OMAN hotel bord de mer

Avec mon épouse nous avons l'intention de faire un voyage en Oman en vue d'une prochaine affectation professionnelle.
Pourriez-vous nous indiquer les 2 ou 3 meilleurs hôtels 4* ou 5* en bord de mer hors de Mascate ?
Merci par avance
JP64 + 33 6 27 80 99 23

My wife and me intend to visit Oman in prevision of a future long term assignment
Please could you tell us the 2 ou 2 best hotels located close to Muscat on the sea side
Thank you very much
JP64 + 33 6 27 80 99 23

Hello JP64 :)

Could you please write in English in this Anglophone forum or French in the Francophone forum?

But not both in one forum.

Thanking you for your comprehension.


Ok thank you. I hope somebody will answer ..


please more specifications, so i can help..
for instance, price and work location!! currently in oman we have a traffic problem, so i can suggest a near by hotel.
btw, there are heaps of hotels at the beach,starting from north region down to muscat..

feel free to contact me via message!

kindest regards

come and visit oman
now we have nationa day and muscat the capital of oman very beautiful and its agood time to visit

waiting all people coming visiting us

Hayat hotel is the best...

The best for what ?
What about Shangri-La ?

no shangri-la is sepearated and far away from other places... :)

Sorry, Shangri-La seems to be the best hotel in Oman (6*) located in a very beautiful area for visits (mountains, wadis, fjords, ect)
The answers on this website do not help a lot ...
Thank you

well...yes you are right...but i thought you are asking fopr hotel in the center of the city... :)

well shangri la is the best but you wont see social life there..
thats what i meant...

its nice for vaction ...its quit and far away from the crowd... :)

I intent to  spent a very few time there and most of the time visiting the souks, other public (no to much crowded) and villages and beautiful nature