
House maid

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Hello there, did anybody ever hired a maid, and how does that work, do they live in your house and what kind of work are they doing(cleaning, cooking etc...)

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We have had a number of maids over the years. Based on my experience, I prefer to work through a agency rather than hire one directly. It keeps things simpler and limits the potential for any problems.


Thank you! What kind of work do they do , is it full time, do they live with you and what’s the pay?


You can find maids who clean, cook and do the laundry. We have never had a maid live with us. We actually looked into it once but could not find one that did not want to bring children or family with them. We have just used the maids for cleaning and sometimes cooking. Our maids were never full time. Maybe 3-4 days per week maximum. We paid around 12,000 pesos per month. When you hire someone, be sure to discuss transportation. Most maids have asked us for money for the moto taxi to get to our house. It seems this is normal here.


Thank you very much for the info! How many hours did she work per day?


Each situation will be different and based on your needs and your location.

Make it match what you need.


Maids are the same as other employees in that various ones will do various things.  When interviewing, tell them their duties, and what the conditions, salary etc. will be. If they dont agree, dont hire her. And regarding pay, ask locals, not gringos, unless you're into charity as so many are.


Thank you! 👍


When I look at the pay and use 12k for instance. How does someone survive on that?


DRVisitor wrote:

When I look at the pay and use 12k for instance. How does someone survive on that?

Our maids were never full time. Maybe 3-4 days per week maximum. We paid around 12,000 pesos per month.

I'm not sure how many hours or what the specific duties were, but I don't see that pay as terrible based on the median income in the RD. I believe I saw on either a forum or other informational website that woman actually make more than men and is around 24K USD a year. Could absolutely be wrong, but don't think it's slave labor type wage. JMO :)


Unless I am calculating wrong that is $2,400 a year not 24k.


DR-Right! I was thinking he said a week. 3-4 days at a couple hours at the most maybe, but definitely not a month.


Well, firstly don't think expat, think Dominican.  Would 36k per month sound reasonable to you?  So 12k is great then because firstly a Dominican can make 12k seem like 36k to you and then they probably have several sources of income not just you.  Don't worry so much, this country takes care of its own.  You are the one that won't be taken care of.  Learn to lookout for yourself as selfish as that might sound.  Feel good that you are able to provide some employment.


Mike, I agree as most of the time I'm finding myself translating everything into USD and then applying American standards to Dominican life. Probably doesn't work well for me or my interactions with locals.


Last two posts makes a difference and learned down here you try to do right thing it generally ends in future aggravation in regards.


absolutely DR, made the mistake many times...


DRVisitor, you asked how they can live on 12k. They can do it on that, and less, because they're locals, not gringos.


Rent, food, etc impossible on 12k. Like Mike said other incomes as well.


Its not impossible.  You have no idea how most Dominicans live.   So dont expect any Dominican to  live the way you do.


Would love to hear examples of what has happened to you!


Can you expand on this?


planner wrote:

Its not impossible.  You have no idea how most Dominicans live.   So dont expect any Dominican to  live the way you do.

Don't assume one's knowledge or how one lives...


Well DR, you will be surprised after living here and associating with Dominicans how they can live on 12K but they can along with 5 family members.  You pay $12-15 dollars an hour for babysitting in  Canada.  Here, the neighbors watch over the kids as the parents go to work.  Very different.

If you need some cement, you go to the Ferreteria and buy a 50lb bag, come home and use a cup of it and throw the rest in the garbage.   Dominicans buy a cup full at the Ferreteria, stretch it into 3 cups full and sell the container it came in (a plastic or paper bag) to another Dominican for a peso.   :lol:

Same with many products.

Someone cooks and the neighbors all eat from it.  The next day its someone else cooking...

Deliver a fridge on a propane tank on a motorcycle...more money.

If you live here for 25 years you will still not be able to figure it out but don't worry, they are fine.  They know how to make pesos out of sand.

You know how I know they are fine?  I see a lot more happy Dominicans than I do gringos!




You said the answer in the mix " but they can along with 5 family members". Big difference living on 12k by yourself.

Different culture...

And I did live in Santo Domingo for a bit ;)


And I will add though off topic - you can show a better life to Dominican but more times than not it is not appreciated but expected because you are a gringo.

They prefer the life they lead and like you mentioned fine living it as is...


Drvisitor my comment was generic and not targeted at any one person.

I guarantee many visitors to this forum have very little idea about how locals really live


Dominican resourcefulness never fails to amaze me! They find ways to reuse and repurpose just about everything!

In the time we've been here, we've picked up on some of that ourselves! While for us it's not a matter of not having money for something, we are having to adjust to life without next-day delivery of just about anything you could want!


To clarify, 5 dependent family members.  Also to clarify, this is from experience not hypothetical.  My wife has 18 brothers and sisters and I have seen and experienced a great deal for a gringo over the past 16-17 years.

Its the culture not pesos that adds value that is difficult to understand.  The 12K is just a number. 

I think this thread has gotten off topic. 

Back to the original question was what is people's experience with hiring a maid and for how much, and what do you include?  The thread should not be about criticizing the answers or experience people are sharing.  IMO


It reminds me of another saying, "People will only pay for or accept whatever the perceived value is." In other words, whatever the agreed upon price is, well that's the amount. JMO


I think this has run its course.


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