
Getting Married in Marrakech- What do i need?

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I no my boyfriend  from marrketch  for more then 4  years i went on vacation  in marrakech and now we won't to get married, we had the  best ten days  together  .what will i nèed  ?

See also

Getting married in MoroccoTravelling to MoroccoPrenuptial AgreementMarriage Process - UK/MoroccanId card morocco (baby)

Let me get this right. You have "known" someone on the web for four years and have just spent 10 days with him. Is this right? On the basis of this ten days, you wish to get married?

Let me just ask, what would you say if one of your best friends wanted to do this? You would do your best to dissuade her, wouldn't you? You would tell her to grow up. You'd tell her that she would be throwing her life away.

You are honestly saying that you want to make a LIFELONG commitment on the basis of a bit of rough and tumble while you were on holiday? Pull yourself together! Stand back and think. Try to be practical for a moment. I don't suppose your bit of fluff has a verifiable job for a single second. How would he support you in Morocco? You would never be able to get him to Canada, thank goodness, which is the sole reason he has hooked up with you. Are you much older than him? If so, walk away now with your sanity and bank account intact.


Alisa1983 wrote:

I no my boyfriend  from marrketch  for more then 4  years i went on vacation  in marrakech and now we won't to get married, we had the  best ten days  together  .what will i nèed  ?

From some one who lives in Canada, your English is very bad. I don't understand what you want or need and maybe a lot of other members too. To avoid misinterpretations or getting answers which you don't asked for it, please make your post clear.

As I read it: you wont married him despite the best ten days of your vacation in Marrakech....  :huh:


Primadonna wrote:

From some one who lives in Canada, your English is very bad. I don't understand what you want or need and maybe a lot of other members too. To avoid misinterpretations or getting answers which you don't asked for it, please make your post clear.

As I read it: you wont married him despite the best ten days of your vacation in Marrakech....  :huh:

She's allegedly from a French-speaking part of Canada, I think. When she says "we won't to get married", she actually means "we want to get married". I'm not a native English speaker either, but this is how I read it.

I'm not sure that this isn't a hoax, seeing as, even for a French Canadian, the English is so poor. It's not the English of a native French speaker. I suspect that this might be a Moroccan trying on some scam, although I can't imagine what.

Anyway, if it's true, it's a disaster in the making, utterly ridiculous.


hello, the only document you need is your bank statement and your pin number - give him these and he has all he wants and hey presto you will be married! Then give him the visa application forms and pay for this process and hey presto - your dumped!
If you marry this man you will have no career apart from being his wife and bankrolling his life and that of his family.
Wake up and smell the coffee


phoenixinuk wrote:

hello, the only document you need is your bank statement and your pin number - give him these and he has all he wants and hey presto you will be married! Then give him the visa application forms and pay for this process and hey presto - your dumped!
If you marry this man you will have no career apart from being his wife and bankrolling his life and that of his family.
Wake up and smell the coffee

As a human being and a father, the first thing I want to add to this posting is:    AMEN!!!

As a native Canadian, and member of the Expat-blog Experts Team I would like to add the following:

1.  Apart from the things mentioned above being sarcastic, they are 100% true in most cases.
2.  You should know that marriage, in itself, is ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEE, that your future husband would obtain a visa or even permanency in Canada and you should make this point crystal clear to him.
3. Citizenship and Immigration Canada is going to take a very long hard look at any recent marriage of a Canadian citizen to anyone from a developing nation, with a strong view toward it being nothing more than a "marriage of convenience" with the sole purpose of obtaining a visa that one would otherwise not be entitled to. Even if it truly ends up being a marriage based on love (which I highly doubt), you're looking at a long uphill battle to try and prove that to the Canadian government.
4.  It would be far much easier for you to immigrate to Morocco than for him to come to Canada, if that's the original idea (which I assume it really is.). You should tell him that, and that you're coming there to live permanently because it will be impossible for him to come to Canada. Tell him exaclty what your style of living is like in Canada and that it is fully your expectation that as your husband he is going to support you completely and provide you with exactly the same kind of lifestyle without the necessity of you having to work.

I'm absolutely convinced that if you tell him all of the above, he's going to disappear faster than a Montreal snowflake in the hot Morocco sun!!!

Expat-blog Experts Team


SvenStockholm wrote:

I'm not sure that this isn't a hoax, seeing as, even for a French Canadian, the English is so poor. I suspect that this might be a Moroccan trying on some scam, although I can't imagine what.

That was my very first thought too, but I always give someone a second chance. That's why I ask to make it clear. And my feeling says that this poster wont return.


I think your hunch is right that the poster won't return, if for no other reason than the fact that we're not just rubber stamping her plan and telling her what she wants to hear.... and that is that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Cindarella stories really do exist!   :lol:


James wrote:

I think your hunch is right that the poster won't return, if for no other reason than the fact that we're not just rubber stamping her plan and telling her what she wants to hear.... and that is that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Cindarella stories really do exist!   :lol:

James, you just shattered my illusion about the existence of those illustrious icons you mentioned above...... :o


James wrote:

I think your hunch is right that the poster won't return, if for no other reason than the fact that we're not just rubber stamping her plan and telling her what she wants to hear.... and that is that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Cindarella stories really do exist!   :lol:



Well, I always was a party pooper.... at least that's what some people tell me.  :gloria






James wrote:

I think your hunch is right that the poster won't return, if for no other reason than the fact that we're not just rubber stamping her plan and telling her what she wants to hear.... and that is that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Cindarella stories really do exist!   :lol:

We've all been wound up, I think. … 54#2275974

Alisa1983 states in response to a question about if she is francophone, "I only speak English". This is a clear lie, there is no way that English is her language. I'm afraid we have a troll Moroccan masquerading as a French Canadian.


Hi Sven,

As a born and raised Canadian I can tell you that the OP's lack of English language skills doesn't necessarily mean a whole heck of a lot nowadays. Canada is a truly multicultural country with so many newcomers from all over the world that don't speak either English or French well, she could well be a naturalized Canadian living in one of the English speaking provinces.

As a teacher I wouldn't be at all surprised if it turned out she was actually Canadian by birth. The educational system, especially in K-12 started going downhill before I left Canada 13 years ago. Elementary schools stopped focusing on things like spelling, opting rather to teach the English language using a phonetic approach (big mistake) and now we have many Canadians whose language skills are just like this, sad to say!

We'll probably never know any of these things anyway, because the general concensus is that she's not going to return. Don't ya just hate being left in suspense?  :mad:


Do you think this all means there will be no 'happy ending'


phoenixinuk wrote:

Do you think this all means there will be no 'happy ending'

I hope there is no "happy ending" for the guy who has latched onto her!


James wrote:

Hi Sven,

As a born and raised Canadian I can tell you that the OP's lack of English language skills doesn't necessarily mean a whole heck of a lot nowadays. Canada is a truly multicultural country with so many newcomers from all over the world that don't speak either English or French well, she could well be a naturalized Canadian living in one of the English speaking provinces.

As a teacher I wouldn't be at all surprised if it turned out she was actually Canadian by birth. The educational system, especially in K-12 started going downhill before I left Canada 13 years ago. Elementary schools stopped focusing on things like spelling, opting rather to teach the English language using a phonetic approach (big mistake) and now we have many Canadians whose language skills are just like this, sad to say!

We'll probably never know any of these things anyway, because the general concensus is that she's not going to return. Don't ya just hate being left in suspense?  :mad:


I didn't know this. I understand that this has happened in the UK too, although in Scandinavia (above all the Finns) there is nearly 100% literacy, which includes the ability to spell. Of course, we have immigration too, so there will be some people who naturalised who won't read and write perfectly, but in Sweden at least, there are free schools and lessons for immigrants specifically to learn Swedish.

However, I still have a feeling that the OP is a Moroccan.


I really enjoyed this thread.... my first point was...maybe she is Spanish...or latino...but obviously....I think she is just a ghost under the foggy....

I really enjoyed this thread¡¡¡  :D:lol::idontagree::thanks:.....  :offtopic::cool:


phoenixinuk wrote:

Do you think this all means there will be no 'happy ending'

I think that most of us are hoping and praying that she heeds the wake up call and there won't even be a "happy beginning".  :lol:

Certainly would be much better for her that way!


why ppl can’t just say 'congras' following with smiley face, is that because of jealousy?   If we choose to do something without listening to family and friends advice, don’t you think some strangers giving advice on the internet will help change the minds?
@alisa, as far as I know, there is some posts on the this site particular for marriage and administration might you check from there. bless you


oliviangchan wrote:

why ppl can’t just say 'congras' following with smiley face, is that because of jealousy?   If we choose to do something without listening to family and friends advice, don’t you think some strangers giving advice on the internet will help change the minds?
@alisa, as far as I know, there is some posts on the this site particular for marriage and administration might you check from there. bless you

Jealous? You're on another planet. Do you think everyone who commented adversely (including very experienced expats and Blog Experts) on this ridiculous proposition is jealous? On the contrary we are all appalled. Do you think any of these posters above want to hook up with a scrounger and scammer?

Moreover, she ASKED for advice!

Quite apart from the thread possibly being fraudulent, seeing as the OP has not returned and after several other clues, no one with even half a brain is going to recommend a marriage to some wastrel who casts his net over the internet to ensnare vulnerable and emotionally needy women. No one is going to endorse a "marriage" after 10 days of rumpy-pumpy with him. No one is going to congratulate her to throw her life away.

Do you get it now?


oliviangchan wrote:

why ppl can’t just say 'congras' following with smiley face, is that because of jealousy?   If we choose to do something without listening to family and friends advice, don’t you think some strangers giving advice on the internet will help change the minds?
@alisa, as far as I know, there is some posts on the this site particular for marriage and administration might you check from there. bless you

Jealous? Hardly the least bit jealous.

There are some things that LIFE teaches us through experience. We try to pick up a hot pan from the stove top and burn our hand. Most of us only have to do that only once or twice in our lives in order to learn that is just something we should not do. We also teach it to our children, in hopes that they don't have to learn it the way we did, by actually getting burned. Sometimes our children listen to us and are spared the painful burn, other times they don't heed the warning and they get burned. Then they understand why we tried to counsel them against their action; they understand it was for their own good.

Would you congratulate a child who picked up a hot pan and got burned? Or would you try and prevent the child from picking it up in the first place? (Rhetorical question)

One need only look at the NUMEROUS horror stories all over the internet (not just here on Expat-blog) about people, mostly women, who have become involved in relationships over the internet and end up marrying someone who was simply using them for one of several different motives. Most often this is done for financial gain or in order to escape a country they are not happy with (i.e. obtain a visa at someone else's expense or one that they would not qualify for on their own merits without the marriage). This is one of the lessons that LIFE teaches us.

It doesn't take a genius to see that in most cases when you see someone in a developing nation, or one that is an oppressive state, proposing marriage to someone they've never actually set eyes on in their life there is a better than average chance that the proposal IS NOT based on any real feelings, but rather has underlying motives such as being supported or gaining entry to a country that they would otherwise be barred from entering.

Do you really think we're ALL wrong in the desire to tell this girl that she's almost certainly going to get burned??? If you do then I guess that Sven is right, you must be on another planet!

Expat-blog Experts Team


hi all,
I was thinking why just they don't close the topic?....because believe me I am getting more and more jealous thinking about the 10 magnificent days she/he/whoever....spent in Marrakech....who doenst feel like to spend ten days there? for free?... auch :):):gloria


mar65 wrote:

hi all,
I was thinking why just they don't close the topic?....because believe me I am getting more and more jealous thinking about the 10 magnificent days she/he/whoever....spent in Marrakech....who doenst feel like to spend ten days there? for free?... auch :):):gloria

Lol. It was the scrounger she wants to marry who got the 10 free days at the expense of the OP's purse.


I "no" just kidding  ;)



Closing down this thread! We have gone way off topic and nevertheless helpful advices have been provided to Alisa1983.

Up to her to make a decision now.

Kenjee Team
[Topic Closed]


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