
Are there jobs in Malta?

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Hi all, im a young Irish guy thinking about moving to Malta at the start of 2011 and, will more than likely be going over unemployed and im just wondering would it be hard to find a job as im not Maltese or even speak the language? I am a qualified electrican and will seek employment in this sector, however I wouldn't mind doing something else (i.e bar work, waiting, call centre) as long as it payed the bills! Does anyone know of any Maltese employment agencies that I could contact before I go over and try and find a job? Also does anyone happen to know the hourly rate for an electrican?

See also

Job offers in MaltaFinding work in GozoFinding work in MaltaFinding work in Saint Julian'sSetting up a business in Malta

Hi concy,

Welcome to the forum.

Yes,there are jobs in Malta but sometimes you have to look for them.

The official government job agency is to be found at:

with their job listings.

There are also many job offers through the Classified section of the Sunday Times of Malta. I'll look for you coming Sunday and post my findings here.

There are also many private job agencies you could forward your CV to.

Working in a call centre in Malta requires language skills - one or better two foreign languages spoken fluently.

Working in the tourist industry in a bar or hotel will be very difficult in January as it is not the season.

Salary is always a difficult question. As posted in other threads the minimum wage is around 150E/week and the average yearly wage in Malta is around 14.000 €.At the moment I don't know where qualified electricians come in salary-wise.Maybe I will know more on Sunday.

I heard that the Maltese electricians are competent and cheap but I'll try and get more info that that means.

I wish you luck with your move.



hey Ricky,

Thanks very much for the reply.That would be great if you could have a look at the Sunday times of Malta and just give me an idea of whats available at the moment.
Would it be too much to ask aswel, if you could find out the names of one or two of those private job agencies that are in malta?

thanks again Ricky.


Hi concy,

Here's a list of agencies to try: … encies.pdf

It seems to contain the names that I've heard of !

Good luck.



Sorry to say but we were recently hiring at the company I worked for and there seemed to be quite a few unemployed people in the electrical area listed already with looks like you might want to focus in other areas.


As I know, ETC offers vacancies for low qualification only.


Hi concy,

There were not many job offers in the Sunday Times today.

A.Falzon Energy Projects is looking for an ' Electrical Technician'.

They deal with heating/cooling installations.

That's all .....

More info at





I recently moved to Malta and was quite lucky as I work in iGaming and there are usually vacancies. I have compiled a small list of job agencies though, not all iGaming specific so have a look :)


Hi ,

Thanks for you response.

I checked out the links and must say ................ there are a lot of job agencies in Malta but none of them actually have jobs ( maybe except for i-gaming ) . I friend has been trying to find a job in Malta for months through 'agencies' and has had a lot of 'interviews' but it is all 'crap' ! They don't have jobs ..... and are just looking for the data .

Please prove me wrong and show a job offer for an electrian !

I will keep my eyes open and try to come up with something appropriate.




If you're happy to do other stuff like bar work, waiting and call centre then there are things available. It's true that there might not be much specifically for an electrician but maybe companies like that are less likely to advertise online. Once you're out here doing something like bar work or a call centre you can look into the right companies and apply in person.

Some roles I found were - my partner interviewed for this and was offered the position. He didn't end up going with this company as he got another offer within iGaming for more money but it sounded like a really good role. Its not Igaming or sales really

This one is to do with electrical engineering... not 100% sure if this is the field you're looking for though;
and on a closer look i'm not 100% sure they're all based in Malta but hey, I'm trying![browse_cat_id]=6&search[search]=yes
again not entirely sure this is the correct field but worth a look


Some classifieds from the Times can be seen here: … ons-vacant

I mean some because on the printed edition there are more vacancies available.

Jobs as technicians are very difficult to find especially because there are quite a few youngsters following the courses at MCAST. It took my brother over a year with a BTEC diploma to find a job in a local company.  On the other hand, experience counts a lot, so if you want to find a job, polish your cv.


Hi concy,

There were two possible job offers for electricians in today's Sunday Times (Sept. 5th):

1)AG installations,Balzan are looking for an Electrician and Plumber with 3 years job experience.(

1)Mekanika Limited are looking for Electronics and Electrical Technicians for the Customer Care Department.(

The last is asking for an Enemalta licenece A and B and a few other certificates.

Maybe you are interested.




Thanks for this elaborate and useful information message, dcmalt!
Maybe this could be part of the Guide to expat life in Malta and more particularly the page on "Work".
Just follow the link above and submit your text there.
Have a nice day!


Blogging is about writing what you want to write (not WRIGHT) about. So... thanks but we'll just continue the way we're going. If you only want to read governmental sites, then do so. We don't care. My blog is for my friends back home to see how I'm doing and for others to see what I get up to in Malta. It's not a guide to teach others everything there is to know about the process and the system etc.

This whole website isn't about negativity so really, if this is how you feel then I don't see why you waste your time reading and writing.

FeeAcer was actually complimenting your post saying thanks, it was really informative and we'd like it on our Guide. If you don't want to post it there, no one actually cares.


Not sure what your problem is but my blog is my blog, we don't all use facebook- there is more to life.

And not sure what Harry Potter has to do with spelling.

Anyway, like I said, you don't like the site, then leave. No one's making you stay.


Could you please concentrate on the initial topic ?

The last posts are completely off topic



So what is real advice about moving to or living in Malta dcmalt?

Certainly not posting a mile long list of job agencies and advising folks against checking the local newspapers or even the etc for job offers.

If you check out the past posts you will see that there is a lot of info about what to do to make a smooth transition to Malta. And most of the posts do not have commercial interests behind them and are individual opinions that are , of course, more or less ,biased , but still, if you follow the topics , you can get a lot of information to help you form your own opinion. In the end no one has the absolute truth on any given topic.

But there is a lot of EU/non-EU  personal experience on this forum covering all aspects of work,residency and other issues with individual aspects of coping with the arising problems.In Malta there is no one right way of dealing with these things.

So what is the point with Iraq? I don't get it ? You want us all to move to Iraq because of the 'Hanging Gardens'?


Not sure where you crawled out from, but everyone has a right to an opinion, how they choose to express it, can be a hit an miss affair.

I think some of the other contributors on this platform (Ricky, and Iamharibo )and the rest of the bloggers make quite a serious contribution to keeping others informed about the latest developments, and experiences.

Some of your posts are informative as well, except where youre ranting and raving.

To trash everyone because they are British is infantile to the say the least, and then claim that all Maltese feel that way is a psychological projection bordering on delusional.

DCMalt I suggest you stay off strong stuff, and recognize everyone is trying to help the others out there make better decisions. If that is not as transparent as you wish, feel free to contribute and discuss without trolling.

Best regards as always and my blessings to you my child


Hey Eagle - where's the love...George, Sarafima, I and others contribute to this site too!!!!


Hi All
Its really great to see that there is somewhere to ask advise if considering moving to Malta.  Hope Im posting in the right bit!  Im considering moving as some family lives in Malta and my Mums moving back.

Does anyone know of an agency that specialises in Marketing/Fundraising in Malta? Ive done a bit of research and cant find anything or jobs that have a similar skills set.  I also need to hit a certain salary or Id look at any job possibilities.  Might have to accept that moving to Maltas not realistic :0(

Thanks for any advice folks!


there are so many sites you can check. Some I use for example; … try/malta/

Also, what area of marketing, that is to say, what sector? For example there are often jobs in Affiliate Marketing for technology or igaming companies;

Another tactic I took when job hunting was researching companies in my field, checking their websites and just emailing them directly. Like- not sure if you are recruiting but I'm really interested in your company and would love the chance to work for you and attaching your CV. I made a lot of good contacts and got a lot of feedback from various companies this way.

Good luck!


hey Iamharibo

Thank you for replying so quick and for the stack of information - its really kind of you.  I have had a look at some agencies but not others, so I ll pursue the ones that are new too.   Marketing wise, I come from the food sector, so working on brands like Lipton and Marmite.  I work for a Childrens Charity on direct marketing campaigns - quite specialist but there should be some transferable skills (hopefully).

Thanks and have a great day


Hello everyone,I was hoping that you may be able to help with some information on jobs in Malta. I am a very experienced construction worker and my wife is a nurse. I would like to stay in my field of construction and my wife would like to continue to be a nurse. Are there jobs in Malta in either field? Also we have 2 young children are the schools good? Thank you very much for any info,


Hi. Is at least one of you an EU citizen?


Hi Justin,

welcome to the forum.

Yes, the first question is one of you an EU citizen?

The other question addressed are jobs!

The construction industry in Malta is different from the way they build things in the US. So US experience might not be worth that much in Malta. It is also a low salary trade that is in the hands of Maltese and foreign immigrants. So I don't think you should consider that a serious option.

Nursing is much more in demand!

What is your motivation to relocate to Malta? How well do you know Malta?

Check out previous posts on the various relevant threads. You will find a lot of info.



Hi Ricky, I am not a EU citizen but my wife is. I am a US citizen. Any recommendations on a field of work I might want to look into? My family and I want to move somewhere with a better climate and also somewhere a bit closer to my wife's family in Germany. We don't know too much about Malta I'm just starting my research now. We are looking at other places too. Thanks for your input it really helps!!



ricky wrote:

It is also a low salary trade that is in the hands of Maltese and foreign immigrants.

who else is there Ricky, apart from locals, and foreign immigrants ?


Hi me and my friend are thinking about moving to malta for work, we have both completed a ict degree and will be looking for any work, we would want to work in a bar or a hotel? thanks David


Hi David,

welcome to the forum.

Finding work in the ICT business should not be too difficult. Anything to do with programming and internet are in demand. In particular if your qualifications include programming web sites or games you will be earning a good salary.




Veterinary jobs in Malta, are there? Where can I search, please?
I'm a portuguese vet unemployed (along with many other people,unfortunately) and I'm looking for an opportunity outside Portugal.
If you could help me, I would be grateful.


I think me and my friend will be looking for a change working in a bar or hotel is there many vacancies in this? Cheers David.


helioferreira wrote:


Veterinary jobs in Malta, are there? Where can I search, please?
I'm a portuguese vet unemployed (along with many other people,unfortunately) and I'm looking for an opportunity outside Portugal.
If you could help me, I would be grateful.

Hi - most of the vets in Gozo and Malta are small clinics, often one-person vets, so there aren't many opportunities.

ringy 1977

Do it and don't look back


There was an article about vets in this weekends Times of Malta.
I'll go check and see if it is relevant.


Hi, had a look at the article, it was in the 'Sunday Circle' magazine. Does not say much about availability of work, just the changing nature of the work but I had a look at a site and perhaps you could contact or speak with someone there? It does list  some contacts:

See here:

Here is the Facebook page of the clinic:

And a description:

Centru San Frangisk Veterinary Hospital is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The general public, animal lovers and private pet owners can rest assured that when a patient arrives at the hospital at any time of the day or night, the pet is given the best possible treatment as quickly as possible.
At Centru San Frangisk, we provide a broad spectrum of diagnostic procedures through in-house testing and the use of advanced laboratory equipment. Our facility includes comfortable exam rooms ,operating theater, in-house imaging capabilities including Radiography, Dental Radiography, Endoscopy and Ultrasound and a closely supervised intensive care hospitalization area.
This 24/7 service together with the expertise of our team, are strong reasons why many pet owners have chosen this hospital to look after their pets, not just for emergencies and surgeries, but for routine care and vaccinations as well.

The Animal Wellness Centre is situated at 61, High Street, Sliema. Animal Wellness Centre is the place where you can find most of the requirements of your beloved pet such as pet food, medicinals and a broad range of veterinary sevices. Open
from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 - 18:00 our nurse will give you information and answer any questions about the Sliema Centre and Dr.Trevor`s Veterinary Clinics at Centru San Frangisk in Ta' Qali, and at 54, Triq Kanaea, Attard. The nurse will also answer any concerns about behaviour issues, training and the general health of your pet. Microchipping, deworming and other services are offered without the need for appointments. Dr. Trevor Zammit DVM attends by appointments.

Another Veterinary Clinic is situated in 54, Kananea Street, Attard, the very first centre opened by Dr. Trevor Zammit. There you will also find a very well stocked pet shop where you can get all that you might need for your small or large friend, new addition or old member of the family. Our representative at the Attard clinic will provide you with information about your pets. He specializes in birds and other exotic pets. If you are keen on getting an unusual pet such as a snake, lizard or big spider or you need help with their care, here is the right place to come. Small rodents and birds are available as well. Dr. Trevor Zammit DVM attends by appointments.


is there any jobs available in malta for cnc operatör? i have checked on internet but nothing came up. help!


eliasfarah wrote:

is there any jobs available in malta for cnc operatör? i have checked on internet but nothing came up. help!

What's a cnc?? lol!


Hi Elias,

the cnc technique is used in Malta but I'm not sure if jobs are available (Caroline, cnc is a computer aided cutting technique used to cut signs and other things)

The jobs would be given to Maltese and EU citizens first before considering a work permit for a non- EU citizen though but if they can't find anybody qualified they could apply for a work permit for you.

I'm impressed that you are trained in cnc cutting in Somalia. How are you going to get from Somalia to Malta or are you already in Malta? You should check out the ETC website.


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