
USA Florida IDIOT who wants to burn the Koran

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I am poised to move to KSA and totally embarrassed by one individual in Florida who wants media time by burning the Koran.  I know this is an extremely sensitive issue. What is the local feeling about it and is there any security concerns?  Please understand that I totally disagree with this (and I am Catholic).

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I am not in Riyadh, but most people realise he is a fool! He just wants his 15 seconds of fame and consequently will find himself on a target list.

Dead Man Walking!


As when traveling anywhere you need to have good situational awareness and always keep your eyes open. This is true even when traveling in the USA.

The Dept. of Stae has issued a brief in regards to heightened threats against westerners, primarily Americans, traveling in the Middle East due to this event. To be honest, none of my Saudi Friends have mentioned it to me, but then again, the ylikeoy know where I stand on the issue, and recognize that this guy is a fool. Almost all of the people living here are smart enough to realize that this guy does not speak for all Christians or all Americans.

The main people who will be riled up about this are those who were already inclinded to dislike westerners. Also, people who are living out in the undeveloped areas and those who are less educated and less up to date on current events will be effected differently by this than the majority of people living in Riyadh center, but again, this is a segment of people who were already inclined to be a bit more fanatic than the majority of the people living in Saudi.

So, the short answer is yes, this has raised tensions in the Middle East, however the effect in Riyadh has been fairly unnoticeable as far as I can see. However, personally, I am taking some additional precautions for myself for the next few weeks, just in case.

Also, as far as I know, the guy has cancelled his planned burning. This doesn't mean that he will not change his mind and fonthrough with it at the last minute, but fornthentime being the effect is off. A large part ofnthe damagebhas already been done though.


Christian Organization To Give Away Two Qurans For Every One Burned- Clay Chiles - 09/09/2010 12:00 PM 
The Massachusetts Bible Society will give away two copies of the Quran for every one that Rev. Terry Jones and his congregation...

Reverend Terry Jones: Relignoramus
Ian Gurvitz - 09/09/2010 02:23 PM 
One reason many people have soured on religion is the collection of villains, thieves, scoundrels, and morons whose actions and comments demonstrate a perverted sense of its meaning and purpose, whether it's Sharron Angle claiming in a recent statement...


This guy obviously just wanted publicity..something he's desperate for as he has all but 50 members in his congregation.


arcee7000 wrote:

This guy obviously just wanted publicity..something he's desperate for as he has all but 50 members in his congregation.

I agree. :)


Its so sad really!  Unfortunately every religion/culture has their extremists and fools.


This is a great example that a handful of Christian fanatics do not represent the mainstream majority. No different from the foolish acts of 19 lay men with Muslim names who were involved in the 911 incident. 1.5 billion Muslims need not have suffered for the past 9 years for their stupid fanaticism.


jsw, I work with primarily Saudi's and not one of them mentioned anything about it (I think it's because they've all been so busy with EID preparations that they're not following the news).


Yea its a pity the media have picked up on the story, if they hadn't then nobody apart from his little congregation of 50 would know, but the tv and papers love spreading this type of story - shame really.

He's a very silly man.


Like everyone said, he's an idiot. The sheriff already banned an open air bon fire, so if he goes with it, hope those 50 get charged.

And what he has to live with is the people who's lives he'll put in danger. Hell, he's already put them in danger cause of this. Even if he doesn't go through with it, he probably already led a lot more fanatics to hating the evil-ness that is USA cause of his idiocy.

It's funny, they say how backwards Islam is and all that. Well, as far as I recall, book burning is pretty f'in backwards. Anyone got a witch to burn while they're at it?


You gotta blame the old man Bush and his son for this....


Though shall not hate!

Turn the other cheek!

Perhaps he should teach these at his congregation.

Peace love and happiness!

Salman Omrani

whatever he does is between him and God. he wont hurt nothing by burning paper. this happend many times in the past. just not with media covering it. I wouldnt bother thinking about it. just another fool.


Salman Omrani wrote:

whatever he does is between him and God. he wont hurt nothing by burning paper. this happend many times in the past. just not with media covering it. I wouldnt bother thinking about it. just another fool.


well said!


Just read this. Thought it was cool:

Lupe Fiasco wrote:

‎"If they burn a book have no worries...the book will feel NO pain so neither should you! True destruction of the Quran cannot be done with fire it is destroyed when we fail to remember & practice it's lessons in our daily lives."



Thank God it was Lupe and not Kanye!

Fidgety Soul

beezer wrote:

Just read this. Thought it was cool:

Lupe Fiasco wrote:

‎"If they burn a book have no worries...the book will feel NO pain so neither should you! True destruction of the Quran cannot be done with fire it is destroyed when we fail to remember & practice it's lessons in our daily lives."

You 're so right :) and Salu i love what u jut wrote

But I would like to mention how bad i felt when i watched the video and muted it because i didn't want to hear his bullshit:mad:..Yes it was driving me crazy because I love my holy book and read it with all due respect.i am bit surprised when he wasn't get stopped at the spot.

Things could be worst but I m glad the i haven't heard about any fanatic reaction regarding the incident

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