EP Application sept / Oct

Ep applied : 20th Oct

current status : pending

EP applied: 3 October

EP Rejected: 8 October. Reason “this candidate does not meet qualifying criteria. Please check self assessment tool for qualifying salary” my salary 6.8K.

Second EP applied with higher salary: 10 october

S-Pass rejected (I think because they asked to consider SPass if not qualifying to EP): 17 October due to no quota.

Appeal submitted: 20 October.

I've had 2 EPs with no issue before this. My previous EP cancelled on 16 September an came to my country on vacation. I have my flight back on November 1st. Don't know if I should fly back or wait for the outcome home. Do I have any chances?

Wait for the outcome of your work pass application!

@Aslam Khan47 hey is it your first time applying ep or previously applied alr?

Ep applied on 21 Oct,

Got approval on 27 Oct.

Fresh apply, IT sector

@Smart TV may ik from which country are you from?

@Aslam Khan47 any response for you?

For all of you waiting for an outcome, my EP got approved today! Stay positive and things will work out!

@PrayingSoul Congratulations! Very happy for you :)

Mine is still pending inputs from vetting agencies which was changed 3 weeks ago. The EP was submitted on the September 29th. Total now it's been more than 1 month 2 weeks of waiting. I am very worried and scared but there is nothing I and the new company can do - just have to keep praying!

As I am currently holding EP and has 2 more years of MOE tuition grant to serve in Singapore, I am pretty disappointed with the duration of the process as the MoM website claimed that they have improved it with the new technology... The waiting period for everyone is very vary - I saw some within a week and some just like me. I hope there will be a fair consideration in terms of the average duration in the future with given reasons for this. It has been quite mentally draining for me. Thank you and have a great weekend guys!

@PrayingSoul Congratulations! Very happy for you smile.png
Mine is still pending inputs from vetting agencies which was changed 3 weeks ago. The EP was submitted on the September 29th. Total now it's been more than 1 month 2 weeks of waiting. I am very worried and scared but there is nothing I and the new company can do - just have to keep praying!

As I am currently holding EP and has 2 more years of MOE tuition grant to serve in Singapore, I am pretty disappointed with the duration of the process as the MoM website claimed that they have improved it with the new technology... The waiting period for everyone is very vary - I saw some within a week and some just like me. I hope there will be a fair consideration in terms of the average duration in the future with given reasons for this. It has been quite mentally draining for me. Thank you and have a great weekend guys!

Do you have an undergrad degree from outside Singapore that requires verification?

Sadly, in this case, the new process probably won't help much, as the verification is the bottleneck... It might be slow due to your uni.

My EP application in 2021 was going through the vetting agency and it took 5 weeks in total.

This October, for a new EP - only 4 working days.

@PrayingSoul Congratulations! Very happy for you smile.png
Mine is still pending inputs from vetting agencies which was changed 3 weeks ago. The EP was submitted on the September 29th. Total now it's been more than 1 month 2 weeks of waiting. I am very worried and scared but there is nothing I and the new company can do - just have to keep praying!

As I am currently holding EP and has 2 more years of MOE tuition grant to serve in Singapore, I am pretty disappointed with the duration of the process as the MoM website claimed that they have improved it with the new technology... The waiting period for everyone is very vary - I saw some within a week and some just like me. I hope there will be a fair consideration in terms of the average duration in the future with given reasons for this. It has been quite mentally draining for me. Thank you and have a great weekend guys!

My employment pass that was submitted on 26th September is also pending (8 weeks till now). It seems like this is the norm for employment pass application nowadays?

Thank you for your reply @nelyanne @Ka Jin Chia

@nelyanne Thank you for your inputs! I graduated Bachelor's Degree from the local Singapore university and MoM had vetted me before during my first application last year. So I assume my education background is not the delayed factor - I am also bonded under MOE Tuition Grant to work here at least 3 years

@Ka Jin Chia Thank you for sharing this! Mine is almost approaching 2 months as well. Anything we can do with this? My employer called MoM and all they said is to wait... I don't understand any reasons behind the wait as they didn't request any additional documents on my end as well

Same here. My waiting is reaching 8 weeks..

The MoM personnel for processing work pass applications seem to be severely overloaded at the moment.

Therefore, delays and processing times of 8 weeks and more are to be expected.

@Miranz that's really weird then. I hope you will get a positive response soon.

Same here. My waiting is reaching 8 weeks..

Mine just got approved after exact 8 weeks.

All the best for those who are waiting.

Hey Jaymans,

That's some good news! 1f60d.svg

Congratulations. We wish you all the best in this new adventure.



Expat.com team

I sent the docs to my future employer in 20 Oct. Not sure when they applied my EP, but mine just got approved today. Stay positive everyone.

2nd Ep

Ep applied on 23 Sep,

Submitted extra doc (bank statement) on 28 Sep,

Original Ep cancelled on 22 Oct

Still pending

@beppi Hi just curious how did you get to know this info? Did your clients all experienced a delay or something? My friend has applied for 3 weeks and there's no responce from MoM, large IT company

@Paisley Park I observe this and other forums only.

May I know what's the longest processing time observed on this forum as mine is still on pending.

May I know what's the longest processing time observed on this forum as mine is still on pending.

We had cases that took six months to process.