
It's you, not me: 42 ways to break up with someone

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Suzie Que

ok, so i have a dark sense of humour and relationships are often intense but i laughed so hard reading some of these yesterday so i thought i'd share personal favourite:

"One morning you woke up and said, very seriously, "I feel really weird." I was so relieved.
"Me, too!" I said. "This really isn't working, is it?"
There was a very long silence. "I meant about that ham I had yesterday night."
If it helps, I'm really sorry." … o-split-up


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link wrote:

You had a man purse.

OMG - I have a bum bag.
Do you think my wife of 5 years (as of yesterday) will ditch me?

Suzie Que

although we've never met mas fred, i dare say you'd be one to pull off the man-purse with aplomb ;) so no, don't think you'll get dumped...your wife likely enjoys your personal style :)


Suzie Que wrote:

although we've never met mas fred, i dare say you'd be one to pull off the man-purse with aplomb ;) so no, don't think you'll get dumped...your wife likely enjoys your personal style :)

My marriage is over because I don't have any aplonbs to remove my bum bag with.
Will a pair of piers do the trick?

Suzie Que

mas fred wrote:
Suzie Que wrote:

although we've never met mas fred, i dare say you'd be one to pull off the man-purse with aplomb ;) so no, don't think you'll get dumped...your wife likely enjoys your personal style :)

My marriage is over because I don't have any aplonbs to remove my bum bag with.
Will a pair of piers do the trick?

honey, if it's on that tight then maybe we should talk...images of really tacky red speedos are harassing me now :(

(seriously mas fred....if folks don't "get" our warped humour we're likely to be censored..."bum bags" might not go over well)


"It's not you, it's me.  I'm tired of looking at you."


Suzie Que wrote:

honey, if it's on that tight then maybe we should talk...images of really tacky red speedos are harassing me now :(

(seriously mas fred....if folks don't "get" our warped humour we're likely to be censored..."bum bags" might not go over well)

I don't own any speedos.
Out here, we swim in any old pair of shorts. Hardly anyone bothers with swimming kit.
The pool was so close to out last house, I didn't even bother getting changed after swimming. Just walked home and had a shower there.
You can do that when it's 30+ degrees in the shade.

(I never have my bum bag when swimming)

Suzie Que

wow, your evenings sure sound nice!
i'd like it if my wardrobe consisted of a warn linen tunic and soft cotton shorts, leather sandals and a smile on my face...+30 at night time and listening to the that's simple pleasure
good for you mas fred :)


I asked my new wife if she would like to live with me in England.
"Too cold" was all I got so I wrapped up the business, house and so on, and wandered out here.
She was right and this was a great move.

No winter, cheap to live, lovely people, fantastic food and a wonderful family.

No way will I be wanting to use the break up lines in the OP.


I can't really imagine just one girl for the rest of my life!

Suzie Que

appreciate your honesty hericles :)

i personally think monogamy is a lifestyle choice...rather than our nature


Suzie Que wrote:

appreciate your honesty hericles :)

i personally think monogamy is a lifestyle choice...rather than our nature

I used to think it was a type of wood until I met my wife.

I had a date arranged with this unbelievable lass from Bangladesh;  I ditched her after a very brief conversation with my new wife to be.
Sulis and I went to the cinema and had dinner before she had to return home.
That week, I travelled up to Ipoh (Perak, Malaysia). I'd had one short evening with Sulis (My wife) but turned down a stunning Thai lass I met while walking around that quaint town.
I could have had a real bonkfest that evening but I knew it wasn't right so I slept alone.

I'm amazed at myself. More so considering I looked at women as delux willy warmers before that.


Welcome to Mt Dump, elevation: you.


HaileyinHongKong wrote:

Welcome to Mt Dump, elevation: you.

You have to see the bright side.
Before, I would have mounted and dumped

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