How long to get a Residency permit ?

Hi, can anyone tell me how long approximately it takes to get residency visa after being given the permission from the EDB to purchase a property over $375k . Thank you

All I can tell you is that we submitted ours at the beginning of February and are still waiting.

Thank you for your reply. Sadly it is not good news for us. We are about to complete on a property and we were wondering how long before we get the visa, so that we can ship our belongings with the visa and therefore no dutie to be paid at customs. It looks like we will be owning an empty property for a while before we can live in it, with our belongings not being able to arrive. Do you have any experience of this  dilemma ?


Hi, you kindly replied to a question which I posted in May. So far it has taken us a year to get nowhere.  We signed the original promise of sale to purchase an apartment last June. Then the building work has been delayed, new contracts written 3 times . No response from the EDB since February , for the letter of approval. Now our PCR is again null and void as the date for hearing from the EDB has passed.  We are so close but yet still so far away from living our dream in Mauritius.

Please could you let me know if you have heard back from the EDB yet ?

Can anyone else let me know of their experiences ?

We are at the end of our patience and thinking of maybe retiring in a different country as our experience so far has been incredibly frustrating !

@fionajacombs  thank you for this information, sad though it is. The EDB website makes things look easy for the PDS route, but I can see this is ridiculously complicated due to several factors.

I was just wondering, in your particular case, if you were 50 or above, would it be easier to get the retirement permit so that you could visit and stay as long as you want, while overseeing the acquisition of property. You could then get the residency via the property acquisition route anyway and get your retirement permit changed. Retirement permit does not mean you have to spend all your time in Mauritius, as long as you meet the criteria of age and money transferred.

Best of luck.