I have scar in my lungs but i pass the medical in dubai.

I want to share my story.

Way back 2012 I was diagnose with minimal PTB in my right lungs and I was taking medication for 6 month.
2013 I came to Dubai with tourist visa for 2 months but I was so scared with the scar in my lungs I did not continue so I go back to phil.
2015 I went to Dubai again as a tourist just praying I will pass the medical. I have the job and I have my medical the xray and blood test because my visa that time is under office work.
Before they start my xray I drink milk full fat, any brand you can drink as long its full fat, and 1 banana and the time they xray me I did not breath deep.
After that I pray everyday and God blessing I pass the medical. After 2 years I renew and only blood test for my visa.
2019 oct. I change employer and 2020 april end of the month my medical for new visa so I drink again the full fat milk before the xray and I did not breath when they do the xray. May 3 they send message to my employer, to do follow up blood check in Al Muhaisnah Medical Center.
That time when my boss told me im thinking that they saw may scar. May 4 I went there and they only get my blood no sputum so I got scared more why only blood. And I start searching until I came in this forum. Everyday I pray to god what ever he plan on me.
May 10 in the morning I call the medical center for update and the guy in the other line said all ok you can go to immigration to process.
I feel like I want to cry. Mean the scar they did not see and the 2nd blood test retake may be the first one not clear.

My advice with people have scar if your ptb is new don't apply in dubai they still can see it I know people don't believer in milk but who try it and it work believe in it and im one of them. And also pray to god nothing is impossible to him.
Good luck to all.


I have Costophrenic Angle blunting in my x-ray finding and Fibroid in CT scan.

Will it be difficult to pass UAE medical examination?  I didn't have TB or Pneumonia in past or at present. 

Please share your views.

@Melcamitch what kind of milk ?? Please i want to know.. thanks

@Melcamitch hello , you try cheast xray here in philippines before going to dubai??

Way back 2017 i was 3 years working in dubai ive got tested positive in PTB,all test done at dubai until i get treated,my doctor in dubai ask me if i want to back in the philippines for treatment or shall i get the treatment in dubai but i choose to go home for treatment,i get an emergency leave for 2 mos for the treatment here in the philippines,after 2 mos.i came back to dubai again to continue my work so i bring also my 6 mos medication as i bring back to dubai,so my doctor here in dubai always check on me every month if i always taking my meds until i finish my 6 mos treatment,so after 6 mos she repeated my xray again and all went well there is only some scar in my lungs ,so i continue to work same company untill 2020,2020 came i resigned my job because of the pandemic and go back to philippines,my question is i want to go back in dubai but im scared if my medical will not pass because of my lung scar before,i am a nurse and i want to go back and work again in dubai.

Way back 2017 i was 3 years working in dubai ive got tested positive in PTB,all test done at dubai until i get treated,my doctor in dubai ask me if i want to back in the philippines for treatment or shall i get the treatment in dubai but i choose to go home for treatment,i get an emergency leave for 2 mos for the treatment here in the philippines,after 2 mos.i came back to dubai again to continue my work so i bring also my 6 mos medication as i bring back to dubai,so my doctor here in dubai always check on me every month if i always taking my meds until i finish my 6 mos treatment,so after 6 mos she repeated my xray again and all went well there is only some scar in my lungs ,so i continue to work same company untill 2020,2020 came i resigned my job because of the pandemic and go back to philippines,my question is i want to go back in dubai but im scared if my medical will not pass because of my lung scar before,i am a nurse and i want to go back and work again in dubai.

Good day,

For me dubai not that hard to.past with scar. You can try again coz i do believe in prayer.


In my experience its not hard to past as long as u know that ur ok and the scar is long time alreayd.

@JustineBoy TV any milk will do as long its full fat

@JustineBoy TV yes i did,thats why i know i have ptb finish my 6 months and try my luck her in dubai.

Hi @Melcamitch,. I have also lung scar and tried if I can work here in Dubai. As my partner says i can pass it as long as i am just in an office job and besides i have my skin, blood and sputum tests that says scar is not due to TB. Before the medical test I was so paranoid that I will be deported, because one of my friend knows someone that already in airport deported that day. But I read your story, and tried full fat milk and 1 banana before xray, i also did not breathe and slightly move away my right chest. I prayed to God to give me miracle, that they will not see my scar. Next day, i got the medical result, i thought they want a followup xray. As I translated the arabic result, I cried when I see it as "medically fit".

P.S 5 years ago, I applied here in dubai through employment agency, but i did not push it because i have learned i have lung scar and about deportation. But today, i am just waiting for my emirates id. 😃

@Loner11 hello how are you? Good to hear i help in a little way 💗. Thats a good news. Just have faith in god and allah will help us. Good luck. Hope to hear from u soon.😊

Hello @Melcamitch, I am good. I have my emirates id now 😃 I still cannot believe I've made it. 

@Melcamitch hello  i just want to ask about my friends medical, last February 2021 she got her 2nd employment visa in Ras alkhaima for the other company but that time her medical is unfit because they saw a spot on her Lungs X-ray they gave her 1 year visa so they told her to come back every 4 months for the follow up check up and she go there every 4 months and they said her lungs is cleared already but still she need to go back for follow up every 6 months. but last week she go for visa medical again in Dubai because she transfer to other company again but her xray is unfit again so they said she need to go to muhaisna medical centre to do the follow up check up, so if she will go back there for follow up and she is unfit again? they will automatically deport her?

As I commented on your other post yesterday, this is not an issue for old visas.  So just relax and stop spamming every thread for the same question.

@Loner11  so happy for u good luck

@arnengkeleleng good day everything will be ok as long as they see its clear, its normal to do the test again but as long its normal everything will be ok

Hi I just want to ask, I have already permit entry in the philippines before but I need to undergo agency and there's a medical and they found a granuloma in my upper left lung, which is my first time to hear that. Because every year I did my medical in the Philippines and always clear. Now I tried here in Dubai as visit visa and applying for work, is there possibilities that they might seen it in my xray? What should I do? I don't have any medical history of TB. Thank you very much

@xtang does the person diagnosed with TB scar and got deported will be banned in entering the UAE?

If fingerprints or eye scan is taken at deportation time, then yes.

i am planning to work on UAE. I have tb scar cause  i already diagnosed and treated tb 5 years ago. Is medical clerance here on the phils will be valid to UAE?

i am planning to work on UAE. I have tb scar cause  i already diagnosed and treated tb 5 years ago. Is medical clerance here on the phils will be valid to UAE?

It all depends on the medical in the country.   If they see a scar and it's a new visa, then they will mark it as UNFIT.


Hi could you share the xray which has the spot for comparison purpose.

@XTang my brother is new to dubai and have a scar in lungs they called him for sputum and they injected him after 3 days i called the al muhaisnah medical center and they told me that he is negative to tb but we still didnt recieve any update for approval they said we need to wait 2 more weeks. what is that mean

Just wait.  They haven't decided yet.

I would like to share a success story for those who are still waiting for their results as there are not many on here and the anxiety we get can make us so desperate and miserable. Please don't be discouraged and keep the faith!

Like a lot of people here, my brother got cured of TB about five years ago. He decided to try it out here and  fast forward to 2 months later, he got a job offer! We were really happy and then also that's when reality hit us that it was medical time.

So the day for the medical came, he was so nervous but I kept encouraging him it will be ok. Then, unfortunately after a few days he was requested to go back to Muhaisnah for a follow up and this was the start of our sleepless nights and endless anxiety.

At the follow up, he was asked to give another blood sample, sputum tests and a skin test. After 2 days, he went back to Muhaisnah for the skin test reading. I don't know if its SOP that they tell you the result but he asked anyway and the nurse said so far it's negative. So he went home feeling a bit better.

The next few days rolled by nerve-wrackingly without any update until his employer told him to go to Muhaisnah to follow up. Everyday for three days straight he went there to follow up personally and on the 3rd day they told him there was a lot of backlog hence the delay but they told him that his retests were negative so just wait for the results as they will be e-mailed to the PRO in the next 10-14 days.

We cant even begin to tell you how anxious we were during this time, everyday checking online, overthinking and unable to sleep. I was having a hard time focusing at work. If I was having a hard time, I'm sure his struggle was 100x more than mine but he still got up everyday and went to work and came home and told me all about his day and the new things he was learning. I don't know how he did it but it was very inspiring to me.

Then we decided to just stop reading and researching online because it was just making us more miserable, especially when we read about people getting UNFIT and deported despite having negative retest results.

Then this morning (12th day since his skin test reading) it said online that the RESULT ISSUED. We were so afraid that when the certificate was sent to us, I didn't want to open it. But when we did, by the grace of God, it was FIT!! 🙏

I know it's a long story but I want to share with you how we got through it. We may be of different religions but I want to tell you that prayer works!!

We prayed every day, went to Church and tried our best to always stay positive and do activites we enjoyed. But always, every waking minute, I was praying. If you are Catholic, send me a message and I will share the Miracle prayers we used.

I'm not saying this will be 100% guaranteed, that depends on your Faith and of course God's plans for you. This is just our personal experience and we just want to share with you that there is HOPE if you have FAITH. 🙏

Good luck all and God bless! May you be granted your FIT result and always remember, the waiting season too shall pass.

@Chauy Keep praying and having faith!! The results for my brother was released 12 days after his skin test reading. I pray for your brother's FIT result 🙏

@StJoseph please send me the miracle prayer 🙏🤲

They found my scar so I got the medical unfit certificate for 3 months and they deported my country. After 3 months can I come again to Dubai for work? I have already checked my scar in my country. It is not TB it is only a scar caused by COVID-19. And then the scar will not disappear so what should I do next time to accept it? I passed the skin test but I don't know why they decided to be unfit. and then they don't make eye scans on me.

If you read what I have written many times in these forums, you would understand that it is not the scar..... It's what they diagnose it as. And no you can't try again as you are permanently banned from uae now.

@XTang Good day! May i ask sir, I was working in Dubai before medically fit. Went back to my country after work, I got ptb and treated but scar remains. Can I reapply for Dubai again? Thank you

You will be treated as a "new" visa applicant.  If they diagnose your scar as TB then they will deny a visa.  I suggest to go through GAMCA first - if GAMCA denies you then you know that chances are not good also for the in country UAE medical.

Hello everyone, just want to share my story what I've experienced during my medical here in dubai. Last October i got offer in one of the hotel here in dubai, i was hesitant to accept the offer because i knew from myself that i had a lungs scar way back 2005 i was diagnosed that time for having a pulmonary epedema if I'm not mistaken or water in the lungs so i had a scar , im carrying half of my life and i was so desperate and down that I will not pass my medical. But i accept the offer and before coming here in dubai i was working in Maldives so i check my xray and the result i have a calcified lesion in my upper left lung. I was smoking too much whenever i was in tension, so finally i came here last oct and after 1 week i had my medical.

After. 1week the bad news came that i have to do a remedical because my xray is not clear. So i went in Muhaisnah fitness center for xray, blood test and sputum test and doctor gave me medicine for 1 week.

I was so scared that i will not pass my medical and get deported as i sacrifice lot of things just to come here in dubai and pursue my dream and my career. I was praying a lot and give it all to God, i drink milk and stop smoking. And keep on praying  everyday 🙏 that everything will be ok.

After 1 week December 27 2023 the HR message me that i pass the medical and got the report medically fit ❤️. I can't express my gratitude to God for hearing my prayers. It was indeed a happy new year for me all my stress , worries sleepless nights vanish.

I share my story to become inspiration to everyone, keep the faith, God is in control. Whatever you prayed for and if your intentions are pure he will hear all your prayers, it was really a miracle for me.

Hope this story will give u a positive view and inspired all of you to keep on going.

Keep praying God knows what he is doing and always remember everything has a reason. May all of you grant your visa and pursue our dreams for our family.

Tomorrow i will do my biometrics and just waiting for my Emirates ID. Praise God 🙏 God bless you all

@Melcamitch maam do you know a clinc in manila who would accept waiver from agency. Had ptb 2014 and I have lung scar

@XTang Hello brother, I also deported from UAE due the same reason of im having scar on chest. They said that i had a pulmonary tuberculosis (inactive) in past. But, fact is i have son history of Tb since my childhood. Now,  I'm looking to find out Pulmonologist, if pulmonologist confirms that my scar is not due tb and he issue me a certificate for the same.

will they approve my visa in UAE ?

Your valuable feedback and advise will more helpful to me.

Unfortunately no.  You have been deported.  It is almost impossible to overturn this decision and may take years.......and never happen.

@XTang But, actually i havent banned over UAE and they didn't take eye scan or fingerprint.  i was advised by my employe as i can come UAE & apply for residence visa if i clear my issue.

still, not possible overturn this ?

@nanda99, you can try but i will gave you good and real experience. Once you try to come back here in UAE by visit visa, your name will pop-up in immigration and you will be question on the Airport, police will hold you and do some investigation. They will hand over you to CID for further record and later they will tell you to go to Hospital or DHA for eyescan.finger print. that will make you banned.

@Melcamitch thank you for sharing your experience, because we are same case and my medical is near,I am also afraid and nervous when my medical come, hoping that my lung scar will not see on my medical praying for it to be positive

@rachelhee371 thank you for sharing positive, because we are same case and I am waiting for my visa medical,hoping also to have positive results and pass my medical