
to transfer



i am a filipino, i am working here in riyadh for a year already and company did not give my iqama till now. as i trace the sponsor name/kafil, i found out that it is individual sponsor(from someone not a company). I want to get out from this company due to delayed of salary for 5 months and non issuance of my iqama. Pls help me what to do so that i can look for another company who is willing to get me transfer to them.

Pls reply to my


See also

Iqama visa in Saudi ArabiaVisas in Saudi ArabiaIqama expiring in a week - can I travel to Bahrain over weekend?IQAMA renewal after the 90-Day probi periodExit & Re-entry Visa but One Way Ticket

Hello phil-unknown.

Welcome to! :)

Hope you'll be helped by other members soon.

Thank you,


Thanks for the reply. Aurellie.


phil-unknown wrote:


i am a filipino, i am working here in riyadh for a year already and company did not give my iqama till now. as i trace the sponsor name/kafil, i found out that it is individual sponsor(from someone not a company). I want to get out from this company due to delayed of salary for 5 months and non issuance of my iqama. Pls help me what to do so that i can look for another company who is willing to get me transfer to them.

Pls reply to my


Kindly can you clarify some points. I assume you are here for the first time and that this company gave you the visa and then they did not process the iqama for you for a year and when you traced you found out that the sponsor is an individual ???.

You cant get "out" if you dont have an iqama. You can leave the country though and try to come back on a new visa by finding a job now within KSA. Or you need to get an iqama issued at the earliest through (individual / company) and then try for a release.


Thanks HRGURU.
This is my second company already and i was working in al rajhi way back 2009-2011 then i went for exit due to new offer and new visa which my present company provided me.
When i came back here last Feb. 1 last year, i started working with them and till now i never receive my iqama and my salary was delayed all the time. when i traced my sponsor, i found out that my present company is not actually my kafil rather it is an individual. I want to trace the details of my kafil enable for me to talk with her and ask for a release but i dont know where to begin and whom to get in touch with without the knowledge of my present company because i know for sure they will not release me if i am going to go through to them. i tried to talk to my present employer-which my company about this matter and seek for a release but they refused me.
So may i know how to get in touch with my kafil and how to ask for a release from her?

Hoping to give me some viewpoints.


Hi Phil-unknown,
   Talk to your employer seriously ask them your demand, if they still ignore your problems go to our embassy and ask for assistant. Bring all the necesssary documents like contract (if available). Tell them your situation, the embassy will talk to your employer by phone about this and whatever their conversation you have the right to know. goodluck!!!!:)


it looks like the company for whom you are now working has purchased a visa from some other sponsor. you need to talk to your company or rather write a letter to your company explaining your situation and also give a copy of the same to the embassy. embassy will be able to provide you with the requires assistance and legal support. it is a nightmare to stay in saudi arabia without a valid iqama. and do make sure that you are not going out to places where there are frequent security checks by police & jawazat


Thanks for the advices.

well regarding embassy matters, i have done many times reaching the embassy and same dialogue and same settlement they are telling. sometimes i am no longer interested to bringing a complaint to embassy because they just make you waiting without doing something if you bring the same problem to them.

@ JasfurJQ:
I have tried also many times telling this problem to my employer but he always telling me ok i will do something but after that no more moves.

@ azhar_bf:
you were right. my company had purchased the visa from someone. Due to non issuance of iqama, I once caught by the mutawa in batha and fortunately nothing happen coz i explained well to him. I inform this matter to my company and to embassy but they always tell me wait until everything will be OK.

All I want to do is to directly go to my Kafil but I dont know her in person. I never saw her too. I just want to conatact her and tell her my situation but i dont know how to begin.

I even informed this matter to embassy but they never did any actions for me.


What kind of  job do you do now?
What kind of job would you like to do?  We have visa for Filipino driver. Very good job with good British family. Good salary, working conditions.


catfriendly wrote:

What kind of  job do you do now?
What kind of job would you like to do?  We have visa for Filipino driver. Very good job with good British family. Good salary, working conditions.

Please note that this post is over 12 months old now so you may not get a reply. If you are looking for a driver I suggest you place an ad in the classified section of this forum which you can find on the top of this page. That way you will get better coverage.