Dependent Pass for my New born Kid

Hi All,

I am holding an EP pass in Singapore and was moved to Singapore in March 2018. My wife is holding DP pass.
Now we are blessed with a kid and delivery actually took place in India. My wife and kid both are in India now. I want to apply for dependent pass for my kid to take them to Singapore.

Understand it has to be applied by my employer? Also, I read somewhere that we have to submit and immunisation certificate issued by a doctor in origin country and take approval from HPB Singapore before applying for DP? I am not much clear on this procedure so would be helpful if someone can put some light on it.

Also, as far I could understand from the form required by HPB first mandatory vaccination can be given only after 6 weeks and my child is just 3 weeks now. So no vaccination has been given. I don't think doctor can issue a certificate in this case. Do I have to wait for the first vaccination or is there any way I can apply for DP without this HPB Approval?

djsingh wrote:

Understand it has to be applied by my employer? Also, I read somewhere that we have to submit and immunisation certificate issued by a doctor in origin country and take approval from HPB Singapore before applying for DP?

What you heard is correct.
The HPB approval of immunisations is a very new requirement and not much experience with it exists yet. There is a separate thread with parents in the same situation, so I recommend participating there.

Thanks beppi..
Just saw another thread on same topic..  Participating on that thread.. thanks again.