Opening a Restaurant business in Morocco. Looking for business partner

hello dears
I'm a a man seek of the European lows about restrictions and "pil" and all that "SH...s" about politics and finances, which grows politics pocket-books hookers.
I jest feed-up. Wont leave with my work, earns my money, pay my duties and fill free to do what I wont without disturb anybody. I selected Marrakech to do my business, I would like to open a reastaurant with Mediterranean cousin, working hard and enjoy my live.
Look for a great partner to develop my Ideas.

thank you

Sorry, I didn't understand that. I am not sure what you're seeking?

tre899free wrote:

hello dears

Look for a great partner to develop my Ideas.

Are you a native Arabic speaker? Or Moroccan or of Moroccan descent? This makes a difference in opening any sort of business in Morocco.

hi  what are the differences if  you dont speak arabic or a native moroccan  ?????????

If you're not Moroccan you'll get cheated of every penny you have by many, if not the majority of the locals you do business with. Especially in the restaurant trade. I've seen this with my own eyes, you get the lousiest veg and fruit, 2nd class cuts of meat, you're lied to and will get charged extra for everything and anything.

a very sad opinion of morocco i must say and in 98% i agree with you  i was just curious      i do wonder why foreigners do business here  me included

kaan wrote:

a very sad opinion of morocco i must say and in 98% i agree with you  i was just curious      i do wonder why foreigners do business here  me included

I'm not generalising because it's "a majority" who will cheat and lie, not every single one. However, the ones who don't are so few and far between that it's effectively impossible to do business here unless you are on top of people, deliveries, orders, cash flow, everything 24/7. I have seen it so many times and I would never, ever open a business here. Friends of mine whom I have advised not to open businesses have lost every penny through trusting people instead of dealing with things themselves. It's a tragedy.

sorry to be not clear.
I am a Italian senior with over thirty years experiences in hotel, restaurant, and wine sommelier all over Europe.
at the moment I am Maitre in hotel with food and beverage cost duty
in Europe and specially in Italy, is getting hard working and pay all the tax, many TAX, and live with dignity.
I have proposed a restaurant, beautifully, in Morocco, with swimming pool, few rooms, ready to work.   
I looking for a local person to be interested to do business together. Never mind if got no experience in food industries, we need to introduce  our self in to the city.
I agree with laduqesa and kaan when writhing that, if you're not Moroccan can get cheated till last penny.
therefore I searching for a partners. possibly Moroccan or some one that knows how to move.
anyway, my business is dealing with suppliers,  in a short  time I will get it.



Sounds interesting! Maybe I know someone who can help you! What exactly do you expect? Doing the dealings/bringing you clients, or to work with you in the restaurant?

Would like to hear from you,

Kind regards, Mireille

tre899free wrote:

sorry to be not clear.
I am a Italian senior with over thirty years experiences in hotel, restaurant, and wine sommelier all over Europe.
at the moment I am Maitre in hotel with food and beverage cost duty
in Europe and specially in Italy, is getting hard working and pay all the tax, many TAX, and live with dignity.
I have proposed a restaurant, beautifully, in Morocco, with swimming pool, few rooms, ready to work.   
I looking for a local person to be interested to do business together. Never mind if got no experience in food industries, we need to introduce  our self in to the city.
I agree with laduqesa and kaan when writhing that, if you're not Moroccan can get cheated till last penny.
therefore I searching for a partners. possibly Moroccan or some one that knows how to move.
anyway, my business is dealing with suppliers,  in a short  time I will get it.

hi Mirelle nice to talk
simple improve the business' as I wrote, depend one who we find, as a new opportunity all the doors are open, obvious I need someone to work in to the restaurant, some who know about Mediterranean kitchen and probably some one to dealing with customers. this type of activity needs good persons at right places.

thanks you for interest and please let mi know if you got news.

ciao Carlo

Thank you! I will send you a private message!

Kind regards,


hi laduqesa, thanks for your tip about people from Morocco, hardly i belive as everybody are as you represented
I look out
thank you


That's fine. You have been coming here for 45 years as I have been, I take it? You have lived here for many years as I have? You have seen many friends and other foreigners ripped off for everything? Carry on. I have warned you.

I am telling you that there is a major possibility that MOST people will rip you off, large-scale or small-scale. You have to be on top of things 24 hours a day. If you are not, you will lose out. I'm not the only one to have commented in this way on your thread.

Please, please reconsider this or at least be VERY sceptical of anyone and everyone.

Wow, i'm just curious, why, and how are u living in a country where most of people, and i'm sure you are just achamed to say the whole moroccan population, are cheaters ...
I really can't understand, and didn't expected it from a british lady, i've got lot of anglosaxones friends living here in marrakech, that's the first time I hear someone talking about moroccans like this "Even if they are respectable, they are cheaters" I'm i dreaming? Just to let you know madame, 40 million moroccans are respectable, cheaters exist everywhere in this world, racists exist everywhere in this world ...

That's a knee-jerk reaction, Mr Badrimmo. It's natural to defend your country & it's people. Put emotion & loyalty to the country to one side for now. The facts are clear. It wasn't long ago on this forum, that an Indian admitted his business collapsed because he got cheated. Another business owner, on this thread, agrees that one should be careful. I myself got cheated. I know someone who likewise got cheated. Keep in mind, this is the Moroccan forum, so cheaters from other countries is not relevant here, and off-topic. And no one said, all of Moroccans are alike. Relax.

Badrimmo wrote:

Wow, i'm just curious, why, and how are u living in a country where most of people, and i'm sure you are just achamed to say the whole moroccan population, are cheaters ...
I really can't understand, and didn't expected it from a british lady, i've got lot of anglosaxones friends living here in marrakech, that's the first time I hear someone talking about moroccans like this "Even if they are respectable, they are cheaters" I'm i dreaming? Just to let you know madame, 40 million moroccans are respectable, cheaters exist everywhere in this world, racists exist everywhere in this world ...

It's not so much that 40,000,000 Moroccans are cheats and liars and I never said that. I said that the majority of people who set up business here, if they are foreigners, get cheated by MOST (not all) of their business contacts. Perhaps the sort of scumbags who do this cheating are those who particularly prey on foreigners and who make if their business to do so, as many alighting on these forums do. I have seen this countless times with different non-Moroccan nationalities. Business is impossible to conduct unless you are overseeing activities every business hour. If you don't do that, yes, even ostensibly respectable Moroccans will cheat you.

As for your assertions that 40,000,000 Moroccans are respectable, you are making the sort of generalisations that you are falsely accusing me of. Tell the people who get cheated daily by taxi drivers simply for being a foreigner that everyone is "respectable". Tell it to those intimidated out of their wits by carpet shop owners simply for being a foreigner. Tell it to those who get charged 5 times the price simply for being a foreigner. Tell it to those hassled and harassed by feckless young men in every tourist destination simply for being a foreigner. Tell it to the women who get groped and propositioned and sworn at simply for being a foreigner.

Yes, I live here and I like it. I work and have no need to open a business and nor would I ever. I wouldn't want to have the worry of a business succeeding and on top of that having to be on top of every tiny thing, knowing that I would be cheated if I wasn't. So I am perfectly happy with my interactions with everyday Moroccans who have no lever on my money. That is the difference.

Most developing or underdeveloped countries fall under the same rule, especially if almost half the population is illiterate. Like mentioned above, they are not pinpointing Morocco, but this happened to be a Moroccan forum. I am Moroccan and I agree to an extent on what was said regarding being on top of things if you don't wanna get cheated. I am Moroccan and I get cheated. and regarding opening up a restaurant, I encountered several foreigners in the past who wanted to open a restaurant and had no clue how expensive real estate could be here, especially in Marrakech and Casablanca.

If u ve mny nd wnt establish a restaurent in marakech. Its a good idea nd its a profitable project. Wich will generate lot of money coz. Restaurnt is sth. Important .. No one could pass his day without eatin. .... Ny way. Just a small advice to u bro. Try to find a place near to jamma al fana where there r lot of ppl there. Good luck

hi im from Canada im a cook and im looking to work in marakeach maybe we can talk about resturent .

Hi Alisa.

Is your first language French? If so, maybe this would be a wonderful opportunity for you.

landlord615 wrote:

If u ve mny nd wnt establish a restaurent in marakech. Its a good idea nd its a profitable project. Wich will generate lot of money coz. Restaurnt is sth. Important .. No one could pass his day without eatin. .... Ny way. Just a small advice to u bro. Try to find a place near to jamma al fana where there r lot of ppl there. Good luck

Please! Restaurant ventures founder every month. Closures and openings are frequent. Many of the closures are due to the owner not paying the most minute attention to his staff and suppliers, paying over the odds and getting pilfered or embezzled. Others are because of the vagaries of fashion, luck or otherwise and perhaps personality.

Please don't tell people that they are going to "generate lot of money" from a restaurant project as if it's the easiest thing in the world. It's not. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say. But there's still plenty of scope to lose everything and live one's twilight years in penury.

Your post was giving incorrect information and advice.

i only speak English

Oh dear, yes of course you do. I can see that, lol.

It certainly doesn't look like it from your post, which is why I asked. It actually looks like what a Moroccan with poor English would be writing, likewise your profile.

I'm sure it will improve with time, as will your French if and when you come over.

Laduqesa and all those this forum. First, thanks for all your advise, I appraise you and your astuteness to defense people in order that only intend articulate a concept beyond explicitness.
shady persons better kipping away. I believe we are in a "professional" hangout. :top:

ciao Carlo


I share similar interests. When do you plan to start-up the restaurant? Also, what ideas do you have so far?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Hello. I'm a morocan. And I'm looking for someone who want to open restaurant. I'm living in abudahbi

I would open a restaurant in Guelis the modern and European quarter of Marrakech

I m From Vancouver Canada and moved to Marrakech the City of great opportunities. I m looking to start a business here as well. Restaurant is a wonderful idea that requires lot of dedication. I have a mild experience of 3 years in fast food field in Vancouver.

hi ser I hope start Ang get luck to ur business any way I'm pilipina nationality willing to any work and willing to learn another EXPIRIENCE not only to be a house keeper in 8 years al.most ... I'm a hard working pilipina with my residence ID .. hope u can give me a chance to work in hotel or in restaurant .. thankx here my contact .. ****

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Hi Laduqesa

You live and work in Marrakesh?
What do you do?

i am Indian and I interested to join with your business  and please send your contact details

Thanks & regards


Hello everyone,

Please note that this is an old thread from 2014, I am therefore closing it. Those looking for a business partner, please refer to the dedicated section by posting an advert : Business partners in Morocco

All the best


[Topic Closed]
