
Twelve gold bars removed from Indian man's stomach

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Did you happen to read it?? :o … m-stomach/

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Its an amazing news.........i cannot even think one can do like this.............



Waaaatt... :o
Got to say some people go to extreme mental levels for riches


May be.........


This is unbelievable! How he could swallow this much of gold?
and if he clearly knew he would have to face for an opp and he could not clam for the gold after that?? :/
Anyway.. more Indians are smart Anil :cool:


mal wrote:

This is unbelievable! How he could swallow this much of gold?
and if he clearly knew he would have to face for an opp and he could not clam for the gold after that?? :/
Anyway.. more Indians are smart Anil :cool:

This is not smartness for me, this is how "wealth" is taking your life............he is fool ............


aryavrat wrote:
mal wrote:

This is unbelievable! How he could swallow this much of gold?
and if he clearly knew he would have to face for an opp and he could not clam for the gold after that?? :/
Anyway.. more Indians are smart Anil :cool:

This is not smartness for me, this is how "wealth" is taking your life............he is fool ............

Hard to argue with that.
Cash may be important, but it's no use if it kills you.


That's true mas fred.......i agree with you..........


That would mean that each bar of gold would weigh on average 33.333 grams, not really so large.

People try smuggling cocaine by swallowing "balloons" of the drug made by packing condoms. Often the swallow quantities much greater than 400 grams.

400 grams of gold at today's prices would be worth around $16,648.00 USD, this is only marginally less than cocaine (depending on the location) so it's not too bad a "haul". It would be a lot safer than swallowing cocaine too, since the balloons can burst and this usually means instant death.

I'd almost be willing to bet that this man isn't the first to have smuggled gold this way, even though he may be the first one caught doing so. I doubt that he's going to be the last either. Just another challenge for Customs & Excise officers all over the world.

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team


The doctors had to do some gold digging  :D


Welcome to Expat-Blogs..........
Ofcourse doctors had to do some gold digging but not without permission.............



Here is a bit of more information … 875658.cms


If bottle caps can be converted into gold in a India?? :D


Then we will not only drink the water,milk,beer,whisky,.....etc but we will drink along with these all ,the cap too............. :lol:


aryavrat wrote:

Then we will not only drink the water,milk,beer,whisky,.....etc but we will drink along with these all ,the cap too............. :lol:

and no need to do a job just once a month use a laxative and if not working face for a surgery!


Those gold bars have gone through real (CENSORED: four-letter word beginning with s).



Hahaha.......... :lol::lol:


aryavrat wrote:

Hahaha.......... :lol::lol:

I didnt get  :/ or pm me the word :lol:


mal wrote:
aryavrat wrote:

Hahaha.......... :lol::lol:

I didnt get  :/ or pm me the word :lol:

Really??  :P


Farhaz wrote:
mal wrote:
aryavrat wrote:

Hahaha.......... :lol::lol:

I didnt get  :/ or pm me the word :lol:

Really??  :P

yep what is this censored 'S'?? :unsure


mal wrote:
Farhaz wrote:
mal wrote:

I didnt get  :/ or pm me the word :lol:

Really??  :P

yep what is this censored 'S'?? :unsure

I think this is needed to be PM............. :lol:


Farhaz wrote:
mal wrote:
aryavrat wrote:

Hahaha.......... :lol::lol:

I didnt get  :/ or pm me the word :lol:

Really??  :P

No its not really.......................... :lol:


aryavrat wrote:
Farhaz wrote:
mal wrote:

I didnt get  :/ or pm me the word :lol:

Really??  :P

No its not really.......................... :lol:

Yes dont pm me then, if it is that much a fun
pm me some golds!! ;)


Thats nice if i can ...............i would have done it........


aryavrat wrote:

Thats nice if i can ...............i would have done it........

yes if it is permitted some gold from Africa??
Pls listen, is it difficult to send gold from one country to another? Because my friend wanted to send me some jeweleries as gifts from USA and one my post office friend told me, it will be a big procedure to follow to clear it from customs. Is it same in all countries??


Farhaz wrote:

Those gold bars have gone through real (CENSORED: four-letter word beginning with s).




mal wrote:
aryavrat wrote:

Thats nice if i can ...............i would have done it........

yes if it is permitted some gold from Africa??
Pls listen, is it difficult to send gold from one country to another? Because my friend wanted to send me some jeweleries as gifts from USA and one my post office friend told me, it will be a big procedure to follow to clear it from customs. Is it same in all countries??

Methinks, it is easier to send the money with a suggestion what item of jewelery to buy, i.e. necklace, bracelet, etc.


El_Jost wrote:
Farhaz wrote:

Those gold bars have gone through real (CENSORED: four-letter word beginning with s).



no no.... may be Sari :proud


El_Jost wrote:
mal wrote:
aryavrat wrote:

Thats nice if i can ...............i would have done it........

yes if it is permitted some gold from Africa??
Pls listen, is it difficult to send gold from one country to another? Because my friend wanted to send me some jeweleries as gifts from USA and one my post office friend told me, it will be a big procedure to follow to clear it from customs. Is it same in all countries??

Methinks, it is easier to send the money with a suggestion what item of jewelery to buy, i.e. necklace, bracelet, etc.

But gift is not money!!! anyway I almost lost both now!! Gift & friend


Yes custom departments will create a problem if you are bringing gold or any valuable items........and liquid cash is easy to send and recieve worldwide........



mal wrote:
El_Jost wrote:
mal wrote:

yes if it is permitted some gold from Africa??
Pls listen, is it difficult to send gold from one country to another? Because my friend wanted to send me some jeweleries as gifts from USA and one my post office friend told me, it will be a big procedure to follow to clear it from customs. Is it same in all countries??

Methinks, it is easier to send the money with a suggestion what item of jewelery to buy, i.e. necklace, bracelet, etc.

But gift is not money!!! anyway I almost lost both now!! Gift & friend

Yes Gift is not money but money can buy gifts........
what you lost was not yours otherwise you would have not loose him/her.................
I am sorry for that............



aryavrat wrote:

Yes Gift is not money but money can buy gifts........

But I love to have a 'gift' more than a money-gift
Specially it has a meaning and a value..


Yes you are right every gift has a meaning and value but which cannot be valued in terms of money.................


So what is the word that begins with S?

And no its not soup or sari  :D


SEAT........... :D


Yes, India as a country, hoards gold 2nd after China I guess, no place to safer than tummy


So you mean to say you have a experience of it.................... :D


Farhaz wrote:

So what is the word that begins with S?

And no its not soup or sari  :D

Ohh sh..!! what is this word really?? :(


aryavrat wrote:

So you mean to say you have a experience of it.................... :D

hahahaha!!!! May be he was the man who swollen gold!!! :P


mal wrote:
aryavrat wrote:

So you mean to say you have a experience of it.................... :D

hahahaha!!!! May be he was the man who swollen gold!!! :P

Yes even i want to know but.........he didn't reply............

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