
Afraid to flight


I’m very scared to fly. Too much scared. Got bad anxiety everytime want to fly (even for 45 minutes fly still scared me to death). I’ve consult to my shrink about this and she gave me some meds, xanax for flying and also anti depresan. Also have tried hypnotherapy, but seems the anxiety still there.
Anyone have same problem like me? Any tips and trick for this adraid to fly?

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Take a sleeping tablet to knock you out?


I jumped out of an aeroplane whilst it was in flight.
Try that and you'll be fine

bkk tea blog

This reminds me of being on a flight with my son once, who loves to fly, who was probably 3 or 4 at that time.  He was yelling about how exciting it was how fast we were going.  Any people in that plane who were afraid to fly probably didn't appreciate it.

Anti-anxiety meds should help.  For most people just knowing that statistically they are relatively safe is enough, but I get it that this wouldn't comfort everyone.  It is a really strange thing going up in the sky in a metal tube like that.


I knew a person who had this issue but he never tried that hard to get rid of it back then, may be he has done it by now. 

What I understood it's all in your mind. If you can control your mind you can control almost anything what has to do with your mind. The tricky part is you have to control your mind through your mind. That's also where the problem begins. You have to be your own shrink. Professor John forbes Nash is an example for that read the biography or watch the movie about him "A Beautiful Mind" And try also a flight simulator. Good luck!


Tried many times but seems my anxiety is enormous than the dossage which not aleays suceed knock me out hehe


Fred : maybe I should try what you’re saying fred :)


Bkk tea blog : it’s really comfort knowing that there’s someone can understand my anxiety of flight. And yes not all anti anxiety meds can comfort everyone, for me it end me up like zombie when landed while up in the sky still stress like hell :)


Finnbo : I watch beautiful mind movies few times and yes it was very inspiring,.
You’re right I must conquer my own fear and mind.
Thanks for the support


I'm sorry you feel this way. For many people, anxiety is something they just have to live with. Do you think you'll be able to fall asleep on the flight? Some people tire themselves out from worrying.


finnbo wrote:

I knew a person who had this issue but he never tried that hard to get rid of it back then, may be he has done it by now. 

What I understood it's all in your mind. If you can control your mind you can control almost anything what has to do with your mind. The tricky part is you have to control your mind through your mind. That's also where the problem begins. You have to be your own shrink. Professor John forbes Nash is an example for that read the biography or watch the movie about him "A Beautiful Mind" And try also a flight simulator. Good luck!

John Nash was killed when his taxi from the airport crashed. The flight was perfectly safe. Driving is far more dangerous.


Yeah, might be comforting to consider the statistics. Road accidents are a lot more common and planes really go through strict quality control (and pilots, extensive training) that a single error can lead to one not flying to the skies at all. The news focus on plane crashes mainly because you don't hear that often and because of the number of people affected.


Travel_n_Hustle wrote:

The news focus on plane crashes mainly because you don't hear that often and because of the number of people affected.

Also because horrific news are very attractive in term of number of viewers.  Who wants to hear/read that millions of flights get from Point A to Point B every day without incident?


If planes crashed as often as cars, we would rarely hear about it.


Fred wrote:

I jumped out of an aeroplane whilst it was in flight.
Try that and you'll be fine

Yeah, but he might get a heart attack. Just the fear alone could cause tachycardia or even catatonia...


SimCityAT wrote:

Take a sleeping tablet to knock you out?

It its a short flight, it might be difficult to wake him up after. It it´s a long flight, he might wake up at the middle of it.


Khalida.UNC wrote:

If planes crashed as often as cars, we would rarely hear about it.

We don´t know if he is also afraid of heights.


Kask wrote:

I’m very scared to fly. Too much scared. Got bad anxiety everytime want to fly (even for 45 minutes fly still scared me to death). I’ve consult to my shrink about this and she gave me some meds, xanax for flying and also anti depresan. Also have tried hypnotherapy, but seems the anxiety still there.
Anyone have same problem like me? Any tips and trick for this adraid to fly?

Take Diazepam prescribed by your doctor...


don't fly then

problem solved

Contem talk

Kask wrote:

I’m very scared to fly. Too much scared. Got bad anxiety everytime want to fly (even for 45 minutes fly still scared me to death). I’ve consult to my shrink about this and she gave me some meds, xanax for flying and also anti depresan. Also have tried hypnotherapy, but seems the anxiety still there.
Anyone have same problem like me? Any tips and trick for this adraid to fly?

Easy tips. No more flying. stay away from the flying


In some cases, not flying might not be an option for OP (although not now, seeing as we are in a pandemic and the best advice is to refrain from non-essential travel). I guess knowing what to expect and what to do in case problems take place can help ease your worries? Here is a good read for that, although this deals more about delays, losing baggage and so on. The info that comes in the packets of airline seats personally makes me feel more in control when I'm anxious.