What do I require for the police conduct certificate in Floriana ?

Hello, im currently working in Malta and my HR is now asking for Police Conduct Certificate something they forgot to remind me of when i started working so the need it asap but if i order one from  (sweden) its gonna take me up to 3-4 week to get one from there.

I have yet gotten a Maltese residence card wich i think you need to get one or is it possible to get one without as long as i have proof that im working there?

I appriciate all the information.

Kind regards  :)

Hi Calleee

All you need is your ID eg: passport preferably, take it to the Floriana Police Station and you will need €2.80 cash. You will need to queue for a long/short period of time and that's all. It doesn't matter if you don't have your resident ID as I got mine done without it. They will then give you the certificate  in a matter of 2-3 minutes if not less than that. It was so easy to do, but check the opening and closing times before you go.

All the best...


Much appricated my friend thank you so much!!!