4 month Basic Salary pending since last 1 year.


I am suffering due to salary is paid on time. My Company Owner changed 1year back, on that time my five month salary was pending. Both owner decided to pay only 4 month my basic Salary. Proper documentation done. I was agreed. Till now more then 1 years finish, I didn't receive any. Present Salary also I am not getting in proper way. Employer split my salary into 2-3 parts. Employer never give my salary on time and not from WPS(BANK).I asked to do my contract online. That also not done.

Please suggest me what to do.

@atiftrade1990 unfortunately this story of so many people, keep record and proof of all pending salaries, bank transfer is his problem if he is not doing its going against him. you can file case against him and leave company on this basis. unfortunately there is no other option except filing case in labor court for your right. once your file case don't withdraw it no matter how many promises he makes.