
Jeddah Knowledge International School

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I'm interested in an advertisement for a teacher needed at JKS and would like to hear from employees at the school.  Is it a good place for a teacher from the UK to work?  Does it have a good support structure and career opportunities?  The accommodation is at Sharbatly Village (which looks great) - would the expat community recommend it?

By the way, I am a single woman and I have had some friends mention that they would be concerned if I went to Jeddah.  But, the compounds seem safe.  What are your thoughts?

See also

Job offers in JeddahWorking in JeddahStarting a business in Saudi ArabiaWorking in Saudi ArabiaInternships in Saudi Arabia

Hi and welcome on board treelouep!

I hope the other forum members will help you soon ;)



Hi, my family and I are starting there in Sept, I have messaged you with details, if any interest to you. Generally, I think you would be fine at JKS.


1967tazz...I spend to much time on facebook....I was looking for the like button for your reply..:D:D:D


Yolande-SA wrote:

1967tazz...I spend to much time on facebook....I was looking for the like button for your reply..:D:D:D

lol, well you can find me on Fb 'RJ Fisher' is the name...
I see from your profile that you are in Jeddah already, thought that you would not be coming over 'till Oct/Nov?

How are things going? any more news on the school/work front?




Hi there
Had a look and there are so many RJ Fisher's on not know which one
You can add me ...Yolande Posthumus Wals.
I am not in Jeddah yet, made a mistake on the website, but hubby will be there on Monday.
No news on compound yet, will wait for hubby to get there. At the moment we are running around trying to get everything sorted before he leaves. Ran into some problems with the medical...hope to get it sorted before he leaves monday morning

Speak soon


Well done, you found me...
Hope all goes well for Monday...


HIIII Im soooo happy to have come across your post. fufff! (phew-sheep style :O )))

firstly as I was browsing other expat forums I heard alot about your school and teachers seeem to be verrrrry happy. THe school respects and supports the teacher which is not the case compared to my and my mothers experience.  So goodluck with that and i hope you ll like it there. :)

I m happy about your post because I was wondering about where Ill be accomodated. I have an interview as well and I had heard in that past that it was difficult for females to be on their own since they practically placed them on school campus where they were not allowed to go out at all. They were only taken to the supermarket once a week to get their stuff and thats about it. So knowing you ll be in a compound IS GREAAAATTT!!! IM SOO EXCITED NOW about my interview you know I was wondering if I should cancel the interview...YAY GOD BLESS YOU HON. see u around :)


did they ask you about the methodologies in your interview?



So have you had your interview or is it still to occur?

Either way all the best and hope things ork out well for you, and maybe see you in Jeddah...


it will be tomorrow..its wierd not knowing what to expect about the accomodation. When I had decided about UAE I wasnt worried this much. But as you know the lifestyle of KSA is quiet different and what makes it worse is that each company, establishment offers different things. I rechecked the post it doesnt say anything about accomodating it says that they will give allowances for that.. So its ok when they are a couple but what about a female alone u know... I wouldnt want to pass on this opportunity but I think I might stick to what Im in for now...It will be too bad if they wont offer accomodation in a compound...sigh sigh sigh...Ill just have to wait and see.



Is your interview with JSK?  If so, which post are they interviewing you for?  The accommodation is mentioned on their website, so you don't need to worry. I'd check out the website if I were you. I had a good interview but as they need me to start in September.  I didn't realise this would be the case and I have to give a term's notice in my current job.

1967tazz - did you see an advert in TES earlier this year?


oh no no its for another place..sorry for the confusion ur not the first though :shy


treelouep wrote:


I had a good interview but as they need me to start in September.  I didn't realise this would be the case and I have to give a term's notice in my current job.

So when are you starting at JKS Treelouep? Or have you turned it down?


treelouep wrote:


Is your interview with JSK?  If so, which post are they interviewing you for?  The accommodation is mentioned on their website, so you don't need to worry. I'd check out the website if I were you. I had a good interview but as they need me to start in September.  I didn't realise this would be the case and I have to give a term's notice in my current job.

1967tazz - did you see an advert in TES earlier this year?

very sorry for the confusion its not for this school :shy


So you been in Jeddah long? and what do you do?  :/


Thank you Kimberly.. your comments were very reassuring.  I've accepted the job offer and will be in Jeddah soon.




I was offered a job at JKS which I declined , after my friends warned me about all the after school work. be careful have a look at Jeddah Private School instead , just a suggestion

Clío Axel

Could anybody please tell me these schools websites?

  Sohalawi, I sent you a private message yesterday regarding your job advertisement, asking for further details.
Have you received it?


Our school does not have anymore femal visas, we are looking to hire locally


Clío Axel

Thank you!

emraat emran

I really want to join a school like this in jeddah but i don't know what are the cirtificates they need to work in it and i am from egypt so i am arabian woman. i don't know how to join schools like that


I tried contacting jeddah knowledge international school , no one replays to emails , no one answers the phone , how do I contact them to apply for a job
any help ?


Yes, as 1 who did - don't...




@sakinamayat - Can you please lower caps lock when writing so as to ease the reading? :)

Thank you,


sakinamayat wrote:


Sorry, I went to the school, and it was the worst experience of my professional life. Along with others I have left. Reasons, lack of, discipline, leadership, direction etc etc, read the ISR site to get a feeling of what many other teachers say...


treelouep wrote:

I'm interested in an advertisement for a teacher needed at JKS and would like to hear from employees at the school.  Is it a good place for a teacher from the UK to work?  Does it have a good support structure and career opportunities?  The accommodation is at Sharbatly Village (which looks great) - would the expat community recommend it?

By the way, I am a single woman and I have had some friends mention that they would be concerned if I went to Jeddah.  But, the compounds seem safe.  What are your thoughts?

In Saudi for single womean esp western expat, compound is the safest option. However compounds are expensive and if you are coming here with some financial targets you might would like to save some on housing.

For pricing of compounds in Jeddah do a google for compounds in Jeddah.

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