National guard health affairs

Hi everybody! Just wanna ask if theres anyone here who has any idea regarding walk in applicants for kamc national guard health affairs in riyadh ..6 months from now is my end of contract so im hoping if  i could find job and send resume before i go back to ph and do medical assessment and come back to ksa if its possible .. thanks!

I'm new to this forum, and am still living in the U.S.  However, my ER medical company is currently considering a joint venture with a Saudi ER doctor living/working in Riyadh.  He'll retire from his current gov't job in the near future and is considering building his own ER practice as a second career.  My company meets with him here in the States in late Aug. '17.
  I may be able to ask him... keep in mind that we're plowing new ground in Riyadh ourselves.

Steve D.

Inshallah ill follow the post