
looking for a nanny in Sosua, near Puerto Plata

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We are looking for a highly qualified nanny in Sosua. The nanny must speak English. Our 2 year old toddler son is mildly autistic, so we would prefer to find someone with knowledge and education in early education principles for children. This is a full-time role, childcare only, no housekeeping. If interested, please let me know.

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Job offers in Dominican RepublicWorking in the Dominican RepublicSetting up a business in the Dominican RepublicWorking in Puerto PlataWorking in Santiago de los Caballeros
Bob K

Good luck in your search.  Sorry but I cannot really help in this situation

Bob K

Clara Simonis

I am 27 female American lady. I have done lots of babysitting in the past. It began with my five younger siblings, and then I would supplement lots of babysitting work from the ages of 8-20 and I had a wonderful nanny job in college and even did therapy with autistic children while in college for about 6months. I love working/playing/being with children and toddlers just may be my favorite :)

I don’t like to label and I believe we are all on the spectrum of everything, yet I do understand that your son may need more attention than a 2 yr old within the bell curve. I do believe in the possibility of balance and equilibrium being attained for all and will care for your son with a positive healthy and trusting mindset that he is growing at his pace on his path and everything wonderful is possible.  I am more effective at working with individual children on their schedules ( I love the quality of 1 on 1 )

I will Be in the Dominican Republic in Cabarete from May 1- August 1 and am looking for some work options during that time.  Please let me know if you would hire me for those 3 months. We could FaceTime soon or meet once I arrive.

I am going there with my partner to explore and search for a home. I have been 4xs in the past year and the 3rd time it hit me as home. I am also 3 mos into my first pregnancy so feeling maternal and that caring for a toddler while there may be the perfect fit.

Let me know where you are at with your nanny search and if you have any questions for me.

Thanks ~




Did you find someone for this position?  We had a wonderful nanny for 4 years in Santo Domingo and she recently moved to Puerto Plata.


Thank you Marie for your post and welcome to the forums!

yahua diaspora

@Clara Simonis hi i know this post is from years ago  but i live in puerto plata; we are seeking a housekeeper who speaks english to cook, clean, do laundry and sometimes run errands. we have 2 small kids; if you or anyone on this plat form could assist us in finding one. thanks in advance.

yahua diaspora

@MarieJW hi i know this is an old post but does ahe speaks english? Is she still living in puerto plata? Or is she available?


You are best to start a new thread honey1  That will get it the attention it deserves


@yahua diaspora

Hi I can highly recommend our old housekeeper Luisa.  I can forward her details if of interest!

We are relocating hence the recommendation. Her English is good. She is fantastic with children. She is studying for a degree in psychology (weekends) the cooking I never asked her to do, but everything else she is on point. We have been paying her above the odd's  (to assist her with her university studies) but im very much of the "you get what you pay for" school of thought! and in all honesty who can live on a salary (kids, food, rent, gasolina, moto maintenance) of $20K a month in The RD.



Hi I can highly recommend our housekeeper Luisa.  I can forward her details if of interest!

We are relocating hence the recommendation. Her English is good. She is fantastic with children. She is studying for a degree in psychology (weekends) the cooking I never asked her to do, but everything else she is on point. We have been paying her above the odds (to assist her with her university studies) but I'm very much of the "you get what you pay for" school of thought! and in all honesty who can live on a salary (kids, food, rent, gasolina, moto maintenance) of $20K a month in The RD.

yahua diaspora

@cayman1972 ok not a problem but i aeriously need a housekeeper that speaks englush not a nanny. maybe you know someone or she knows someone.


Networking and asking helps. An English speaking housekeeper won't be easy to find.


@yahua diaspora

Hi, she's a housekeeper, not a nanny, we are very engaged parents. I said she is very good with children because my children really like her and she has a rapport with them rather than being there to look after them. With regards to the cooking. I just like to cook. We have had cooks  (here) before and I just find you always have to re-educate regarding food hygiene/ science. So I would rather my housekeeper prep and I cook.

yahua diaspora

@cayman1972 ok thanks much. yes i would love her contact  yes i realise that alot .my husband rathers me do the cooking  because housekeeper always use water from the facet and i dont want to get sick. water is not clean. and therefore i cook better with right spices.



Has Luisa found work in the psychology field out there yet?

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