S pass approval time Dec 2021 ?

Hello ,

Is anyone have any idea how long it will take for approving the S Pass application 

My company  HR submitted the application  on Dec 1st  2021 and till its showing as pending. DEC 10TH  MOM asked for Salry justification , Then My HR submitted including justification letter  bank statement,  salary slip ,And experience..etc...

If anyone know pls comment the time took for approval.

Current  basic pay is 3.8, including OT and other   allowances  monthly avg take home is around 5.2k(as a avg of last 6 months ), New company pay is 6K to get DP..And applied for s pass only, For ep need higher salary...

If any one knwo the latest news reg this pls comment your valuable responses...

Hello, I am in the same situation here. The company applied for an S pass on the second of December and it is still pending. As for additional info, MOM asked for, did HR reach to you to ask for details, or did HR just submit that additional info without you knowing?

I ask because in my case I am just see pending since the 2nd of December, so I am not very sure whether mom needed further documents from an employer or so as HR never reached to me.  Also, I guess in December mom is busier due to holidays, etc.

HR contacted me..actually  it's a 3rd party company...Client  interviewed  me  then another company doing and coordinating all the work  and pass is from another 3rd party Company becoz of  S pass quota issue...let see how it's working

Oh, I see, thanks for your answer. In my case HR of the employing company has applied the spass. In which field are you? I am in Science

Did you try to find the answer yourself before posting?
We wrote many times before: Work pass processing takes between 2 weeks and 2 months in most cases - special circumstances can deviate from this.

amsooraj93 wrote:

Hello ,

Is anyone have any idea how long it will take for approving the S Pass application 

My company  HR submitted the application  on Dec 1st  2021 and till its showing as pending. DEC 10TH  MOM asked for Salry justification , Then My HR submitted including justification letter  bank statement,  salary slip ,And experience..etc...

If anyone know pls comment the time took for approval.

Current  basic pay is 3.8, including OT and other   allowances  monthly avg take home is around 5.2k(as a avg of last 6 months ), New company pay is 6K to get DP..And applied for s pass only, For ep need higher salary...

If any one knwo the latest news reg this pls comment your valuable responses...


Wanted to ask if the MOM website input the pass type S pass or Employment Pass?
