
Help needed :)

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I would be really grateful if you could fill in this short questionnaire! :) We need as many participants as we can get.. It is about how people from other countries see Croatia.

Pretty please with sugar on top :)

Here's a link: … s/viewform

See also

Living abroad: the expat guideRequest on learning how to YouTube my work and art (Latvia)Quiet place but not isolatedanyone tried deepseek?How Is This Possible?

Done. :)

As a note, outside your last war, the country hardly ever hits the headlines.
If you want to promote the place, you need to find reasons for people to visit/move there.


Thank you very much for your help! :)

I know Croatia is (unfortunately) most famous for the war :(
although there are some improvements in our tourism (many cruisers in Dubrovnik and so on..) so maybe it will get better in time. slowly, but you never know :)


You guys need an image consultant.
I can't speak for other countries but the British, in general, know nothing about you.
Do you have sandy beaches, hot summers or anything else that'll bring tourist dollars your way?
Ancient ruins bring some but most younger people are looking for Bali and, if they don't have to travel as far to find it, you'll get them wandering over to you.
That's how Spain did it in the 80s.
Cheap holidays in the sun and loads of travel agents pushing them because they made a mint out of the thing.


I heard that Croatia is a bad place to live.

tratinchi wrote:

don't move to croatia.. great to visit as a tourist but really bad to live in (crisis..). :P


HaileyinHongKong wrote:

I heard that Croatia is a bad place to live.

tratinchi wrote:

don't move to croatia.. great to visit as a tourist but really bad to live in (crisis..). :P

So have I, but I was also told never to go to Indonesia and they were one off on that one.


Indonesia is great.  At least the tiny part of it I saw is.

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