Invalid s pass application status

Hello everyone. Just now I checked my ipa status. Epass status is "invalid" anyone experienced same issue?

@Aviationman searched using your passport number yeah? Also, how long ago was the application submitted.


my husband has the same situation.

SPass application in a new company was submitted yesterday afternoon, and now he checked again and it shows “invalid”.

Application was not even 24 hours
The system has been changed recently, it seems, and it could be that "invalid" is the new wording for "rejected".

@LP08 I think invalid is same as rejected. But just now I contacted my agent and told me that as per their account my status is still pending.

@beppi I think you are right rejected and invalid were the same, however when I ask my agent they told me that as per their account my application is still pending does anyone experience the same issue?

Aviationman: Better ask your employer or MoM - the agent may be as confused as we are here!

@beppi just now they showed me screen capture of pending status on their account.

Then they (or your employer) should contact MoM to correct the false entry you see!

@Aviationman Hi! Any update on your status? Also found my Pass application invalid. Waiting for employer to verify

@felicianocarmina012 invalid is indeed rejected, now im waiting for re application approval

@Aviationman thank you! Hope it will be approve soon.

As for me, HR handling my application already resigned now the in charge is covid pos so need to wait to report back to work and check reason of my rejection. Hope nothing big and will re appeal.
My s-pass was rejected for the first time and my HR informed that they are submitting for the appeal on 24/05/2022. Now when I checked the online status, it said invalid, rejected.....

will the appeal result statement be the same as the first application result statement? it is in my case, to be honest, even including the reason (please contact your HR or agent....)

Anyone could help advise the situation. Thanks.
will the appeal result statement be the same as the first application result statement? it is in my case, to be honest, even including the reason (please contact your HR or agent....)
- @nG2022Sig
Your appeal's chances depend on whether you know and addressed the rejection reason in a convincing manner.
Since you did not write about that, we here cannot tell.

The recruiter told me that it is due to headcount quota limit.
If you were rejected for lack of quota: Did the employer fire other foreigners or hired many additional locals to create space for you in their quota before appealing? If not, the appeal will fail.

@Aviationman Hi there! How was your application since then?

@nG2022Sig Hi there! How's your application since then?

@LP08 Hi there! How did your husband's application go? Mine's showing Invalid as well but per their account the status is still pending...

@mbdcb hello after exactly 15 days it appeared pending again ask my agent told me that they re-appeal, now sta

Hi, new HR handling my pass approval just found out the reason. Will now appeal and wait for update. Will update here for any.

Hope we all get pass approval. God bless us

@mbdcb hello after exactly 15 days it appeared pending again ask my agent told me that they re-appeal, now sta

- @Aviationman

Sir any news or update to your pass?
Have the same issue about the Invalid status, it states that i should talk to my employer or agent. I think they do not want to disclose the reason of disapproval. I do not even know if the re apply will be success or not? Do you think it is in the HR part is the main reason of disapproval?

@BioCaplet hi. We have the same scenario. Received an invalid result last Monday. I contacted HR and asked the main reason of rejection, i asked if it's on my end but they did not disclose anything. and just assured me that they will re appeal.

@EP16 yes exactly. And the new portal is quite confusing, how do we know if it is already lodged in to tell which is initial or re-apply? And it was not even 24hours status is changing pending to invalid. Just wondering.

@BioCaplet hi ,my initial pass was applied on 6th June 2022 and the result came out as invalid on 20 June 2022 . I contacted the HR and found out the issue was from their management side. The HR informed me that the appeal was done on 23 June 2022. I checked on the next day in the MOM the status has changed from Invalid to pending. You know what my HR has asked me to be patient since it will take 3 weeks to one month for approval.for your information 3 different companies previously applied S pass previously and one renewal and all of them were successful. Let's hope for the best.

@Balakctech1987 yeah, i hope mine would be successful. Bc i have no idea if its on my part or theirs that caused the disapproval. Yesterday i checked, its pending, but now again..its invalid. Reported it already with the HR but i dont think that he raised it with their Spass manager, Still hoping for the approval though.

@felicianocarmina012 did you get approval already?

Hello everyone.
I have a question. My application marked as invalid (not been approved) seen in MOM portal.

If I apply for another new job, new employer and new agency, and apply again for S pass after few weeks or months. Is there would be a conflict on my rejected S pass and in my new application?

Thanks alot.

Hi @JOYBOY2077 ,

How long does it take to get the invalid (rejected) status on your case? from the first submission date.

@monx2 Upon sending all the requirements, my agency sent my application to MOM last June 14th and I just have the results today (July 1st). It took almost 3 weeks to have the result.

Joyboy: A prior rejection will not have an influence on any future application. (Of course the same rejection reason might still be present in the new application, but that is a different matter.)
Just an advice: Avoid agents and deal with the employer directly - your chances are better that way!

@Aviationman  yes me also

Any Singapore agent pls tell me ****

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@beppi my s application is 13days pending, 14th days is invalid,

may be whats the reason ?you know experience before anyone ?pls let me know

@vasanthveeranan86 please assess yourself with the SAT tool 1st, to find your eligibility to specific pass

@vasanthveeranan86 Please do not double-post the same message.

"Invalid" means your application was rejected. You can read many discussions on this forum about the reasons an application could be rejected.

Without exact details of your case, we cannot tell what could apply in your case.

Is there anyone experience that "your application is being process" has disappered?

and before says: 2 records found but now only 1 record.

idk whats my application outcome now..

@54321yan You cannot have two records (i.e.ongoing applications). Something is wrong - your employer should contact MoM!

this morning it says:


your application is being process


your pass expired



your pass expired

the pending process just disappeared with no other reason given.

strange coz idk if they just hang up the process and to input the nxt day.

Anyway this is a appeal against rejection. Hoping for a positive outcome.