Getting married in Egypt

Hey I was married in November was pretty quick and easy

I was lucky we he had a friend who did our medical certificates and we got 6 passport pics and photocopies of our ids and also its £150 for the form to say you haven't been married before you get that there and then we got into a taxi to take it to the next place if you ask most taxi drivers they know we're to go ours ran and got it stamped cheaper than than what they wanted lol suppose it's good when your husband just talks and talks lol once we had all that we went to the ministry of justice the next day as I was too ill to carry on but let me tell you it's not romantic it's cloudy as in full of smoke there's loads of people who will witness it for you if you ask as there looking for people too We were there for 4 hours before got married I've been married a month now but I didn't get the marriage certificate  translated into English as I took ill  when I was there so If anyone knows how I register the marriage here in England I would be great full the stamp in your passport is easy and as for the marriage certificate it's just passport photos stapled to it with finger prints

If u done things through the embassy then ur marriage doesn't need to be registered here and I did double check with a registrar here I've been married for nearly a.year now x

Hi everybody,
I intend to marry my egyptian fiance this year, but have a quick question. I'm atheist, but when I go to the embassy in cairo to get the papers which state that I'm free to marry, is it simply a matter of stating "Christian" or do I need some sort of proof? Or is it better/easier to say muslim?
Any ideas of overall cost?
Ooh also, do I need to bring any documents from home (birth certificate etc)
Thanks, you've all been very helpful :)

Hi hun I wrote Christian didn't need to prove anything
the cost for the papers to say your not married is £150  you don't need your birth certificate just 6 passport pics and 2 photocopies of your passport I'd get your pics before you go it's pretty much easy going once you have those papers you need a medical certificate too and him and you but I don't know we're as my husband did mine in his main city before we went to cairo didn't cost much though

U need a no impediment certificate from registrar basically putting ur bands up like anyone getting married after its been do 21 days they will give it u it not worth the paper it's written on either lol it 35 pound 😊

Hi im a filipina from philippines and working in and mi fiance who is an egyptian were planning to get married next month in egypt can somebody pls help us on what to do or what are the procedures and documents  we need thanks

I'm also happily married to my Egyptian husband for 10 years now. We are considering retiring to Egypt but I have also heard some horror stories of women ending up on the street after the husband's death. Can this maybe be avoided by purchasing the property on the wifes name only?

Armand wrote:

Hi all,

We invite all the ones who got married in Egypt or who are about to get married in Egypt to participate in this thread :)

What are the formalities to get married in Egypt? Is it the same for a couple of foreigners of for a mixed couple (between a foreigner and a native of Egypt)?

Are the procedures complicated?

How long does it take to carry out all the formalities?

Thank you in advance for participating,


ahmed 125 wrote:
Armand wrote:

Hi all,

We invite all the ones who got married in Egypt or who are about to get married in Egypt to participate in this thread :)

What are the formalities to get married in Egypt? Is it the same for a couple of foreigners of for a mixed couple (between a foreigner and a native of Egypt)?

Are the procedures complicated?

How long does it take to carry out all the formalities?

Thank you in advance for participating,


Cut and paste is frowned upon on this forum. 

If you have information about the subject of getting married in Egypt then please post it here on the forum.

Thanks for sharing getting married there in March in sha Allah .....wanna use a lawyer to do all the running for me can you recommend any ?

I think i got every thing i need but an official at the british embassy said i must get my decree absolute stamped at the foreign office in the UK

do you or any one else know about the details of the declaration at  the consulate ? will they ask for age pr religion ? as all that will help the process a great deal

am a Muslim but my fiancee insisted that I must bring a certificate stating that am Muslim for our marriage to go ahead 

that worry of getting into this process and doing every thing right before i embark on this journey is doing my head in
appreciate your help :)

Hello. Wanted to know which documents I need from Latvia, if I want marry in Egypt? Does I need to translate them from Latvian to English only or from English to Arabic also?

Hello. I and my Egyptian boyfriend are planning to get married next year. But Canadian Embassy has closed in Egypt. How and where will I obtain permission to marry if this is the case?

kannyg wrote:

Hello. I and my Egyptian boyfriend are planning to get married next year. But Canadian Embassy has closed in Egypt. How and where will I obtain permission to marry if this is the case?

Perhaps you should contact the Canadian Embassy in the closest country to Egypt.

stumpy wrote:
kannyg wrote:

Hello. I and my Egyptian boyfriend are planning to get married next year. But Canadian Embassy has closed in Egypt. How and where will I obtain permission to marry if this is the case?

Perhaps you should contact the Canadian Embassy in the closest country to Egypt.

They can close but still there is someone who do the job for it in Egypt and maybe from some reason you can do it in another country embassy like for some nationalities they do it in one embassy sometimes
contact it's website and they should tell you how to get to do it

Thank you so much. Appreciate.


If foreigner muslim man want to marry Egyptian women  i listen residence visa is needed how to get residence visa for me to marry my fiance ?

i went ministry of justice i asked all rules and regulations but they said i have to be a residence visa

could you please tell me how to get resident visa ?

could you please tell me how did you get resident stamp on your passport ?  or can marry with tourist visa ?

Is it the same for girl to get visa in Egypt to marry man as it man to get visa to marry girl in Egypt?

mubarakshaik wrote:

could you please tell me how did you get resident stamp on your passport ?  or can marry with tourist visa ?

You need to get it from Mogama el tahreer at Tahreer square
it's called visa for marriage or visa for reasons other than tourism
after marriage you get the residence visa

Ranamoha wrote:

Is it the same for girl to get visa in Egypt to marry man as it man to get visa to marry girl in Egypt?

Same thing

Dear Thanks ,

Simply i have to go there and ask will they give ? or need any papers to carry with me at al tehariri ? what is time of processing ?

Go to Mogamma building in Tahrir  square (biggest building in Tahrir  square .... you will ask for a 3 month tourist residence visa .... I cannot remember the exact cost but it is very small ... cannot remember which floor or service window so ask or read signs ... you fill out the forms and leave in your passport and collect the next day ...
This residence visa was ok foe me to marry my Egyptian wife .... .... email me if you need any more advice ... best of luck

Thank you for posting your blog. I live in england known my partner 2 years and very happy and now plan to marry. We have both been married previously so will we need to take proof of our divorce ? also you mention a cost to marry how much was this please and was there any other hidden costs.
Its a shame about visas because it does spoil it for people that do want to visit to meet there new family :-(  im very happy to live in egypt as my partner wishes not to live in the uk.. due to his mum is very ill so yes reading up and embracing the egyptian culture is deffo a must for me. Im christian and wonderd if i must convert to muslim however my husband to be states my choice entirely (although he would like me to be he wants to marry me for me reguardless of what i choose). He says in egypt it is hard life and very different to the easy life i currently have .. and i must know this.... how did you find living in egypt at first. I want to work but heard that work is hard to find for english people ??

There is very little cost to getting married in Egypt
A 3 month tourist visa ... small .. cant remember less than £5
A special stamp in the post office ... less than £2
A small cost in the marriage office ... less than £10
A medical cert from a government hospital ... free or very small cant remember
You don't have to convert ... a Muslim man can marry anyone however a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man
Living in Egypt is very difficult unless you are rich .... really difficult
Living in Egypt is more difficult if you can't speak Arabic
Living in Egypt is more difficult if you are a Woman ....
Getting work in Egypt is difficult and very difficult if you are an English woman who can't speak fluent Arabic
I am an Irish man who married an Egyptian woman and we live in Ireland. I spent about 7 months in Egypt in a two year period before we were married so I have a fair view of life there as an outsider. Got married last year.
If you want more info my email address is
Kindest regards

Thank you for your reply ... im confused a muslim man can marry a christian women. But a muslim women can only marry a muslim man so are you muslim?  The person i wish to marry wants to divorce his wife... and i am going through a divorce already. Our divorces are for seprate reasons and marriage on both sides had already broken down before we met. My partner is 27 and im 38. He wishes to marry me this october of my divorce is finalized. He doesnt wish to leave in england due to family ties his mum been ill and he has younger i will have to live as egyptian women just hope i find work i know now it is my choice to convert if i wish but if not i can stay the same. Thankyou again for advice .. as for marriage it all seem very complicated needing this doing that ... doesnt appear straight forward to me x

Hello Aleesav

Mabrouk on your recent nuptials.
I am planning on getting married in August in Cairo, I am British my Fiance is Egyptian National. I was wondering if you could help me with a couple of specific questions and apologies if they have been answered elsewhere on this thread. I've done my best to scan though it but it's very long and I didn't find all of the points I am concerned about.

I have never been married before and neither has my Fiance, do we need to get a paper to say that we have not been married before? If so, where do I get that from? And where does he get that from?

Is it a requirement to have a marriage contract drawn up beforehand or not? (I know the implications for both, I am just asking if it is a requirement).

Many thanks

If the age gap is relatively big, I would question the intention. As it's not usual for Egyptian men to marry older women (unless they have something on offer). Usually that means an opportunity of citizenship to a developed country. Be careful.

Hello all,

I'm a British citizen planning on getting married in Egypt to an Egyptian guy this summer inshallah. I have read through all the advice on this forum which has been amazing help, so thank you to all! However, I have one or two questions...

1. I realise that I need a certificate of no-impediment, or a declaration from the British embassy in Egypt. I read that getting the certificate of no-impediment from my local registrar in the UK will not be valid in Egypt. However, what if I get the certificate obtained in the UK legalised at the foreign office in the UK and then legalised by the Egyptian consulate in London. Will this be valid? I have contacted the Egyptian consulate here and they said they will be happy to legalise my certificate and that they provide this service. It would be pretty stupid of them to agree to do this if it will not be valid in Egypt, right? I do realise that we are talking about Egypt though and that I shouldn't put that kind of stupidity past them... so thought I'd ask here! Please let me know as I don't want to waste the money on getting my certificate here and legalised (plus travelling to London to go to the consulate) if it won't even be valid. Also, if it is valid, will I need it translated?

2. Do I also need my British birth certificate to be legalised (both by the foregin office and the egyptian consulate), and translated? Or is the no-impediment certificate and my passport enough?

3. I am born Muslim, with both my parents being Muslim, and my name clearly shows that I was born Muslim. I have read in a post on the forum that if I look Muslim and my name suggests that I'm muslim, then they won't ask for evidence on this. Is this true or do I still need the evidence? Also, does the evidence need to come from al-azhar or can I get it in the UK here somewhere before I travel?

4. I am from Egyptian origin (my parents are Egyptian) but I do not have the Egyptian nationality. Because of this, I enter Egypt without a visa, I enter with "men 2sl masry" scribbled on my passport next to the entry stamp by the guy at passport control. Will I still be able to get the touristic residency stamp at mogamaa, even though I have no visa on my passport?

5. Finally, is it worth it for my fiance to get us a lawyer for all this or is that a waste of money and we can do it all ourselves? I read online somewhere that the MoJ will not provide the marriage contract for us, and we need to come with it ready prepared to be signed. Is this true? And if so, do we need a lawyer, or can we obtain this from somewhere else?

Thanks very much in advance, and apologies if any of these questions have already been answered before here!


Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any insight on this situation.

Two foreigners, one a dual national Egyptian (male), Married in Egypt as foreigners. Even though the age difference is over 25 years.

They married in a local register office but not in lazoughly Cairo.

when checked under his local nationality this marriage does not exist nor does it exist in the uk records.

How is this possible??

Hi Hebah

I got all my paperwork in Egypt. I did not get anything stamped in the UK. The certificate of no impediment was done at the British Embassy in Cairo. I took my birth certificate as it was and I put on the forms you complete there that I was Muslim .....We had no problems at all. Congratulations and have a happy married life Insha Allah !!!


I'm a British national looking to marry my Egyptian partner at the end of this year. Now the dilemma we have is I am a divorcee which he knows about fully but his upper class family does not and he is convinced they will reject the idea of marriage if they knew. Right now they love me to bits and all is great.
However we are now petrified as he has been told by "a friend" (I hate that way of finding out info) that my previous marriage will be written on our marriage certificate along with my ex-husbands name so his family will find out. Is this true?
If so is there any way to get around the Egyptian registrar ie can we pay them to not write it?
I must declare at the UK embassy my previous marriage as they will be able to see from my name changes etc as I still carry my marriage name etc.
Any advice would be extremely helpful


yes it is true
you can arrange for not letting them see the papers.....thats and your husband only recieve them

Please explain further, because of course his parents will want to see the marriage document and that's the problem.
Can we pay them not to write it?

...and the required documents would be?

I have an appointment at the British Embassy in Cairo which I thought was the first thing to do (step 1)

But now I am wondering if I need certain documents BEFORE our appointment at the British Embassy, I have an appointment but the letter only says that I need to bring my proof of address and my passport.
So does this mean the I should get 1/ the medical cerificate 2/ the family stamp and 3/ the appropriate visa AFTER the appointment at the British Embassy.

It is not clear when to get what and the sequence or order in which to get documents. People seem to have slightly different sequences and this is worrying me. I don't want to turn up with just the documents they said to bring in my letter only to find that these additional ones also should have arranged before and brought to the embassy.

its a bit complicated too much paper work

Raven3121 wrote:

Please explain further, because of course his parents will want to see the marriage document and that's the problem.
Can we pay them not to write it?

The truth will come out. And then what? It's too risky.

it depends if they accept bribery

Hello after months of reading all of these posts in preparation I am in Cairo now and we are going through the process. We had our appointment at the embassy, it was very straight forward. Filled out a form paid £150 they then gave me a paper which we had to take to Ministry of Foreign affairs to get stamped. When we arrived at the MOFA the queue was right around the building and utter chaos. My husband found an office at the side where we could pay 50L.E and get it quicker sonwe went to that office and sat down to wait. While we were there an employee told us about a Lawyer who could sort all the papers out for us in 24hrs. We decided to go and meet him, his office was in the next street to the British Embassy. He is  charging £250 or 2500L.E  he has a photo studio in the next room where we did our photo's for the documents. I left my pasport with him and tomorrow we will go back and collect our marriage certificate and he will also arrange to have it translated and the certified translated certificate posted to us in about 10 days. I am now relaxing in our hotel pool and relieved that we don't have to rush about getting taxi's sitting in traffic in 40 degree heat.

Was your husband able to join you in the UK?

Did everything go ok? I wondered if you could add me as a contact do we can chat please.
Cheryl UK