@Gurbachan Singh You should explain the situation that led to your overstaying, show remorse and ask for their leniency to allow you to be united with your Singaporean wife again.

And never again do something illegal in Singapore!

Hi Admin,

My Gf is a Russian citizen, she was staying in sg with a tourist visa for 30 days + 30 days extension sponsored by my Singaporean friend. After which, we went to Thailand 2 weeks to celebrate her birthday and apply for a new visit pass, sponsored by the same Singaporean friend, that was approved for 9 weeks validity.

We made a mistake in assuming that she can stay 9 weeks so we bought her return ticket on the last day of her visa expiry. On our return to SG, immigration officers refused her entry, interviewed her, put her in a waiting room and advised her to fly back to where she came from, in our case was Phuket. She may have answered gibberishly while the officers was questioning her as she was very anxious at the moment. My SG friend and I have submitted an appeal to ICA and we confirmed that she has no any stamps on her passport.

Currently she's waiting at Phuket to be able to come back SG again as soon as the appeal is approved. Does anyone have similar experiences and how long does it usually take for an approval?

@Gurbachan Singh

This is the email I got. Hope this helps

A visitor's entry into Singapore is neither automatic nor a right, and each entry is considered on its own merits. The grant of entry to visitors is assessed and determined by the ICA officers at the Singapore checkpoints upon their arrival.

If you seek to enter or reside in Singapore in future, you are required to submit an application for a Visit Pass through a local sponsor who must be either a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident aged 21 and above, or a Singapore-registered company. Please submit your application through email to  ICA_VSC_APPEAL@ica.gov.sg  for consideration.

The following documents are required for the application:

a) Application Form 14 (duly completed & signed);

b) a clear scanned copy of your passport pages showing the bio data page and signature; and

c) a clear scanned copy of your local sponsor's Singapore identity card (front & back) .

The application Form 14 can be downloaded from ICA's website at the following link: https://www.ica.gov.sg/eservicesandforms/all-forms.

You are required to state clearly the reason or purpose for your entry and duration of visit on the Form 14. You may also include any other supporting documents that you deem relevant to support your application. The application will be assessed on its own merits and your local sponsor will be notified by post/email when the outcome is known.

You should not make travel plans to Singapore until approval has been given by ICA for your entry.

@PTK kyaw Russian citizens do receive more scrutiny of their immigration status, not only for political reasons but also because many tend to illegally work in the sex trade.

Since your GF is trying to (ab-)use a tourist visa to in fact live with you - and ICA noticed that - I think her chances of another SVPin the near future are very low. After all, she already stayed far longer than the average visitor (4 days).

I recommend she goes back to her country from Thailand and does try again to apply for an SVP in six months or later.

@beppi Hi thanks for your reply. She already has an approved Visit Visa for the 2nd visit to Singapore. Our mistake was not buying the return ticket 4 weeks from her arrival date. My friend and I have sent an appeal for approval as advised by the immigration officers. Do you know how long it usually take for them to response?

Otherwise, if she can get an employment in Singapore, would there be any problem with her employer applying a work visa for her?

@PTK kyaw If she had a visa with 9 weeks validity (as you wrote) and came with a return ticket within that time, that did certainly not cause the denied entry.

I rather think that it became apparent that she is not, in fact, visiting - but trying to live with you. That is a No-No in Singapore and she should NOT repeat it!

In oder not to complicate things further (which might destroy her remaining chances of coming here again), she should stay away from Singapore for longer than she was here before - and then visit only for short periods (up to 30 days).

Of course, if she finds an employer willing to hire her, they can apply for a work pass for her. Whether that will be approved is of course uncertain. There are many requirements she and the employer must fulfill. And: She would have to do the job search from abroad, as coming here to look for a job is also a reason to be denied entry.

@PTK kyaw


may i know where did you submit an appeal in ICA

any email?.. my friend was banned to enter SG this morning just because when she arrived here in SG(march 18) she declare 2 days which is the original plan however her visa to Australia was not yet approve so she extended her stay here.. sHe received email that her visa in Australia was approved March 29 2023.. but then she said want to stay here more. So total of less than 30 days in SG

hope to hear from you soon

@Don17 Usually, she would have received a 30 days visa on arrival - and then there are no problems with changed plans within this period (and actually no need to apply or declare it).

But maybe, as the border guys sometimes do, she only received 15 days and she overstayed that? If she actually overstayed, there is no reason to appeal - she just has to wait until the ban expires.

@beppi Hi thanks for the reply

on the second day of stay in SG we did checked how long she can stay here they gave her 30 days so we assumed it would not be a problem.over all she stay 25days here.The immigration suspected her of illegally working here and said she would be banned for 2 years

@Don17 So she was NOT banned because, as you wrote in your first post above, she stayed longer than originally planned. Instead, she was banned for suspected illegal work!

Working illegally here is a MAJOR offense and she is lucky to have received a ban for only 2 years, and not lifelong.

If she did not work - and can prove if - she can contact ICA and submit the proof. If she can't, I recommend to just wait those two years!

no she didn't work here

i don't why they assumed that

so we still need to email an appeal

@Don17 Good luck!

Hi, I just some advice regarding my entry in Sg.

Last Feb22 I went to Sg with my mom as tourist but I was refused to enter and asked to go back to Ph.  I sent an appeal to entry coz I have a local friend but still it was denied.

This time my company in Sg applied for a work pass and was approved and got IPA, will it affect my entry? What should I do?

Thank you very much!

You didn't elaborate why you were denied to enter (ICA don't block someone without any valid reason).

Secondly, your work pass approval managed by another govt section MoM (different and independent govt entity). Believe, MoM might have reached out ICA system to check your basic credentials but again there is no guarantee that ICA will allow you based on IPA letter (but chances are lesser that ICA won't allow).

To be safer, send a mail to ICA with your IPA letter copy and request to advise if there is any issue on your arrival immigration process (if you don't know why you were denied previously). Good luck

@surya2k thanks for your reply. Based on the paper that immig gave me, it stated there that “being ineligible to issue of a pass under current immigration policies”. But the thing is, I wasnt informed beforehand about this. I visit Sg twice last year, but the immig didnt informed me that the next visit I need to present this pass. So I was surprised when I arrived & denied entry. I told them, if only I knew that I needed this I would have produced it before my flight so everything wouldnt have gone to waste. I have all the return ticket & hotel but still confused why they didnt let me in.

Btw I already discussed with my company about my case and they told me that they will check with IcA if clearance is needed upon my arrival. Hope everything will be fine.

@micheal m Please stop posting the same several times. I have removed two of your three messages!

First and foremost, you need to find out why your application was rejected. Your messages does not tell anything about that.


sir did you come back to singapore? we have the same issue.

Hello I'm Malaysian indian.. I get arrested on April 2018 under drug case and realease on august 2018.. Already 5years so what I need to do if I wan enter to Singapore.. Because o really don't know for how long I get banned.. because on 2021 my boss try to apply for work permit ya I can get... When I try to enter Singapore ica ask my to appeal..So I don't know that I can work at Singapore again or what the procedure.. pls explain to me

It's always better to reach out ICA and get a written confirmation that you can enter SG. If they say yes then you try to visit with email confirmation from ICA. But your offence in 2018 was very serious. Good luck

@Sasha Vani As a convicted drug dealer who has spend severalmonths in jail, you will never be able to enter Singapore (or even work there) again. Better look for other countries to go to!

Hello, I am a Malaysian. I was caught by the police on August 18, 2023, working without a permit, and left Singapore on August 20, 2023. Now I need to obtain ICA approval to enter Singapore. I applied twice but was rejected by ICA. The reply email from ICA did not mention any reason why I was denied entry. It didn't say how long I couldn't enter the country.

In this case, can I ask my family to go to the Singapore ICA to ask how to apply for entry successfully and how long it will take to enter the country?

I want to apply for a job in Singapore. If my job application is successful, I can then apply for a work permit to enter Singapore. Will it be successful?

Or would it be useful to seek help from the Singapore Embassy in Malaysia?

@Jacky Neo Working illegally is a very serious offense in Singapore. It is most likely that you will never be allowed to wok here again - and cannot enter the country for several years.

You can contact ICA to ask how long the ban on visits will last and if anything could be done to lift it earlier. (It is better not to send your family memers living in Singapore, as this might raise the suspicion that you don't want to just visit, but actually stay with them.)

You could also contact MoM to ask if there is any chance for ever working in Singapore again - but I cannot lift your hopes here: In most cases, MoM does not reply (which means "Never!").

has anyone who received the order of removal managed to successfully appealed to enter singapore again?

@m0use520 What is an "order of removal"? Were you denied entry, or deported? (These are different issues!)


Does anyone have experience getting a Singapore student pass rejection in applying for a diploma while you have a bachelor's degree?

I haven't applied yet as my intake is in November 2024. As for me I already have a Business and Management Bachelor degree and will apply for a mechanical engineering diploma at PSB Academy.