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I'm French/English. Live sometimes in France and sometimes in UK plus visits to Spain.

I'm an interior designer working on contract with a Lodge construction company.

I was fortunate to gain the contract with Lodge Homes France but I am judged on each home so I do not get complacent.

That's me!

In UAE you have big chances as Interior designer


Hi Chrissy,

Interesting profession yours!

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I am available for any further information you might require.

Kind Regards,


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@chrissyb63 Correct me if I am wrong,  This is not done to discourage, but rather to foster continuous growth and improvement. Embracing a proactive approach, I recommend starting your search in Africa, particularly countries like Morocco. Africa is emerging as a promising destination for investors, with a multitude of exciting opportunities and substantial investments unfolding across various sectors.

Hi @chrissyb63 that sounds interesting. The world is waiting for your services, especially in Africa, an emerging market. I am an African here in France for my PhD. The experience has been good so far, but coming from an English-speaking country, it's a challenge.

@PhD Doctor


Africa? Can't imagine.

As things stand I work in the UK, France and Spain.

The colours favoured vary quite a bit which I find interesting. I try to keep in touch with trends and interpret  tastes rather than impose my own all the time. Africa, though interesting would need a whole new research!

@Heart Collector

Hi. I've had a couple of people suggest Africa.

Although there is always room for more design work, I am quite busy with my lodge work. Basically I'm self employed so I have the freedom but I have a contract to design the interiors for all the manufacturers lodge units. This takes me to Spain and back to UK. I know there is a big order for next year so expect to be busy which is how I like it.




Hi.. I understand where you are coming from. However, there is no harm in trying new adventures. As you rightly said, research and see what you can explore.

@chrissyb63 That sounds great, my best wishes for your all projects.

Thanks. X

@chrissyb63 Witnessing the success of our friends and colleagues is an incredibly heartwarming experience. It fills us with pride, joy, and a sense of shared accomplishment. Knowing that they've worked hard, overcome challenges, and achieved their goals is a testament to their dedication and perseverance. It also serves as a reminder that success is attainable for all of us with determination and effort.

@Heart Collector


Well I left college after studying interior design and used every contact I could think of. My Mum is French and Dad is associated with construction.

I managed to secure a contract with two lodge manufacturer s.

This is why I am in France, Spain and UK.

I then registered a company rather than just working for them.

This puts me in a certain position to work my own hours to a degree as long as deadlines are met.

I had a big meeting last week and took Mood boards with samples to the decorators. All the paint and wall paper arrives on site tomorrow and bedding with furniture ghe week after which is when I return to site.

@chrissyb63 that was the best decision to work as an consultant which allows you to work on other projects. I am an hospitality consultant and when it comes to the mood boards I prefer to have Three , 1 for the ID, 2 For the Client and 3 for myself signed by all the stakeholders.

@chrissyb63 If those lodges will be furnished I will suggest to ask the Client if you can also manage FF&E and OS&E.

I order the kitchen which is fitted before delivery and use that as a theme. Many are open plan so it influences the colour pallet. So many are cream or white which is fine but my last one was bottle green with spot lights which looks great. Furniture is sometimes specified by the client. If not I spec it and then work with the manufacturer to control costs etc.

I work my margins into the specification and then charge a consultation fee.

It works vary well but not always the same per lodge.

I am working on 26 at one site right now. As they arrive I have a file for each. Some are already sold and some are not which adds to the fluctuations in spec.

@chrissyb63 I am truly impressed by how you are managing all the intricate aspects of this project. Your dedication and hard work are evident, and I have no doubt that the client will recognize and appreciate your efforts. I want to extend my best wishes to you, knowing first hand just how challenging such endeavors can be. Keep up the outstanding work!

Thanks. I'm loving it too.x

@chrissyb63 Isn't it amazing how, in the initial stages, all we have are drawings and renderings, and then later, these visions become a tangible reality? It's a remarkable transformation that fills you with pride when you finally see the finished product standing before you, a testament to creativity and hard work brought to life.