
change his company from (RED) to (GREEN)


ASalamalikum     it's kind a strange but please dont mind as i dont understand quite well about the law's there in saudi arabia, well, my father want's to change his company from (RED) to (GREEN) and so far everthing done he got his new passport and finger prints updeded but when he was puting the information and visa on his new passport for tanazol to new comapny, this (iskiqdam) problem came out, an anget told him you have (iskiqdam) on you're or some problem from iskiqdam office with you're old employer( which is now not avalible as the company baned by MOL).

please anyone of you who have any information about that or anyway that we can find out how and why he got this problem, he didnt apply for family visa or anything, atleast we can find out the status by any site whoch can show what really it is..

despertly waiting for you're helpful answer's!!....

See also

Iqama visa in Saudi ArabiaVisas in Saudi ArabiaIqama expiring in a week - can I travel to Bahrain over weekend?IQAMA renewal after the 90-Day probi periodExit & Re-entry Visa but One Way Ticket

You will probably get more relevant information if you post this on the Saudi Arabia Forum as opposed to here in a General Forum.

Go down to the bottom of the Main Forum page and click on the Saudi Arabia flag icon to access the Saudi Forum.

William James Woodward - Brazil & Canada Expert, Expat-blog Team


Hi shahyaz,

Welcome to expat-blog!

Your post has been moved to the Riyadh forum better visibility and interaction.

Thank you,


Expat-blog team.


Hello, as far to my knowledge he need to refer back to the MOL and take a letter or something from them to resolve the "istkiqdam" issue..
As far he got a new job & employer that he accept his transfer on him there is no issue ..
However, I'd much prefer to refer to the new company he is going to work with.
They should having one guy responsible for such things.
He can make a deal with him -shouldn't be costly- to resolve his issue there.

hope this will help him out.


Good day,    I have a problem. My iqama and my company is in red status then i apply in other company and they gave the demand letter.. The problem is when i gave the demnd letter in my old employer ..they didnt agree. My current company is closed and i already 2 months no work and no salary.. So how can i change my company without permission of my old company? Please give me some advices thank you in advance...