Moving to Morocco with a disability

Hello everyone,

Having a disability should not be a barrier to living abroad. While the intricacies of one's move to Morocco may be specific to the individual, certain steps can be undertaken to make the process smoother.

What are the important aspects you would personally keep in mind during the planning phase (social security benefits, ongoing medical treatment, etc.)?

Are you required to go through a medical check-up before your move?

Are there any organisations or groups who lend support to expatriates who have a disability?

What are your thoughts on the infrastructure in Morocco (public spaces, transportation and buildings)?

Are there enough opportunities to make the most of your social life in Morocco? Are leisure activities made accessible to people with disabilities? 

Please do share your experience with us.


Hello Everyone,

Thank You, Moderator, for the opportunity to post my opinion on this topic:
Moving to Morocco with a Disability:

Please keep in mind these are my opinions, and I'm from California, USA.
where there are Disability acts: ( laws in place to help and care for people with physical and learning disabilities.

Morocco, in my opinion, is not ready for people with disability issues physically.
Walking here alone can be a challenge due to sidewalks that lay in disrepair, also light fixtures, street signs removed, but not properly removed due to hardware sticking up for you to trip on.  I have visited doctors, attorneys office's that were hard to get access due to climbing stairs that are too narrow.

1. Social security benefits, ongoing medical treatment, etc:

ANS: May sure the SS benefits have been started before relocating to Morocco, make sure your medical benefits cover you here in Morocco and find a good Private Doctor here in Morocco.

2. Medical check-up before your move.
ANS: Yes!  that's very important to do.  Don't play with your health.

3. organizations or groups who lend support to expatriates who have a disability?
ANS: I don't know of any here.

4. public spaces, transportation, and buildings.
ANS: Some are very nice and some not so nice.  I love the fast Train!

5. social life in Morocco? Are leisure activities made accessible to people with disabilities?
ANS: I'm married and my Social life, leisure activities are all about family. 

Thank You!

I hope this was helpful!

Hi Blackdolphin,

Thank you very much for the feedback. Very much appreciated.
