Brit marrying in Morrocco - help

Hi guys,

just wondering if you could help. I'm trying to officially get married and overwhelmed with the entire process. trying to get my head around which documents i need and who's mother's grandfather's adoul i need to go to. But i have a few questions:

1) Is ACRO a necessary requirement? will a basic DBS check suffice?

2) i'm self-employed. i have no work certificate and no paycheck. what should i do?

3) How do i use the morrocan website to get the criminal background check? it keeps asking me to scan CNIE. it's very confusing: … ture=fr-FR


@umerfarooq1 are you male or female?

if you are female the work certificate etc doesn't matter as the expectation is the man will be the provider. if you are make then just ensure you have your most recent tax return and if you have a website or some invoices or something like that too will help. The Adoul will tell you what specific documents he wants.

i used the in person assistance service and they helped me collate all documents and arranged the translations and appointments etc (apart from the embassy one as you have to do that) but they will arrange everything else the same day as your embassy appointment which means you'll have everything ready by the end of the day to hand to your adoul. It really made things easier for us and i think the total cost for the assistance and the translations came to about £400-500 total. was worth it.

i used ACRO as most research suggested that the DBS check wouldnt be sufficient. ACRO is a bit slow though so get the application submitted asap.



I am male. Thank you very much for this. how can i access the in-person service? i may consider this. Also, is the birth certificate necessary too? i've lost mine so will need to order it.

Yes you will need your birth certificate. They have a website which if you google marriage in morocco you'll see their website (thats the name of the business) otherwise if you want i can message you their number they are on whatsapp. its run by James and Sara. james is British and Australian and Sara is his wife and she is moroccan. they are definitely worth it!

@SJAS85 i've found their website, thank you very much!