
Heraldry - Coat of Arms

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What do the words heraldry, quote of arms and motto mean to you?

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the system by which coats of arms and other armorial bearings are devised, described, and regulated.
armorial bearings or other heraldic symbols.
colorful ceremony.
"all the pomp and heraldry provided a splendid pageant"


a short sentence or phrase chosen as encapsulating the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or institution.
"the school motto, “Serve and obey”"


quote of arms

This means your listen or reading comprehension needs improvement

Manal Essa

Fred wrote:

quote of arms

This means your listen or reading comprehension needs improvement

But I think that she didnt mean here the dictionary meaning of the words, she's just asking abt our concept, opinion ...something like that  :unsure


It means

- Idle talk
- Fraud
- Deception
- Silliness
- Cheating 
- foolishness

And some other times it means everything in life


Manal Essa wrote:
Fred wrote:

quote of arms

This means your listen or reading comprehension needs improvement

But I think that she didnt mean here the dictionary meaning of the words, she's just asking abt our concept, opinion ...something like that  :unsure

The first two were leads to the terrible punchline in my third post.


Thank you all for your opinion.
The above words mean to me a new science or art I am interested in studying.


Fred you are right. I did an unintended typo


Fred thank you for correcting me.
Thank you everyone for your valuable opinion


Heraldry and coats of arms are colourful relics of a feudal period in Europe that we thankfully left behind. Nowadays they can be used for decoration, but have no real meaning any more.


beppi wrote:

Heraldry and coats of arms are colourful relics of a feudal period in Europe that we thankfully left behind. Nowadays they can be used for decoration, but have no real meaning any more.

I agree with all but the last time. Whilst their meaning is far less important than they once were, they still represent a lot.
See the British royal standard, then consider what it actually means.


Mariam Mohammadieh wrote:

Thank you all for your opinion.
The above words mean to me a new science or art I am interested in studying.

What form of art, perhaps creating new symbols, or using art to reflect on what we already have?

Manal Essa

Fred post 7 above :D, another reply without quotation to avoid any conflict===> I hv nothing to say actually :D  but I hope u enjoying a good day isa ;)

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