
Sleeping Issues

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Since I am in Riyadh I couldn't sleep healthy, Actually this is a new issue for me which I never been through.
A friend of mine brought some Valium pills for me and it works well, but am trying to find a healthier solution for that.

Does anybody suffered such issue ???

Please advise

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Salman Omrani

try sleeping early and wake up early. the work and atmosphere doesnt help but try to excersise. do jogging or stuff.

dont stay up late. and have your meals on time, especially dinner. have it early.

hope this helps.


Could be the dry weather. Try a humidifier.


I'll try the humidifier coz am not going to sleep early as I tried it b4 .. thx guys


are you drinking too much of green tea?


am not a herbal lover, am drinking Power Horse too much, but this is not new for me ,,, I used to sleep b4 entering Riyadh :"(


well if you develop this issue right after coming to riyadh then at least that's the change that caused the reaction.
In this case, if you want your sleep back, perhaps you would have to go back or be like most, stay later, sleep late ...;-)
Kidding.... please see a doctor...


Amontilladow wrote:

am drinking Power Horse too much, but this is not new for me ,,,

Could be a reason

Try giving it up for a few days


Amontilladow wrote:

am not a herbal lover, am drinking Power Horse too much, but this is not new for me ,,, I used to sleep b4 entering Riyadh :"(

On other think, riyadh weather is dry and on top you are drinking power horse.... so you see the link??


the one and only thing i can suggest is try to bring your wife to KSA... :) this will make u sleep tight. lolz


What sleep issues?  I wake up at 3 AM every day w/o an alarm. I am juut so excited to go to work I can't get there soon enough.


Drink a glass of warm milk and get to bed early.
Count sheep as well..


That's a good option :)


Counting camels may be more productive in the desert?


Keep a schedule, up at a certain time, early dinner, bedtime about the same.  If all fails, and it sometimes does, try Tylenol PM.


A pure coincidence that MM asks to count camels and the very next post has camels in it? :D


I had the same problem when i moved to Riyadh,it used to take me like 3-4hrs to fall asleep,was sooo frustrating coz i was exhausted bt nomatter what i tried nothing helped,eventually after a month o so it got alot better,now i cant even wake up in the mornings:P
as suggested try havin a cup of warm milk n try 2avoid soft drinks @night......


Guys, thanks 4 all of u ,,,
This issue still bothering me till now,
Camels, sheep and even money are not working :( I searched for Tylenol PM but those pharmacies needed a prescription for it, so I went to a doctor who described me a psychic treatment; which wasn't effective so,,,and Finally he described me Ambi-sleep which has the same affect of Valium ,
I'll wait to see the results and let you know,
P.S. I hate milk too much, I can't even smell it ,, That's why am going to soft drinks ...


I have been having this problem since the day I arrived here (7 years ago). I thought it had something to do with my job as it involves a lot of responsibility and the environment is non-conducive to work and is usually charged. My physician has tried every trick in his bag from anti-depressants to anti-anxiety drugs. Nothing has worked so far except giving me several side effects. Now he is suggesting me to change the job. I wish you all the best as I can feel your pain.


Any kind of sleeping pills or related drugs are too dangerous for health "IF" used for longer periods. Even if it works for you for the time being, try not to make a habit of them.

Apart from reasons mentioned above there may be another reason that you are having too many and different thoughts in your mind when trying to sleep. If your brain is still busy you wont go into sleep mode. Its usually very difficult to take mind into an idle state. So the idea is to focus on one thought or object e.g. counting sheep (or camels as said above) is one of such techniques.

When you concentrate on a small repetitive thought, this relaxes the mind and helps in going into sleep mode.


Hit the gym, get yourself tired out! I mean absolutely wiped. Take a warm shower, hit the bed. Nothing better!


Yep, yep, yep.
Hit the gym, shower, meal around 7 ish, dishes, blogging. Later if I have trouble getting to sleep I get my training notes out. They are so boring that usually after 5 - 15 mins the book falls away and good night Vienna.
Let your mind wind down.

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