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What is the best way to find a decent Ukrainian woman and avoid falling into some scam or a Material Girl.
meet a girl under normal circumstances, I met my wife at the bus stop,,
Tell her you have no money or property but would like to get to know her..
My wife cooked me dinner on our first date, She earned about 10 pounds a month.. lived in a village and had one dress..
She even offered to lend me money if I needed any....
We have been together for 7 years married for 5 and very happy together..
avoid the internet etc..
date a shop girl or the girl you see every morning walking her dog..
good hunting
Thanks for the no nonsense answer Chris. Loved your story. Obviously I need to learn the language first. I have no trust on the Internet, perfectly knowing there are some nice people though.
Yesterday I saw a site who in one hand was warning people against the bride's scam and on the other trying to lure people in with some whoreish looking women. Its anti-scam article was there just as a tool to make people throw down their defenses. Dam bas....!
I would not give up on the internet completely, but you should try chat rooms rather then dating sits. Of cause you will still find material girls trying it on, but if your a smart man you should be able to spot the time wasters. I have met some really nice girls!
Kind regards,
Hi! The best way, of course is to speak Russian Then you will understand local people better. I am Ukrainian and I am personally not from Kiev. Still I've lived and worked here for almost 3 years, so I believe girls in Kiev are the most materialistic of all girls in Ukraine.
I'm happy, because I've met a very nice woman on the dating web site and I am meeting her at present. Still, it was a very difficult thing, if not to say impossible Real-life acquaintances are better, so just take a tour, for example to Lviv or some nice place not far from Kiev - and you can meet a lot of nice Ukrainian eople.
In general, if you find some girl not from Kiev, she might be more modest than a local one.
may I ask a question, why Ukrainian? why do you have such a specific goal? International relationships are always harder, but surely more interesting.
I completely agree with watchthatman.
Just look for a normal girl in a normal way!
Avoid internet sites or any kind of dating agency.
Don't show that you have money (if you have), they will find you arrogant.
Open your heart, and your mind, try to see the things (life, world, anything) from their point of view (I know by experience that it is not so easy, but try, they will appreciate it).
Ukrainians, are very good persons. Ukrainian women are very clever and sweet, but they are very proud too.
If one begins to speak about to buy boots or purse
or money to help their ill parents
just let it down!
If one propose you to pay for you or to help you if you need refuse one time, refuse two times, accept the third time that they ask (Russian and Ukrainian very often ask three time the same thing, and only after the third negative answer they are sure that your answer is the one that you want to give and not the one that you must [by education] give).
Be patient. Remember some important things:
- Ukrainian women look for a strong man that want to have a family and have children
- Most of them don't look for the rich foreigner. They just look for the good man that can give them a minimum of security and happiness (foreigner or ukrainian is not important, but they know that they will have more chance to find a non-drinking man if it is a foreigner - btw don't believe that all ukrainian men are alcoholics
- They don't like men that drink alcohol
- They like direct and simple answers to their questions.
descon wrote:Hi! The best way, of course is to speak Russian
Then you will understand local people better. I am Ukrainian and I am personally not from Kiev.
you are "Ukrainian", so you do not speak Ukrainian language, and in order to understand you, we must learn RUSSIAN? If you are a Ukrainian, I am a ballet dancer. You, my dear, are RUSSIAN who, for some reason, PRETENDS to be Ukrainian.
Several messages in this thread have been deleted because the content were either offensive or irrelevant. Should this discussion continue in such direction, I will close it!
Also, I would like to remind our dear members that is not a dating site.
Hello, I'm Ukrainian girl and for me it was very nice to read this topic so sweet
I met my husband (he is Iranian) on Facebook, after unsuccessful previous marriage I didn want marry again, decided to find job, realize myself, just rest of relationship
but on one Facebook page on my posting answered very cute gay, I added him to my friend list I never met before so intelligent, sincere, respectful to women and honest gay and we fell in love with each other, and after 3 months of communicating we meet in Turkey and marry
and we are very happy together
so I want to say when finding soul mate his material conditions are not important
Lubasha, it is very nice for you, it is a nice story!
But I think that you married with a guy
and not with a gay
My best wishes!
my posting answered very cute gay,
thats sweet
i think you can meet interesting people everywhere, even in FB)))
could not stand to say thank you to karayuschij
It is the best specification for Ukrainian girls I have ever seen
Thank you!
Romasha wrote:could not stand to say thank you to karayuschij
It is the best specification for Ukrainian girls I have ever seen
Thank you!
You're welcome Romasha!
karayuschij wrote:Lubasha, it is very nice for you, it is a nice story!
But I think that you married with a guy and not with a gay
My best wishes!
ohhh ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000
sorry )))))))))))))00
hope husband wont see it )))
I met my girlfriend at work. I am lucky to work in an environment where 90% of the staff are women. But my gf was the only one who didnt say 'zdrasvutje' to me.
I know it's ery hard but just try with people you see around you. What can you lose if a girl turns you down or doesnt want to talk?
@ Altiva. I think you will find that many UKRAINIANS speak Russian and/or Ukrainian. Ukraine has three beautiful languages Ukrainian, Russian and Tatar. This is a bonus rather than a hindrance.
if you meet some girl furst speak with her friends and then with the mother. after you se there reaction you know enough.
Be opjective to your self and remember you can never win in a country where you don't understand wat they tel about you and you cannot protect your self by Language. never never signature something in Russian or english
madeinguiri wrote:I met my girlfriend at work. I am lucky to work in an environment where 90% of the staff are women. But my gf was the only one who didnt say 'zdrasvutje' to me.
I know it's ery hard but just try with people you see around you. What can you lose if a girl turns you down or doesnt want to talk?
@ Altiva. I think you will find that many UKRAINIANS speak Russian and/or Ukrainian. Ukraine has three beautiful languages Ukrainian, Russian and Tatar. This is a bonus rather than a hindrance.
madeinguiri it's very good that you are happy and this is also how it must be.
But be more careful with your advice to young people who don't know in wat kind of situation they can bring there self in. I life 4 years in the Ukraine and it's not the kopiyok wat makes the differands for one hour or more. But the people who want to have more. Yes they speak english and they want to talk with you. And this is in every country the same. For money you can work but for your life you can not work and some times money go's first.
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