Hello! Newbie here!

I am currently in USA, but will be moving next year to Morocco. I am currently learning Arabic, but looking forward to the possibilities. Any tips or advice since this will be my first time living out of the states. I am a therapeutic massage therapist, but will probably have to change profession since the culture is different from here. Have a great week!

Hi akback,

Welcome to expat-blog!

Your thread has been moved to the Morocco forum for better visibility and interaction.

I suggest you to read the following thread where you might surely find some more information New online Morocco Guide. Thank you! :)

Thank you,


Expat-blog team.

Hi Akback,

Actualy it depends on where you will you be moving in morocco. If you settle in a big city like casablanca or marrrakech you won't have to change your line of work, massage therapist make quite good living arround here. Is your french any good ? French is very appreciated, would make it easier to find a job if you're loking for something in sales or services.



I think it will be in Rabat. My French is very limited. But I am willing to learn it as well. Shukran

Hi akback,

Please note that you can post an advert in the section language classes in Morocco if you want to learn french. This might surely help.

Thank you

Expat.com Team