
Lobster & Crab Legs (Restaurant)

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Curious if anyone has found a place that makes some good Lobster and Crab legs.

Fridays' has a Lobster tail thing, but I'm talking about a full Lobster and a pound of Crab legs.

Any ideas? I miss you Red Lobster :(

See also

Living in Riyadh: the expat guideLooking for a Compound in Riyadh for ExpatsFake hit and run caseI want to resign in my probation but I've given transfer to employer.Marathi in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia

loana knows about this, the lobster part anyway.  We'll have to ask her when she returns.


ooh I've got a phobia about crabs and lobsters :(


Me- it's just crabs that I don't like, never had a dose of the lobsters.


salunkheky wrote:

i am civil engineer having 2 year experince in site execution from india,
can anybody tells me what will be salary per month for such position in oman

Why in the world would you post this in a thread about lobster and crab legs in a Riyadh forum?!?

This is like the most flagrant 'off topic' I've ever seen!



Do you civil engineer crabs legs or do execution on lobsters?
If not you are in the wrong thread.
Besides this is the Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) site.
You need to get some help with your geography. Ok, Oman isn't far away but I don't think that we can help you here.
I hope this helps.




jillndave wrote:

I hope this helps.

I'm sure it was most helpful.

Salman Omrani

there is a nice place on King abdulaziz road a bit south to Danube HyperMarket. forgot the name though.



jillndave wrote:

Do you civil engineer crabs legs or do execution on lobsters?
If not you are in the wrong thread.
Besides this is the Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) site.
You need to get some help with your geography. Ok, Oman isn't far away but I don't think that we can help you here.
I hope this helps.



Rzhunemagu means lol in Russian. Indeed, the post of the Indian civil crabs legs engineer is very cute. It and your comments made me laugh a lot. Thank you, guys. If we had the best post of the week contest it would win for sure.


The best lobster in town is at Golden Lobster in Olaya opposite the Al Aqariya II Mall just behind Al Nemer Building. Thats right next to where Ionna and hubby were staying (Al Dhiafa Furnished Apartments) when they first came in to Riyadh


Thats the place MM.  They liked the place!

They stayed there until just recently when they left for vacation.  Ionna told me the other day they will be back on the 27th.  Not sure when they will be officially moving into their villa.  Im sure she will keep us posted.


Awesome, gonna have to check it out then. Thanks. I'll give my review :)


jillndave wrote:

Do you civil engineer crabs legs or do execution on lobsters?
If not you are in the wrong thread.
Besides this is the Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) site.
You need to get some help with your geography. Ok, Oman isn't far away but I don't think that we can help you here.
I hope this helps.



Haha Too funny!

Good to know that there's a decent lobster place in town!

What're the restaurant / dining options like around Riyadh? I'm especially thinking of seafood.... Any recommendations or places to avoid??



Welcome mailman! 

Where in So Korea were you at?    Ive been to Seoul & Kunsan.  What did you do while you were there?


Welcome to the blog Mailman, keep chatting, its great to meet new people.


welcome mailman ;)


Ammo Hamza and Al Nafoura, both located on King AbdulAziz Street, close to the Safeway/FAL, are also great for seafood. They do have outlets in other towns in the city too, especially on Sitteen Street in Malaz.


Thanks for the welcome guys, I'm happy to be coming over and looking forward to experiencing this new and diverse culture.

CAF: I lived in Daegu for 3 years taught English out there. Good times but got too monotonous in the end. Need a change of scenary - so I thought I'd head the desert!

I'll be sure to look out for all these places. I'll hopefully get to meet you all when I arrive!



mailman13 wrote:

Good times but got too monotonous in the end. Need a change of scenary - so I thought I'd head the desert!

Took three years to become monotonous in South Korea, eh?  Bet it will take three months to become monotonous here :lol:

Actually this is an interesting place--a lot to learn (but notice I said interesting, not exciting lol).

Best pay for English language teachers is either Asia (S. Korea, Japan and Tawain) or the ME.  When I leave the Kingdom, anyplace else will be a cakewalk ;)


Best pay for "REAL" IT professionals is also here in the ME


Yeah I think I've got a pretty good handle on what to expect. I'm coming over with another guy and I reckon between us we're fairly realistic about what it'll be like living there.

If anything I'm sure we'll look back and it'll turn out to be not as bad as we'd expected.

At the minute the actual waiting to get out there is worse! Hanging round my folks place waiting for my school to get it all sorted!

Looking forward to finally meeting up with a few of you guys and putting faces to Avatars! haha


It will be fine,

we already have around 9 million expats swinging in the sun here....

what more credentials do you need?


musicman wrote:

It will be fine,

we already have around 9 million expats swinging in the sun here....

what more credentials do you need?

9 Million swingers eh MM?!! Who'd have thought?! I guess I'll plenty of things to amuse myself!!! ;0)


Mailman, if anything, it will be a great journey. You HAVE to stay positive about life here. There is such a mix of modernisation and desert you can only but enjoy the memories you make here.

ps - I look no different from my profile pic...


From which end, Sparrow?

They say its he largest expat population in the world here. The total pop of KSA is around 22m it seems.


where can I get nice crabs on a Friday here in Riyadh?


Nice Buns..MM!:D


DesertDog, Allie and I told you where you get crabs from.


Sparrow wrote:

DesertDog, Allie and I told you where you get crabs from.

Yeah.. lol.. we did!


from a Hookah, you mean?


musicman wrote:

from a Hookah, you mean?


the question had to be asked and answered cheers guys


Mailman13 wrote- CAF: I lived in Daegu for 3 years taught English out there. Good times but got too monotonous in the end. Need a change of scenary - so I thought I'd head the desert!

They say that the grass is always greener but you'll not find much of it here. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


oh the scenery around Riyadh is spectacular, on a clear day it looks like mars, most of the time its too dusty to see anything though.

luckily I do see grass quite often, bits of stick and dead leaves that the cats bring in stuck to their fur :/


Every day is clear here....and so are the nights
It sure is not like Pa's anyway?

seeker of truth

jillndave wrote:

Do you civil engineer crabs legs or do execution on lobsters?
If not you are in the wrong thread.
Besides this is the Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) site.
You need to get some help with your geography. Ok, Oman isn't far away but I don't think that we can help you here.
I hope this helps.



hahaha...thats funny...
hope he could find what he is looking for...:)

if its geography, i think geodetic engineer could help him..:)

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