
Looking for a roommate in Maarif

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Olivier Escalon

Hello everybody,
I got a room which is free in my flat.
The flat is a four room in the earth of Maarif with a great terrasse and two bathrooms.
The rent is 4000dh, so it is 2000dh for each roommate.

I am a french journalist currently working in communication. I am calm and easy to live with.
I am publishing on the english version of because I would like to find an english speaking roommate.
If you are interested, contact me by personal message.
See you

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in CasablancaBuying property in CasablancaCasablanca neighbourhoodsAccommodation in Morocco

Hi there !
Still looking for a roommate ?!
I have an internship in Casablanca for about 4 months starting from
February !



Is the room still available?



Hey Olivier,

we are a couple looking for a room is yours still free?

Many thanks,

Marc Cheoula

Bonjour Olivier,

Je viens d'arriver à Casablanca en VIE. Je crois comprendre que tu cherches un coloc anglais.
Bon, je t'envoie quand même un mail, même si ton offre date un peu. Je suis très intéréssé par cette coloc, surtout que le lieu m'arrange pas mal.

à bientôt peut être


deja pris, desolee


Hello -> In english please on this English Speaking forum. :)

Thank you,

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