
Residency in Morocco


Hi Guys,

Found this forum quite helpful. I need help with the immigration situation. My in laws hold Asian passport thus had to take a tourist visa and they are in Morocco now. We love it here so do they. We are Brits and been coming here on holiday for years. Now we are finding it very difficult to find out how to get them residency here. My father in law owns a property in the UK and has it's rental income and some savings. Can someone points us to the right direction! Any questions welcome.

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@Sultanofficial good afternoon, I completed this process when i first came to morocco some years ago. i will speak about Fes which is where i reside. I learned ahead if time to bring birth certificates, ID from country of origin,  marriage certificate of married, copies of bank statememts showing you are able to support yourself, documents showing you have no criminal record, also youd need a notorized letter( each area of every city has a specific notary for that area) stating you are finacially capable of taking care of yourself and will not ask the moroccan govt for any assistance. this just for a one year residency. youll also need four passport photos. the paperwork is at the immigration police office in the city you want to live. All of these things have to be translated to either french or arabic. it was an easy process i had no problems. make sure to keep copies of everything. if they are already renting a place immigration will need a copy of that and the electric and water bill. Hope this helps if i can remember it cost 300dh to file can’t remember the notary amount but it wasnt much