
Visit visa renewal date falls on Eid Holidays

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Guys, my visit visa needs to be renewed this July 28-August 3, 2014, they said one can only renew within 6 days of the date of visa expiry (my expiry is August 3, 2013), the problem is it falls on eid holidays :(

1. Wiill the jawazat office allow us to  renew EARLIER than the said 6 days like July 23 or 24 given that they will go on holidays?

2. Whats the office hours of jawazat during ramadan period?

3. How do they deal with those who overstay like 3 days or less after the visa expiry, is it really 10,000 sar or do they give leeway, ive read they give you 10 days to leave the kingdom, im confused about this 10,000 sar penalty.

4.Has anyone tried doing under the table deals with jawazat officers(paying more money or bribe), or is this a big NO thing to do.

Hoping someone could help me out on this, first hand experience/infos woukd be a great help, thanks in advance for the replies!

See also

Iqama visa in Saudi ArabiaVisas in Saudi ArabiaIqama expiring in a week - can I travel to Bahrain over weekend?IQAMA renewal after the 90-Day probi periodExit & Re-entry Visa but One Way Ticket


Nothing to worry about. Usually you are given a grace period of 3 days after the visa expiry date in normal situation. On public holidays, the number of holidays are automatically added to your stay duration. The only concern was that gov. first announced that they will not renew any visit visas because of Ramadan and Hajj season. But I read yesterday in the newspaper that now the renewal is allowed. You need to go to Jawazat after Eid holidays, and try to get hold of the ticket which they distribute as it will be too rushy and crowdy. Even if you get the ticket for next day, it will still get the job done!

All the best.


Arbab wrote:


Nothing to worry about. Usually you are given a grace period of 3 days after the visa expiry date in normal situation. On public holidays, the number of holidays are automatically added to your stay duration. The only concern was that gov. first announced that they will not renew any visit visas because of Ramadan and Hajj season. But I read yesterday in the newspaper that now the renewal is allowed. You need to go to Jawazat after Eid holidays, and try to get hold of the ticket which they distribute as it will be too rushy and crowdy. Even if you get the ticket for next day, it will still get the job done!

All the best.

Hi Arbab!
Visit visas can now be renewed as announced by the MOI last June 28 :)
What do you mean by the ticket? The number sequencing?
How about going there before eid holidays? Btw, have you tried this on your own renewing after the expiry date?
Thanks a lot! :)


bubblegumbabyy wrote:

Guys, my visit visa needs to be renewed this July 28-August 3, 2014, they said one can only renew within 6 days of the date of visa expiry (my expiry is August 3, 2013), the problem is it falls on eid holidays :(

1. Wiill the jawazat office allow us to  renew EARLIER than the said 6 days like July 23 or 24 given that they will go on holidays?

2. Whats the office hours of jawazat during ramadan period?

3. How do they deal with those who overstay like 3 days or less after the visa expiry, is it really 10,000 sar or do they give leeway, ive read they give you 10 days to leave the kingdom, im confused about this 10,000 sar penalty.

4.Has anyone tried doing under the table deals with jawazat officers(paying more money or bribe), or is this a big NO thing to do.

Hoping someone could help me out on this, first hand experience/infos woukd be a great help, thanks in advance for the replies!


1. Better check with Jawasat if you can renew it before EID holiday.
2. Normal workings hours is 6 for Muslim, They start 7:30am to 2:00pm on normal days base on there website.
3. 10,000 SAR is true for fine for overstaying.
4. Bride sometimes work but better not try here in SAUDI, in Philippines maybe.


u can renew ur visa after Eid Holidays u can visit Jawazat on 1st working day after Eid, ur visa will be renewed even if its expired.

last Eid i renewed my wife visa after eid which was expired in Eid holiday, if u will visit Jawazat before Eid they will not renew it


KK YASIR wrote:

u can renew ur visa after Eid Holidays u can visit Jawazat on 1st working day after Eid, ur visa will be renewed even if its expired.

last Eid i renewed my wife visa after eid which was expired in Eid holiday, if u will visit Jawazat before Eid they will not renew it

Thanks a lot! Atleast its a first hand information from you :)


Yes, the number sequencing ticket.

And yes, I went through the same things last year for my mother in law's visa. Everyone is awarded a grace period of 3 days regardless of holidays. Incase of public holidays like Eid, the number of holidays are automatically added to the grace period. So you can get your visa renewed even if gets expired during the holidays.

I'm pretty sure you've got it all cleared up by now. As I even saw your question on arab news. However, bubblegumbabyy is an interesting nick to use ;)


Arbab wrote:

Yes, the number sequencing ticket.

And yes, I went through the same things last year for my mother in law's visa. Everyone is awarded a grace period of 3 days regardless of holidays. Incase of public holidays like Eid, the number of holidays are automatically added to the grace period. So you can get your visa renewed even if gets expired during the holidays.

I'm pretty sure you've got it all cleared up by now. As I even saw your question on arab news. However, bubblegumbabyy is an interesting nick to use ;)

:) when it was announced that visa extension is allowed, it gave me a great relief as i want to stay longer here and experience ramadan, it would mean more time with my hubby, as work time is shortened to 6 hours plus the eid holidays

ive been spending too much time getting infos from the net, but i really want first hand infos from people, its just diffixult with e and my husbands case cause we have to travel from khobar to riyadh to have my visa renewed (his iqama was issued in riyadh), we are hesitant to visit dammam's jawazat cause we have a limited understanding of the arabic language,
and policies may differ. A lot replied in arab news :) and yes its crystal clear to me now, i dont worry anymore that my visa will not be renewed due to eid  holidays :)

Thank you very much to all those who replied! Ramadan Kareem!


I am Sana
Please any body let me know, when will jawazat be closed in ramadan?

I am not sure on which date my visit visa is expiring.
I came to riyadh on 1st of may 2014
Visa was for 90 days
How can i renew it?


Jawazat timings in the month of Ramadan are from 10 AM to 3 PM.


Thanks Sethar02.

Anyone knows the last working day of riyadh jawazat office?


Same question here. :( My husband just told me that today(july 16) is their last working day. Is it true?

Muhammed Shaheer

Hi guys, anyone knows the last working day and First working day of Jawazath after Eid Holidays???
My wife's visit visa is going to expire on 30th July. Is it possible to renew before starting the eid holidays??


my friend just renewed her visa last july 13 (dammam jawazat) she inquired bout the working days and was told that the last working day is on the 27th and will resume on 3rd of august, this is for dammam jawazat though, i want to know working days of riyadh jawazat cause i will be renewing my visa there.


Dear baby, today is the 1st day of all Govt. offices after EID, hope u have renewed ur visa now.

With best wishes,


Dea friends any one  knows the last working day and First working day of Jawazath
Eid Holidays???

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